Chereads / Rabbit's Foot: Heartbreak Hero / Chapter 46 - Splice and Dice

Chapter 46 - Splice and Dice

Everyone had soon met back up, with Fox leading everyone to a secluded spot in a beautiful park filled with flora from another time. Vinea soon spoke into a flower in a plant pot; "Death is Temporary, DNA is forever." He said, causing a door to appear in a nearby tree. 

"After me." Vinea said with a laugh going in first as everyone followed behind. The went down a long, winding staircase filled with digitised torches before reaching a small, white room with nothing in it but a desk with a woman who had zippers along her body, wearing a zip covered latex suit. She unzipped her mouth, greeting everyone with a smile. "Hello. This is the office of Splice. I am Iyu, How may I help?"

"Uhm... Our friend has been cursed by a demon and is bleeding out. Can Splice have a look?" Tika said with a bored look, placing Avis down in front of the receptionist. Iyu continued to smile before her unzipping a large zip down her chest. "Please hold."

As she undid her zip, Tika, Avis and Ven were dragged by tentacles inside of Iyu's body. Before anyone could attack, Fox put his hand out in a signal for them to wait. Ven tried to run back, but was swiftly dragged inside by the tentacles.

Tika and Ven found themselves in a dark purple lighted room as they heard a masculine voice muttering to themselves. "Splice?" Ven yelled out, before hearing a loud clattering sound. "Just a minute. You said the afflicted was cursed by a demon? Tell me its name."

"Uh, Panila Vincula." Ven yelled out before being blinded slightly by the lights. The room looked like an organise mess of both stacks of paper and random bits of technology. Soon, a masculine figure wearing a lab coat and two large robotic claws on their back, walked out with a blank expression. 

He used his claws to place Avis on an operating table, adjusting his split white and black hair. "How will you to be paying for this?" Splice asked in a rapid and analytical tone, running a claw over Avis's body.

Ven and Tika awkwardly looked at each other. "We don't have any money..."

Splice didn't seem to care, quickly closing the curtain and opening it, now looking more feminine, surprising the two. She turned to look at the two more closely before snapping her claw in surprise. "Ven and Zamtika Misa... With my Eden prototype?" 

The two quickly froze. "The hell you mean your Eden prototype?" Ven asked as Tika went for her gun-lance. "Well, I did make Eden. Who do you think your contractor was?" Splice said bluntly, casually dismissing the two as she ducked behind the table to grab something, becoming masculine once again. 

"So you're the reason the world ended!?" Ven yelled in frustration, realising how pointless this all is. But he set aside his hatred of Splice right now to ask; "Can you help Avis?"

Splice turned back to them with a blank stare. "I already removed the curse. I can't regenerate her limbs. So, get her some prosthetic arms and wings. She'll be flying in no time."

Ven and Tika stared blankly at Splice before between themselves. "That... That was all so fast. So what now?" He asked as he went to reach for Avis's hand, only to be stopped by Splice's Robotic claws reaching out and stopping him. "Ah, Ah, Ah. You have to pay me back."

"How?" Tika growled, again reaching for her gun-lance. "Simple. You're going to find me my next masterpiece. The Decaynine models were so played out after awhile. I want a new monster... And you're going to get my unwilling test subjects."

"Wait? You made Decaynines too?" Ven asked, a bit stunned at how casually Splice revealed everything they'd done. Tika on the other hand was a bit annoyed. "And why should we do this? We got what we wanted."

Splice's body tensed up a bit as they dipped behind the operating table again, now looking more androgynous in appearance as they said flatly. "Because you two fucked up my Eden project. Someone activated it early and now I'm stuck with my assistant as my lab. So if you don't want me to turn you into a cute little vial of sentient ooze to drink on a hot day, I suggest you keep your mouth shut and do your last job for me."

Zamtika slowly lowered her arm down, not wanting to be nothing but a drink. Tid-Bit quickly snatched control of Ven, speaking through his voice; "If we get you your subjects, can you tell me who I was before Eden?"

Splice seemed to think it over before nodding, being surprisingly easy to get information from. "Very well. Now, I want you to get me the three big heroes of Pandora's Melody. Once obtained, the bird is yours."

Ven took back control and pointed to them with a smirk. "Aaaand give Avis prosthetics from this city." He smirked, once again causing Splice to consider it before nodding. "Very well. But as leverage..." They dipped their claws into some dragon's mist and fired a needle into Tika's neck. In an instant she shrunk down to only a few centimetres tall, her clothes left on the ground as Splice placed her into a small container and tossing it to Ven. 

"That is my refined Dragon's mist, I'm sure you saw the results at Lillian Gate, correct. So if you don't have all three subjects back to me in about... 14 hours, she'll melt to nothing."

Ven stared dumbfounded at how fast everything was moving, before bursting into laughter as he glanced at Zamtika in his hand. "Oh Mollia. Of course they're still as weird as ever." He laughed, though it seemed Tika was yelling in frustration, but was muffled by the sealed container. 

"How many teams do you have on hand? I heard quite a few voices outside. So I assume you have a few people."

"I'd say we should have one team per leader."

Splice nodded and quickly scurried off before grabbing 3 tranq guns and specialised bullets. "These will make capturing and escorting the Protectors more easier. Each shot lasts 4 hours. I will give each gun 5 bullets. So make them count. Now get out. I'll watch your girlfriend's stuff along with the bird. Now run along, I hate long conversations." After Ven took the guns, bullets, and the sub-minds, he was forcibly expelled from the lab, landing on the floor with a thud.

"Oww..." He groaned as everyone gathered around him. Senshi noticed the bizarre smell of the bullets and asked; "Why do I smell dragon's mist?"

Vinea asked the more important question though; "Where's Avis?"

And Vex's ears twitched as she heard something; "And where's mom? And why do I hear muffled annoyance?"

After about 3 minutes of explaining what happened, he showed off the shrunken Zamtika in a container. Everyone looked a bit dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. "I guess ya can never really get out of the game, huh?" Moria laughed, nudging Mementis in the ribs. Though before anyone had bothered to come up with a plan, Ven was shaking Zamtika for a solid 30 seconds, mumbling repeatedly; "This is for killing me."

But after Ven's quick petty revenge, they began brain storming a plan. Vinea, Fox And Senshi would handle Goat, Mementis and Moria would handle Ice-Piercer, and Ven and Vex would handle Sun-Piercer. "Simple enough, right? What could go wrong." Ven said with a laugh before everyone had left to go find their targets.

Meanwhile, at the top of the Tower Of Babel, an angelic woman with long white hair covering her eyes sat behind a desk, toiling away on some paper work. She received a call on her monitor, answering it to be greeted by her favourite family member, Panila.

"Parfait, I need to talk with you."