Chereads / Sinner's Chime (Proto) / Chapter 1 - 1. Life is Good

Sinner's Chime (Proto)

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Chapter 1 - 1. Life is Good

A young man Walked around the City, a Halberd in his hands and a Chainmail over his white and red Guard Uniform, his teal Eyes keeping watch over his surroundings as he marched with practiced steps, A Crested Kite Shield on his Back Proudly showing his Allegiance, a Relaxed Smile on his Face, His steps taking him in the Direction of the Barracks, though he normally wouldn't have such a smile while on Duty, Seifer Couldn't Help himself

After all, his shift was ending and Tomorrow would be the Knighthood Trial to give aspiring commoners the chance to Obtain knighthood

Seifer was no Patriot, he didn't have a Burning Desire to Serve and Die for the King, rather, it was more or less a childish desire born out of his admiration for knights, riding in horses while garbed in gleaming armor, fighting wyverns and saving princesses-

"Daydreaming again Seifer?" Asked the Deep Voice of a Bearded Man wearing identical uniform next to Seifer, Causing the Young man to Jump in Surprise

"Petrov! You scared the hell out of me!" Exclaimed the Spooked Seifer, placing a hand on his chest as he let out a sigh

"what are you doing here anyways? did you not get stationed near the town square?" Seifer Asked, curiosity in his tone as he walked at a steady pace, the mature guard walking beside him

"Just Stopped a fight earlier, A traveling merchant accused someone of ripping him off in the prices and it got heated enough to start a fight, and then some idiots took that as an excuse to join in, now I have to make a report to Sir Hendrickson and hope he's in a good enough mood to not tear me apart with his words" Ranted Petrov, a deep frown on his face before letting out a sigh

"That's rough, know what, how about you go and buy yourself some drinks and some company after this? my treat, though you'd have to keep my treat a secret, might get me Scolded by Auntie" Offered Seifer, a smile on his face as he offered some Coins to his Senior

"Well Damn, how can I refuse? Thanks Kid, you're a Blessing you know that?" Replied Petrov, a grin appearing on his face as he lightly slapped Seifer's back

"Sure sure, just finish your report, I'm gonna turn in for the day, I have a big day tomorrow" Seifer replied with an excited smile on his face, getting a chuckle frok the Aged Petrov

"Well, Good luck Kid! you're definitely good enough to make it" Petrov spoke as they reached the Barracks, the Two splitting apart as Petrov Headed deeper into the Barracks to Meet with Sir Hendrickson, Whilst Seifer simply entered the Barracks and Handed Over his Equipment to the Quartermaster before taking his leave, wearing a Simple white tunic, Brown Pants, brown Boots, and an Arming Sword on his Hip

Then, with a smile on his face Seifer walked out of the Barracks, Relaxation in his mind as he made way towards the nearby plains, intending on using his time to rest

Soon, he would reach An old Tree across the plains, and with a relieved groan, sat down beneath it, leaning against the Aged and durable bark of the Tree

The tree itself was nothing special, it was a tree used to relax by Herders whom brought their Animals here to feed on the grass, it was Seifer's place of comfort, as the cool breeze and warm temperature surrounded the young man, before he fell asleep


I awoke to the feeling of Warmth beneath my head, as I slowly opened my eyes, before finding myself under someone's lap as before laying eyes upon my White haired friend, Leise, using one of her markers to write something on my face, nervousness on her face as she looked me in the eye

"Ah" She let out, a tense smile making it's way through her face

"Having Fun Doodling on my Face?" *I asked Groggily, Sitting up as I scratched my hair in irritation

"Er, you look Good in it?" Spoke Leise in Excuse, I didn't accept it

"Shut it Dumbass!" I shouted, slamming my fist at her scalp, getting a whine from the Alchemist in front of me

"Sorry Seify! you were sleeping too well, how can I resist not playing a trick in my future knight of a friend after he let his guard down?" Whined Leise, nursing her aching scalp

"you'll be helping me take this stuff off or I'll hit you again" I replied with a threatening tone, receiving frantic nods from my Friend

"I was planning that anyways" pouted Leise, Prompting a Chuckle out of me

"Anyways, Since the trials are Tomorrow, I can brew you some potions to help you... that is if you want to," Offered Leise, but I raised my hand to stop her on the spot

"No, I don't want it, if I fail, that just means I'm not good enough, I want to pass with my own efforts alone, thank you for the offer though, Leise, I appreciate it" I Declined with a small smile, placing a hand on her shoulder

"I… See, well, if you need any help I'll see what I can do, Seifer" Replied Leise, a slightly disappointed but proud expression on her face

"Will do!" I replied, giving my friend a headpat, she whined, but that just made me pat her harder

"Stop it! I'm not a little kid anymore!" Exclaimed the Flustered Leise, flailing around like a child, prompting laughter from my part

"Say, wanna prank Miss Luftig?" *I asked with a grin, before that grin faltered at the shaking of her head

"No, you'll need all the energy you can use tomorrow, so I'd prefer if we go home early today so you can get your rest" refused Leise with a shake of her head, earning a sigh out of me

"Sure, want me to escort you there? we can even buy some of Miss Kuchen's pastries!" I exclaimed with a grin, offering him a hand, seeing her expression brighten

