Chereads / Rabbit's Foot: Heartbreak Hero / Chapter 89 - Dragon Vs Bioweapon

Chapter 89 - Dragon Vs Bioweapon

"You know the rules and so do I, but in case you're new, let me give a quick run down of the rules." Clawhouser said as he stood between Nvr and Kiola. "The first one who is rendered incapacitated or dies loses. And tonight, we have a special prize for our fighters!" He yelled as the crowd went quiet.

He pulled out a robotic white heart which glowed a light pink. It looked tiny in his claws as he held it up for all to see. "We found this thing in the wreckage of otherworldly ship that could sail through the skies! The winner tonight gets it and the boat load of people we found on it!" He yelled, making the crowd cheer. 

Kiola let out a slight huff at the mention of her crew, but Nvr seemed almost excited once her eyes laid on the heart. But Lucy let out a yell as the weretiger held up the heart. "THAT'S MINE!" She called out, but was deafened by the crowds cheers of excitement. Ro, casually pulled her back to her seat.

"Just relax, we'll get whatever that thing is." She said with a light cough as Lucy begrudgingly tried her best to not leap into the arena and snatch the Subminds back. 

"Now... Are you people ready to witness greatness in the glory of combat!?" He yelled at the top of his lungs, making the crowd scream in delight. Nvr put her hand out to shake Kiola's, but the dragoness simply swatted it away.

"Bug off, Girly. I'll get what's mine." She growled, making Nvr laugh in delight as she held her fleshy grey sword. "I can't wait to break you...

"Get ready... Fight!" He yelled before Nvr immediately knocked Kiola to the sky before leaping up after her. Kiola was barely able to shield herself with her wings, that quickly sprouted from her back, just able to minimise the damage as she crashed back to the ground. 

"Fuuuuuuck...." She groaned as a white mist began leaving her mouth, enveloping her body. Nvr began to charge in, swinging Grey down, only to pull back as a gigantic dragon claw swiped at her head. As the mist cleared, Kiola, now sporting two gigantic draconic blue scaled claws, stood before the bioweapon. 

"What? Not gonna compliment me?" She smirked, bringing both her unwieldy arms down towards Nvr, who swiftly ran her hands along Kiola's arms as she charged in. "[Ruptured Shambles]" She giggled, causing Kiola's arms to inflate before they exploded into a mess of bloodied, scaled spikes.

The dragon let out a scream of pain as she tried to move her ruptured arms, but the spikes had dug into the ground, leaving her immobile. As Nvr closed the gap, readying to knock Kiola out (or possibly kill her, Either were possible), the dragon gave a smirk as mist began leaking from her mouth. 

With each breath, more and more mist began to surround the two. Nvr didn't know what her plan was, but figured it would be a safe bet to back off, launching herself above as Grey shifted into a fleshy rifle with a tooth for the trigger. As Nvr took aim, Kiola's form began to fester lightly before she grew to a monumental size, bigger then the colosseum. 

Nvr was knocked off balance by the attack, quickly trying to reorganise herself with the help of Grey, who had shifted into a grappling hook that she used to swing around Kiola's body. The dragon began trying to swat at her, but Nvr knew how to take down big opponents.

"You bug, are you really trying to feel me up right now?!" The dragon yelled as Nvr began running her hand down Kiola's legs. "This will hurt... ALOT." She laughed, landing to the ground as she turned away and snapped her fingers. Kiola tried to crush her under foot before feeling her body explode into spikes. 

The dragon let out a piercing screech as she began shrinking back down in unbearable pain. She collapsed to the ground as Nvr slowly approached. Putting Grey on, who had shifted back into a scarf, she leaned down to the dragon, who was squirming in pain.

"Do you concede?" She asked with a big grin, her sharp teeth on full display as she leant in close to Kiola's face, Grey having made his body into sharp spikes that were pointed at the dragon's neck. She let out a defeated breath before laughing. 

"Haven't you ever heard that you shouldn't get close to a dragon's maw?" She laughed and grabbed Nvr's head with her mangled arms, pulling her in for a kiss. Everyone went dead silent at the sight.

"Is... Is you friend alright in the head?" Arlo asked as he turned to Lucy. The former demon gave a simple wave of her hand as she smirked. "It's Kiola's favourite move. I think she named it the Kiss Of Micro Death?" 

"And why's that?" Ro asked with a curious glance as Arlo leaned over the railing to get a better look. 

Kiola began breathing as much mist as she could into Nvr's mouth. The Bioweapon pulled away, kicking Kiola back as she began to cough, something she hadn't done in years. "What? Was that your first kiss?" The dragon said with a smirk as she laid down on the floor. 

Nvr leaped at Kiola, raising a fist to slam the dragon's skull to the floor. But once she got in close, she bounced off of her head, falling on her back to see the now seemingly gigantic, nearly defeated dragoness with a condescending smirk.

"What's the matter? Feeling a bit small?" She laughed, picking up the now ant sized Nvr and Grey before slowly crushing the two between her fingers. "Give up?" 

Nvr began to struggle as she tried to use her strength to stop herself from being crushed, but her strength had been sapped along with her size. Knowing even her regeneration wouldn't be able to save her from being crushed to the extent Kiola was threatening, she begrudgingly conceded.

