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Game of throne: Rise of House Pendragon

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My take on a modern person being reincarnated during the blackfyre rebellions

Chapter 1 - Game of throne: New beginnings

179 Ac

The sun over the city of Kingslanding was burning hot on a fine cloudless summer day. The marketplace was a busy hive of noise and activity, merchants shouting in competition to peddle their goods upon smallfolk walking through.

unbeknownst to the merchants and smallfolk below, inside the red keep a royal bastard was being born.

Step aside, step aside," rings the calm voice of the grand maester, cleaving a wide path through the other servants as he and some midwives make their way to a large bed where a young (perhaps too young) noble-lady with a heart-shaped face, and thick and curly blonde hair which lay a mess as she struggled with childbirth.

"Yaaaaaa" yelled the exhausted noblewoman clutching the sheets under her as she tried to push out her first and maybe her last child. After two long hours, a boy with short and thin strands of sliver hair was born.

"It's a boy, my lady," says the maester to the tired mother as he hands over the baby to a handmaiden to clean.

"Give him to me" the noble lady demanded weakly as she knew, she was not long for the world and wanted to at least name her child. As she got a hold of the baby she smiled and brought him closer to her face to see him more clearly, as her vision started to get blurry with tears. She gives a wide smile as the baby tries to move his head and look around.

"A curious one aren't you" muttered the noble woman as she snuggled the babe closer to her bosom.

After a few more minutes of looking at her child, she looks up at the maester with the resolve only a mother can have, and said "his name shall be Arthur, Arthur waters son of Aegon Targaryen, the Fourth of His Name King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men Lord of the Seven Kingdoms Protector of the Realm."

5 years later 184 Ac

Pov of Arthur

The last thing I remembered before getting reincarnated into this god-forsaken world, was driving home from work early one morning after working a long night shift and getting distracted by a lady jogging by with the biggest tits I have ever seen, and then boom!! I got hit by Truck-kun and everything went black. When my eyes opened for what seemed to be the first time in years I expected to be in the hospital, with hot nurses and doctors taking care of me. So you can imagine the surprise I was in, when I woke up in the hands of a giant, looking down at me with a big smile on her face. I started freaking out trying to figure out where I was and who these giants are praying I'm not gonna end up in a stew, but I couldn't really move like I used to and my head felt heavy, and seeing that I am moving closer and closer to the giant I passed out from the stress and fear hoping I wake up from this nightmare.

It wasn't a nightmare and It took me a total of four years to figure out that I was in Game of Thrones or at least a hundred years before it. It took me another year to figure out the timeline I was in and the family I was born into and oh boy is it a story.

My family or at least my mother's side of the family was poor and had little influence in the seven Kingdoms even though we had the largest castle and also one of the most fertile lands in the seven kingdoms. All the money gained from the land was squandered on maintaining the ugly castle we call home and trying to look as rich as possible for all the neighboring lords to envy by importing Pear brandy from Tyrosh, Arbor Gold from the Reach, buying very, very, very expensive carpets and tapestries from Myr, throwing lavish feasts and balls almost every other month or moons as they say it here and did I mention how expensive the carpets were. Now the reason I think they did this was to try and make the noble houses forget that we are a family of upjump knights who got lucky.

My grandfather Lucas Lothston "the Pander" was the grandson of a hedge knight, who was lucky enough to be appointed as the master of arms of the Red Keep in 136 Ac, during King Aegon III Targaryen's reign, also known as Aegon the Unlucky, Aegon the Unhappy, Aegon the Dragonbane, the Broken King and many other nicknames to show just how fucked the man life was.

Anyways in the year 151 AC, my grandmother Lady Falena Stokeworth was caught abed with the then Prince Aegon Targaryen and later King Ageon IV Targaryen known mostly as Aegon the Unworthy. (So many fucking Aegons) and to stop this from becoming a scandal his father Viserys arranged for Falena to marry Lucas, and to remove Falena from court, Lucas was granted the castle of Harrenhall and its surrounding lands.

My mother Jeyne Lothston was born in 164 AC. some suspected Jeyne's father was Prince Aegon instead of Lucas. But it get worse, for in the year of 178 Ac Falena (the whore) Lothston brought her fourteen-year-old daughter Jeyne to court where she caught the eye of the King and became his 8th mistress. It was even rumored that Lucas (the cuck) allowed both his wife and daughter to have a threesome with the King in exchange for him becoming hand of the king.

A year later Jeyne would become pregnant and give birth to me, which means I might be born of incest since Ageon might have pulled a Craster the wildling and have a kid with his daughter, (fucking Targryens).

