" Are you kidding! Are you thinking of leaving everything now !"
He nodded and I said, "Chris, you can't !"
" Come on, my friend, don't leave me ."
He stood and went to the kitchen, repeating :
" She never comes, but she never leaves me. "
He turned and said, "What is this torment ?"
I sighed painfully for him and kept watching him as he pulled out a bottle of wine and poured it into two glasses. I said :
" Are you serious about leaving ?"
He didn't answer me, so I said narrowly: "And when will you come back ?"
I don't know, he raised his shoulders and handed me the drink to say :
" Drink, doctor, and share with me. I don't want medical advice to bother me. "
I took it from him with a slight smile and then took a sip.. I discovered that I was bad at consoling, I did not say anything !
I kept drinking with him for a while but I stopped .. I do not want to get drunk .