"Sure! you pay though, since you offered" Spoke Leise, pointing her finger at me

"Why not? it's not like I have much to spend on" I shrugged with a grin, as I pointed a finger at my face

"Katharizo" I casted, as magical energy gathered at the tip of my fingers, before manifesting into a gaseous material which then flowed unto my face, eating away at the ink on my face, before dispersing safely into the air, before I stood up, executing some stretches to wake my body up

"Let's go!" I exclaimed, taking Leise's soft hand and jogging our way back to town with a grin on my face


"Ah! if it isn't my favorite little knight! here for my Kutsinta?" Spoke the Welcoming voice of The Black Haired Beastkin as Seifer opened the door to her Bakery, a smile gracing her scarred face as she turned to face the two people whom entered her bakery

"Miss Kuchen! I'd like ten please!" exclaimed the joyful Seifer as he headed for the counter with skips on his steps

"Right! that'll be ten Copper pieces then" Announced Kuchen as she began to place the Kutsinta in a small basket, before offering it to Seifer

"Right! here! thanks for the Pastries as Always Miss Kuchen!" Thanked Seifer with a Grin as he paid her the coins for the pastry

"And Good Luck tomorrow, Seify, I'll be cheering you on" spoke the gentle voice of Kuchen as she waved at the two, whom waved back as they left


"Mother! I'm home!" Shouted the Smiling Leise as we reached her home, the basket of Pastry on her hands, the White haired woman looked at me, a smile on her face as she stood up from her chair to greet us

"it's been a while, child, has it not been at least days since you last visited?" spoke Mrs. Elise with gentle smile, offering a hug which I gratefully took

"I've just been busy with Guard work, Mrs. Elise, that and I've been practicing for the Trials!" I explained to her, savoring the hug I'm receiving to who might as well be my second mother after how much she's helped me since my adopted mother died

"Sure sure, would you like to stay for dinner?Leise here has been missing your company I'm sure" offered Elise with a teasing grin

"Ah! sure! I'd be honored!" I exclaimed in joy, it's not like there's anyone waiting at home, so I might as well

"ah, Spectacular, I shall be cooking now, just wait with Leise and then I shall be making your mouth water!" Elise Spoke gleefully as she ran into the house

"let's go" spoke Leise as she took my hand before taking my hand and pulling me into the home of the people I saw as my third family


"So, how's your training gone? I heard from Petrov that you've become better with your spear, though I'd like to get your confirmation first" asked Elise as she took a spoonful of the meat stew into her mouth

"Quite well, Miss Elise, I do not wish to brag, but I've been making a lot of process with my spear work and my Magic! so now I'm quite sure I'd have a chance in the trials" I explained as I took a spoonful of the stew, letting out a slight noise of satisfaction with how nice it tasted

"I'm sure you'd pass! you worked very hard, so you deserve to!" exclaimed Liese with an encouraging smile

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Liese, I'll make sure to pass in your stead" I replied with a smile, taking another spoonful of Elise's stew, internally praising her late husband's luck in finding a woman as skilled as Elise

and so dinner went as usual, with me and Liese finishing our stew and going to bed in satisfaction, and as I laid on the bed of the guest room I looked at the ceiling with a calm smile, praising my own fortune, in truth, I have been blessed to have them after my adoptive mother died

and with that thought, I closed my eyes, drifting into peaceful slumber


I stood alongside multiple other people, garbed in chainmail and gambeson as the knight before us spoke, his armor clinking with every step he took

"all of you here whom decided to attend, you have already been made aware of the purpose of this trial, you shall be tested, and you shall be filtered, the weakest shall be weeded out, and the strong shall be refined, now Draw!" declared the knight, slamming the butt of his pike into the ground

"YES MILORD" shouted all of us in chorus, drawing our own individual weapons, a halberd, a Zweihander, a broadsword paired with a shield, a poleaxe, a Warhammer, and many others

"Good, now for the first trial, you shall be weeded out, in a course of Ten minutes, you shall fight one another, you shall test one another's will and steel! those who remain standing till the very end passes! now begin!" shouted the knight, and all hell broke loose

with little hesitation, magical energy gathered and condensed into my shoulder, back, and arms before I swung the shaft of my halberd and struck the butt of my halberd against the neck of the woman besides me, instantly knocking her out

and in the very next moment I blocked the swing of a broadsword with the shaft of my halberd, before magical energy condensed around my legs as I unleashed a groin kick at the man with the sword and shield

"HAH!" Roared a man with two swords as he charged at me, in response, I swung my halberd at him and forced him to block, before gathering energy onto my halberd and igniting the head of my halberd, causing him go to recoil in surprise, as with his slacked defenses, I thrusted my halberd into his shoulders, taking him out of commission-

and through sheer instinct, I reinforced my halberd just in time to block the Zweihander that was swung at me

"You're good! the name's Artorius! let's clash!" Roared the man with the Zweihander, his golden eyes burning with glee as he unleashed another strike with his Greatsword, which I parried with my halberd before responding with strike aimed at his shoulder with my halberd, only to be parried by the pommel of his Zweihander, before hitting me in the face with a headbutt temporarily stunning me before hitting me with the pommel of his greatsword, which I was barely able to dodge before I jumled back, unable to hold back the grin forming in my face

"Alright then, let's dance" I responded in kind, taking a stance with my halberd as magic ran through my armor, glowing root-like patterns running through their metallic surface