Chereads / Rabbit's Foot: Heartbreak Hero / Chapter 80 - Rabbit's Foot: Heartbreak Hero Rewritten

Chapter 80 - Rabbit's Foot: Heartbreak Hero Rewritten

"Everyday... Everyday gets brighter and brighter. At least I think so." Avis chirped as she walked down the central plaza with Vinea and Senshi. It was the two year anniversary of what was almost the end of the world. 

And despite the doom and gloom everyone thought they were to face, The brave Heartbroken Hero, Ven Misa had stopped it by himself. No one really knows what happened when the spire collapsed, some would claim that Panila, now going by Lucy, had helped. 

While others believe that Mollia must have turned up to help.

But it didn't exactly matter to the three. They went back to their almost normal lives. Almost.

The three were just hanging around the city, waiting until the Memorial of the Lost started. Apparently Lucy was to announce the new Domain Leader of what was originally Devouring.

"So... What are we thinkin' for lunch?" Avis chirped, putting on a pair of sunglasses as the sunlight from the now viewable sky emerged from behind a cloud. "I could go for something with shrimp." Vinea shrugged. Senshi poked her head out from his hoodie, shaking her head. "I feel like w-we should just go for something quick... I think T-Tophina's place is open."

"Bleh, I always feel like they want to eat me." Avis said with a light chirp as they crossed the street, passing by an electronic store. A news broadcast of the newest domain leader, Kiola S'tears, the dragon from another world, played. 

The dragon was just bragging about her new name change of Dreamy Domain to Dragon's Domain, yet the broadcast was interrupted by Lucy yelling at the dragon about how distasteful that was to the late Cheshire. 

As the trio continued walking, they managed to make their way into Desires. It had cleaned up dramatically since Anubiz took over for Ami, who gave up her position after the whole almost end of the world thing. 

Avis thought it would be nice to visit her sister, and so the trio stepped inside The Dark Brew Café, the little oracle's new business that was personally funded by Biz herself. 

The three sat at the counter, watching as the void faced girl stumbled around, trying her best to fill out as many orders as she could. "You know you could try a bit of magic." Penumbra groaned, stepping out from the backroom in a more humanoid form.

The shadowy woman slowly skulked around, helping Ami out with as little effort as she could. The two of them had grown into a rather odd pairing since the ordeal. Both now needed the other to live, yet Peni had figured a way to give herself a liveable form... If only a shadow of herself.

 The former domain leader eventually noticed the three, dropping everything she was doing to chat. "H-H-Heya!" She said with a giddy excitement, glitching over to them before leaning against the counter like a cat.

The trio exchange light pleasantries before ordering some tea. Despite the litany of complaints the store received, no one would ever say the drinks were bad... Just the customer service, awful smell and the occasional tears in their food. 

"So... W-What's going on with you g-guys?" Ami asked as she passed out the mugs. "Just doin' nothing. Like usual." Avis remarked, but Senshi was quick to take the opportunity to humbly brag about her life.

"I-I'm getting married!" The centipede proudly proclaimed, though it wasn't new information since Eido had broadcast the engagement all over the city last week. 

Surprisingly, the spider idol was allowed to stay as Diminutive Domain's leader, since Lucy couldn't actually find someone more qualified. Then again, what politician/music artist hasn't been responsible for a few deaths?

Though it did little to stop Senshi from being giddy about it. After all, she and Eido were always meant to be... Well, the two insisted that anyway. Both Avis and Vinea did think it was weird that the idol was staying with the centipede, considering she was mainly responsible for her transformation.

"But t-that's h-here nor there! I-I'm happy. A-All that matters, r-right?"

"Eh." Avis tilted her robotic hand side to side with a light smirk on her beak. As the day continued on, a few familiar faces swung by the café. 

Biz and Grey had stopped by for an afternoon drink... And maybe check on a secret weapons stash the Leader may or may not have left in case of emergencies. The Fox like mimic sat next to the trio, while the jackal calmly left into the back of the somewhat rundown store. Ami quickly followed after her sort of boss, leaving the four to chat a bit.

"Grey! How you doing? Not getting into any... Uh... Shit, I can't think of a pun." Vinea put a vine out to shake his friend's hand. The mimic could only role his eyes, motioning something about him being a twat. 

With a bit of a catch up chat, Grey motioned something about Biz still trying to find both Nvr2B and Iyu, who had both gone off the radar since the incident. The jackal was determined for her revenge, even if she wouldn't be able to get it against Splice directly.

"That's... Depressing." Avis chimed in. "Actually, what ever happened to Cerbi's body?" Vinea suddenly asked. Grey motioned something about it still being in the Warden's custody. The same with Apex's. The mere motion referencing that Decaynine, sent a shiver down the vine kid's spine.