Unfortunately because of her young age, she did not survive the birth. The king acknowledged his bastard son but after Jeyne's death her father who had been made hand of the King by letting the king sleep with his daughter and maybe his wife, was sent away from court since the king had no further use for him. The family of House Lothston left the court of kingslanding in disgrace with baby Arthur to be raised by his grandparents in the enormous and maybe haunted Castle of Harrenhall.

Now In the original timeline I remember, Jeyne never got pregnant but would die by contacting the medieval form of an STD from Aegon. Maybe something changed in the timeline allowing me to be born or this might be an alternative universe. I'm not too sure yet since I'm only five and can only get my hands on so much information.

As I continue to write down what I know and remember from my past someone burst open the door to my room.

I quickly try to turn the page, trying to hid what I've been writing before turning around to find out what the person who came in my room wanted—only to have the parchment yanked right out of my hand.

Icy fear shoots through my veins to the pit of my stomach—nobody can find out about this! I look up to see my Uncle Manfryd in the light of my doorway with the parchment held up and a mischievous smile on his face.

"Give it back!" I say as I get up from the table and reach for it. But the asshole was older and taller than me and just lifts it further out of my grasp.

"Ooh, something secret, huh?" He taunts. A wicked smile playing under his thick mess of black hair.

I have to get that paper back. If anyone finds out I've been writing stuff that no 5-year-old has the right to know about, I'll never be able to get out of this cursed castle alive. People might think I'm possessed and probably burn me at the stake—or considering the world I'm in, probably something much worse. And while Manfryd is technically my grandfather's true-born heir, meaning I'm supposed to respect him and follow his orders, he also tries to annoy me every chance he gets. I have only started sword training this year, and Manfryd has been training for 6 and has been a squire for 4 so I can't really fight him fairly, and since I can't fight him fairly I gotta fight dirty. So I dash over to him catching him off guard and punch him in the nuts, making him keel over. I manage to catch his wrist, as he grunts in pain and tear the paper out of his hand.

"Fine, take it!" He yelled before socking me in the face, splitting my lip, and making me fall to the ground, tasting my own blood.

"Take that you fucking bastard," He say as he got up from bended knee.

"I've got better things to do than to beat you up today," he says, stepping out the door and slamming it as he leaves out of my room with a limp.

After he left I spit the blood that gathered in my mouth on the floor and sat down on a chair all the while muttering under my breath "fucking cunt".

After getting out of that jam I debated in my head how to better hide what I've been writing and decided that I should write this in another language other than English since the common tongue is basically English. Maybe French will do. kinda the only other language I know of so, I don't really have a choice.

Knock, knock

"Who's there", I asked

"It's Anna Milord,"

"What do you want Anna"

"Your grandfather Lord Lucas requested your presence in his study posthaste milord."

"Noted you may leave"

My grandfather never really calls me into his study which is located on the 3rd floor of the Kingspyre. Although I spent time there when I sneaked in there while looking for paper. Him calling me in such a manner was odd and quite distinctive, maybe he caught onto my theft.

l changed my dirtied clothes which was only a little fancier than the clothes of the common merchant. I strap a knife in my boots for safety reasons of course, then step out of my bedroom to go to his study.

The halls are already bustling with servants as they carry things from one end of the castle to the other. I make my way through the corridors instead of taking the private routes I started to map out. House Lotherson only uses the lower thirds of two of the five towers. which are the Tower of Dread and Kingspyre Tower. most of the castle is abandoned and left to ruin except for the big bats and rats that called it home. I mapped out ways of getting in and out of different places in the castle unopposed and unnoticed because there is simply no way to fully guard this shithole, and who know when I might want to kill a certain someone and blame it on the castle's curse.

I have actually been searching for the gold that I think House Hoare hidden away for the past 6 months after doing some research and figuring out that after Aegon burned down Harren the Black and his sons it never mentioned that the castle was sacked for its wealth or that there was any treasury found even though Harren had been bleeding the Riverlands dry of it wealth for more than 30 years of him ruling. He must still have something left even after building this monstrosity of a castle. I just have to figure out where and I'll be rich, But no luck so far.

Lost in thought most of the way there I finally reach the doors to the study. I knocked and opened the thick and surprisingly light wooden door, I could see two men in the room, my grandfather sitting at his desk with the maester who had a letter in his hands on his left standing by a large window that gave a good view of the courtyard below. When my grandfather noticed me he motioned for me to approach. Which I did after giving him a quick bow.

"lord grandfather you called for me"

Not even acknowledging my greeting he spoke

"As you may or may not know your father King Aegon has been sick and bedridden for the past year and has sent a letter asking for all his bastard-born children to come to the capital to be by his side on his last days. So as a son of the king, you shall be departing for kingslanding in a week I would suggest you start packing."

"So it begins," I thought