"Fine... I admit defeat."

"We... We have a WINNER!" Clawhouser yelled as the crowd began to cheer for the battered and bruised dragon, who weakly stood up and held Nvr2b and Grey above her head as she triumphantly yelled; "No one can beat me!" 

"Woah, didn't expect that one." Ro said with a disgusted look at the idea of the move. Arlo was screaming his lungs out louder then most of the other audience members as he cheered Kiola's name. 

"Please. Kiola can't even hold a candle to me." Lucy said with a light smirk. "But not right now, right?" Arlo quickly grabbed his popcorn, sitting down next to the now flustered woman. "I still have power... And if Kiola agrees to a contract... Hmm. I suppose we will have to see her anyway. Let's go."

Lucy quickly walked away to go and meet up with Kiola as the two horsemen let out a sigh. "At least she seemingly likes us more then Him." Ro said as she followed behind. Arlo quickly grabbed his popcorn and ran after the two. 

The three of them stood in front of a wooden door in the underground of the colosseum, the place where the fighters both trained and rested before their battles. Arlo put a floppy ear to the door as he heard the sounds of cheering between two people. "I hear Kiola and another woman in there."

"Then we can enter." Lucy said as she summoned a chain to break the locked door open. "Kiola, congrats on... Uh..." The former demon froze as she walked in on the sight of Kiola being licked by her blue scaled kobold, Cyel as she bathed in a wooden bathtub.

The dragon quickly tossed her kobold to the side as she rushed out of the tub, hugging Lucy tightly, her tail wrapping them up as well. "It's been months, Lucy! Where have you been!?" 

"PUT SOME CLOTHES ON!" She yelled, trying to shove Kiola off, but realised rather quickly that Kiola had was much stronger then her now as the dragon continued holding her. Once she had finished her hug and pulled away, she eyed Lucy over with a confused look. "You look... Younger. And less scary. Are you feeling good, Boss?"

Lucy let out a sigh as she went over what had happened after Ven had scattered them. Kiola looked amused at the idea of Lucy now being weaker then her, teasingly playing with her bangs. "I guess that means I'm back to being the boss?"

"No. This is just a minor set back." She sighed before summoning a contract in her hands, trying her best to look Kiola in the eyes. "Sign this and give me a percentage of your power. I would also asked that you help me recover my heart, though that is only if you wish."

Kiola give a smug look as she wrapped an ill fitting towel around herself, which made her kobold get slightly excited. "How about No?"

"No? NO?"

"Yeah. I don't take orders from someone weaker. In fact... You couldn't even defend yourself from my mist right now, right? But I'll do it... If you kiss my foot." She said as she raised one of her feet to Lucy's face.

Arlo and Ro were trying their best not to laugh as Cyel slowly raised her hand. "Not you." Kiola grumbled as Lucy was now having to genuinely think about this. It was either her pride or power. Both of which she loved. 

After a few more moments of quick mutterings to herself, Lucy took a deep breath. "Fine... I'll kiss your foot." She grumbled. Kiola let out a bellowing laugh as Lucy slowly put her lips on the dragon's bare foot. 

Kiola quickly stopped laughing, now seeming stunned. "Uh... I wasn't actually make you gonna do it... Holy shit you actually did." Kiola fell backwards as she began laughing even harder as Lucy felt her pride slowly melt away. "Y-YOU COULD HAVE SAID THAT SOONER!"

After Kiola had finished laughing her ass of and Ro having thrown up from the sight, Kiola did a "Gimmie" motion. "Come on, hand me your contract."

"Huh? Y-You're going to sign your power away t-to this worm? She's already weaker then you! Why bother helping!?" Cyel yelled as Kiola signed it before sitting down. "'Cause she's my boss. No matter the power. Plus, I gotta kick that Clawhouser guy's ass for making my crew serve him. They serve me and me alone... And Lucy."

"Speaking of which, how long have I been gone for?"

"Like six months? After we got scattered, I found out my crew had been taken in here as prisoners. Now I got em back, we can tear this place down!"

"Are Parfait and Peni here?"

"The gods? Uhm, Cyel?"

The kobold turned away, seemingly ignoring her master. "They disappeared along with that zipper girl and spider." She grumbled. Lucy let out a sigh of mist before turning back to Kiola. "Now then... Why don't we go over what we know?"

Everyone began discussing what they knew so far. Avis, Senshi, Vinea were missing still. The sub-minds and a few of Kiola's treasures were scattered across the land and the Airship had been taken to a not far off town.

"Then the best idea would be to recover the ship?" Arlo asked as Ro shook her head. "No. We still have to deal with Clawhouser."

"I can help with that." A tiny voice mumbled from a jar hanging from the ceiling. Lucy looked over to see Nvr, with Grey wrapped around her, stuck inside. "Why do you still have her?"

"I told Clawhouser the shrinking was permanent, so he let me take her." Kiola said with a smirk before picking up the sub-mind off of a drawer and tossing it to Lucy. "Oh and I figured you'd want that."

"Kiola, put some clothes on already."

"Don't put them on, master~"