In the two years it had taken to somewhat rebuild, Lucy had to find a new source of Decaynines. Luckily, Parfait helped out by offering a 'nicer way' of creating a policing form. She introduced the 'Hero' system to the warden, and despite her hesitance to it in the beginning, it had surprisingly worked out rather well. 

Many people stepped up to the role. Even Lucy occasionally goes out to deal with problem citizens herself now. Though the one thing that Grey didn't like about the system was one robotic hound themed heroine who went by the name Tangi. 

He didn't know what it was about her, but she just made him feel sick to his stomach. Vinea was a bit weirded out by the mimic's obsession with her, though Avis felt it in her heart. "I bet you loooove her."

That then sparked an entire debate about love that lasted hours. 

Yet in the newly rebuilt Detainment, Lucy was sat in the judgement hall alone. She had been preparing a speech that was sure to stir the hearts of many while also thinking up a way to clean up the remaining debris of the Spire of Stars. 

Despite the Warden's constant planning for her city, even she could do with a break and what better way to unwind than with a light bit of torture? 

The demon rose from her seat and entered through a swirling vortex of chains into her realm. As the black sun loomed above, she walked across the brimstone pathway to a more twisted and crueller version of the already intimidating Dungeon of Detainment. 

Down a winding staircase she walked and into a gigantic chamber of pure white light that seemed to make up the walls. A far outcry from anything else in her realm, Lucy had built this room to hold her greatest prisoner yet.

Sat in the centre of the room, the seven sub-minds of Eden, strung up in chains. Each of them powerless. 

Except for Desires.

The only heart to still have power, one that Lucy struggled to find. The heart that now housed the hero of the world and her power... All but useless in the Demon's realm. All Mollia was left with was her soul, trapped in the replica of her lover's heart.

Maybe one day Lucy would let her out, but that would most likely be but a pipe dream for the Former Hero. For now, she was going to experience yet another day of her endless punishment.

With little else to do today, the current number one part time hero, Vex, was relaxing under the sun. With the endless desert around her, she sat near the gigantic chasm where the city dwelled. It had been a rough few years since she lost her parents, but she had learned to make the most of her training by helping people... And funding her drug habit.

With a lighter in hand, the jackelope lit up a blunt to unwind. After all, why shouldn't the daughter of a hero get a bit of free time?

"Are you just going to sit there and do nothing, zero, or jack all?" A masculine voice said from behind. 

Vex jumped to her feet, pointing Chainbreaker towards the lanky, dark skinned man wearing a rather classy yet mystical black and purple suit. He raised his hands up, giving a playful smirk. "You know it's impolite, mean and downright rude to hold a gun..? Blade? Whatever that thing is, up to an unarmed man."

"Who the hells are you?" She sighed, lowering her weapon slightly. The man summoned a stylish cane that he leaned against before pulling out a business card from his suit pocket. "Dr Zanir Markeeth. Witch Doctor, master of multidimensional travel and proud professional chef. At your service."

Vex was a tad confused. Then again, the city was filled with weirdos. So she just assumed he was another weirdo. Yet the man did look strange, like he was out of place. The doctor casually gave the card to her before looking into the hole.

"And do you just speak in threes for fun?"

"Maybe, sorta, kinda." He laughed, spinning back around with a twirl of his cane. He pointed to the hole, now getting to the point of his visit. "I'm here about a... Portal. Someone opened one up a bit ago it seems, feels and seemingly smells like too."

"Yeah... Whole thing. Legally, I'm not allowed to say anything." She shrugged, shooting him a teasing grin to match his own. Zanir sighed a bit, not too happy about her beating around the bush. "Well is Rat here? Or Mollia? Whichever one she is right now, I wanna see her."

Vex's ears twitched at the name. Lucy had it under strict orders that Rat's identity as Mollia was to never be shared under any circumstance. So either Lucy knew this guy... Or Mollia did. 

"How... Did you know her?"

"Did? As in past tense!? Are you kidding, playing and fooling me!" He groaned. It seems he was decently aware of who she was, but for him to get so riled up over her passing was... Weird. Vex decided to fill him in on what happened and the Doctor couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Of course, of course, of course..." He sighed. "I guess I she had to die sometime... Man, woman and child... Well, thanks for the news then." 

Before Vex could get in another word, the witch doctor leapt down the hole in a fiery blink. She could only sigh as she laid back down. "See you, I guess..." 

A few more hours passed and as the moon began to rise, the citizens of Pandora's Tears all began to flood into the newly rebuilt Devouring Domain for the Memorial of The Lost. A grand stage was set up in front of the newly renovated Butchers and Sweets Emporium. 

The sight of the Festival was almost enough to move Lucy's Heart... Almost. The clanking of chains silenced the murmurs of the crowd as the current Domain Leaders took to the stage. Of course the monstrously cute Eido made a more grander entrance by dropping from the ceiling and landing with a dazzling flip.

Biz was the next to stroll on stage, her newly improved limbs were a stunning sight. The Jackal had went for a more golden look, especially with her dress that could blind a man if the right light was shined on it.

A bulky blue scaled draconic woman, Kiola, stepped on stage next. She easily towered over the other two, yet looked the most uncomfortable. Perhaps it was do to the ill fitting dress Lucy had commissioned Senshi for. Problems only a dragon could go through... Or really anyone? I mean, dresses are pretty tight. 

As everyone watched for Lucy to step out, they were instead greeted by an orange coloured robotic hound headed hero. Lucy's new personal guard and top hero of Pandora's Tears, Tangi. The robotic hound could only let out a cheery laugh as they spotted a familiar mimic in the crowd. 

"I suppose the memorial should commence?" 

A calm, cold voice rung through out the ears of everyone attending. Suddenly, the moon hanging above was enshrouded in chains before a demonic silhouette appeared on the stage. everyone in the crowd was all but ready to run, considering the last time something like this happened.

But instead of some creepy eldritch being crawling out of a TV, Lucy emerged in her most elegant chained up suit. "My people. Today is a reminder of everything we have been through. The fear, the terror, the crippling parental issues."

People began muttering and whispering at that last part but Lucy continued, walking along the stage as she looked over her leaders. "Each of these mortals have proven themselves in someway. Perhaps you won't understand why I even keep some of them? But that's the truth of the matter.

There are just some things you won't understand."

"Has she gotten worst at speeches?" Vinea whispered over to Vex. "Eh. Probably. Speaking of "she", where's Avis?" She asked. Vinea looked around the crowd before scratching his head. "Uh... No clue... And what a weird Segway. Like, you could have tried better, you know?"

"I'm allowed to be lazy with words."

"Says the Nitty."

"The fuck is a Nitty!?" Vex yelled a bit too loudly. She quickly shut her mouth when she felt the piercing gaze of Lucy.

"Are you finished interrupting? As I was saying... With Tophina's departure from their position. I have chosen a new leader who... Wanted to change the name of the domain along with her ownership... So," 

Lucy snapped her fingers and dramatically silenced any light from shining. The sounds of stumbling and mumbling could be heard on the stage, before a squawk of light pain. With another snap of The Warden's fingers, the lights came back on to reveal The Newest Domain Leader of Pandora's Tears. 

"Ladies, Gentlemen, Everything in between. I would like to introduce you to our newest Leader..." Lucy tried her best to sound positive but her attitude devolved into annoyance as a harpy holding a guitar stepped out from behind. 

"Avis!" The harpy cheered before playing a riff on her guitar. Biz looked astonished at Lucy's decision. But the demon always had a plan... Except for Avis. The Warden may or may not have been lightly blackmailed by the information about Mollia.

Avis began playing her soul out, joined by the crowd. What was supposed to be a rather calm and light hearted event, ended up becoming Avis's debut in the music scene. The harpy managed to get all but three songs out before Lucy stepped in to finish her announcement. 

"And with the harpy's rise to the position... She has requested a name change to the domain. Devouring Domain is no more-" But Avis quickly cut her off, rising into the air with her wings and loudly proclaiming to the world. 


The night was one of fun and partying. Many note worthy things happened besides Avis's rise in power. Ami and Peni ended up getting caught up in a drinking game against Uma, promptly loosing. 

Vinea was forced into a fight because of his own drunken ramblings. It ended with 3 casualties and 14 people injured. Grey would later go on record to write that it was "An experience he went through."

Arachne and Senshi were reportedly slow seen dancing under the chained moonlight. Despite the size difference, they seemed genuinely happy. 

Vex was sent to a hospital in Pandora's Melody after reportedly trying a drug made from Tophina's own blood. She would later lose a portion of her liver in the resulting six surgeries. Yet, the Jackelope was surprisingly alright about the whole ordeal, claiming she had the best high of her life. 

From an eye witness's report, it seems that Grey and Tangi were seen fighting just outside the domain, with the mimic assassin seeming to yell something about "The Apex Of Decaynines". 

Lucy was seen retreating inside the Emporium with Avis and the two having an apparent conversation. With that, the reports of the night were filed the following morning and everything remained decent. Not happy, not sad... Just existing. 

"At least from what I gathered. But hey-ho, the rodent is dead, buried and gone... Seemingly at least." Markeeth said with a light chuckle as he stood inside a saintly white room made of marble. He tossed the reports of what he'd written into a seemingly endless pit before him before walking away.

"Oh, and Ennu... We should probably not mess with a star's ending just cause it saves us problems later."

*Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just get back to work, my mortal.*

"Everyday... Everyday of infinity you're always so rude, mean and downright reckless. But you pay me." The witch doctor laughed, waving off whatever laid dormant in the pit and leaving up a flight of circling stairs. He soon recalled something as he left his work, tapping his cane against his chin playfully. 

"Now... I swear Jaina said something about a potential new hire? Oh well."

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