在众神大战期间,达海诺是一位杰出的指挥官.他真正的领导才能最好地体现在他麾下出现的诺顿和梅林等人才.每一位从他的旗帜下走出来的军官都带有他的狡猾,务实和战略敏锐度的印记.在那个时候,如果一个军官在他手下作战,但未能脱颖而出,他们几乎不能指望受到其他领导人的重视.在三大派系中,很少有指挥官像 Dahayno 一样大胆地提拔新人并在战斗中赋予他们权力.他识别和利用人才的能力是他最真实的品质.众神大战结束后,身为法西斯大陆军官学院校长的达海诺,谦虚地回应了对他选拔人才的钦佩:"啊,战场是真正的学校.毕业的都是合格的将军,没多久就成了骨头.今天,你看到了我从法西斯大陆推荐的许多明星,但你看不到的是更多在我的推荐后失败和死亡的军官.成功有很多父亲,但失败是一个孤儿.现在的元帅达海诺公爵说这话时,泪流满面,无法控制自己.著名指挥官达海诺的传记来自冰冻大陆的矮人和五十多名雇佣兵率先向对岸冲去.隐蔽不再可能;即使是另一边的聋哑士兵也能感受到这种压倒性的变化.在一条狭窄的道路上,勇敢者获胜.当他们接近河中央时,"部署魔法盾牌",Hones 撕开了 Amy 和 Sharo 特别密封的魔法卷轴.瞬间,空气凝结成一道微妙的蓝色阿布拉盾牌围绕着他.不久之后,一枚银色的纯洁护盾将他包围——由强大的白魔法师施展的法术,依靠体内的神圣能量为施法者形成保护屏障.其他小佣兵也撕开了他们的魔法卷轴.这群佣兵大多不使用盾牌,盔甲也很少,所以艾米要求大家在战斗中使用魔法盾卷轴.事实上,狮子河北岸遭到了来自法西斯大陆的半人马弓箭手的伏击.剧烈的气候变化让他们震惊不已,因为飘落的雪和刺骨的寒风夺走了他们通常的精确度.准确地说,法西斯大陆的本土士兵以前都没见过雪或冰,他们疯狂地拂去雪花,只怕是敌人的什么致命魔法.前线的半人马弓箭手最近几天被这个小佣兵团的狡猾战术吓坏了.只有当敌人接近他们时,他们才匆忙地射出第一轮箭,准确性不再是希望.Hones 感觉到箭呼啸而过,其中两支击中了魔法盾的保护,然后被他的大斧挡开.北岸近在咫尺-矮人高高跃起,他们的蓝色巨斧在撞向半人马弓箭手时划出一道耀眼的弧线.他们身后的双手剑士挥舞着银色的剑,在冲向敌人的队伍时产生闪闪发光的弧线.弓箭手在近战中没有优势,很容易被任何部队类型压倒.一百多名弓箭手的阵型很快就被攻破,他们的远程优势被抵消,瞬间变成了被屠杀的队伍."赶紧向指挥官报告,其余的跟着我去阻止他们,为指挥官争取时间,"风暴中的半人马队长命令道,指挥他的守卫.一个年轻的半人马转身冲进了黑夜的深处.Hones 没有注意到这一幕,即使他看到了,他也无能为力——半人马的奔跑速度是大多数种族无法比拟的.艾米和芭芭斯带领主力部队迅速跟进.负责战场清理的队长迅速指挥佣兵们清理场地.没有空闲的时间了;任何幸存的半人马弓箭手都被两三个来自不同方向的剑士迅速派出.鲜血飞溅,凝固在地上;受伤的雇佣兵立即被组织起来进行牧师治疗,并重新融入中央部队."向北进攻,"矮人沿着预定的白天目标,带领着加强的两支剑士小队向前前进.此时,其余的部队,连同疲惫不堪的施法者雷格和格里尔,被雪橇拖到了岸边."我没事,继续说,"雷格脸色苍白,挥手让艾米走开."弓箭手,前进 300 米,保持分散射击;魔法剑士,前进 100 米,小规模魔法攻击.巴巴斯叔叔,留下来掩护后方.充电,充电!刚到北岸,艾米就感受到了来自浩瀚黑暗的巨大压力,狮子河在他们身后消失了.如果他们今晚无法突破敌人的包围圈,全军可能会全军覆没.到那时,汉斯率领的先锋已经渗透到半人马弓箭手身后的第二道防线.该地区由梅林来自法西斯大陆的第一支千人部队保卫.半人马信使尖叫着,"敌人在这里,防守,敌人在这里,防守,"他疾驰穿过营地.大多数士兵认为敌人会像过去几天一样,在快速打了就跑后撤退.同样的士兵在午夜用同样的战术玩捉迷藏,没有人回来.没有人想起身让梅林看到他们;千人队长已经好几天心情不好了,谁起来不被敌人杀就要被骂.梅林最初以为这是又一次小规模的骚扰,但随着暴风雪猛烈地震动帐篷,他和大多数普通士兵都冲了出去.箭雨开始从上方落下,由 Gersu 上尉率领的草原弓箭手一边奔跑一边盲目地向远处的地平线射击.这种随意的射击,缺乏精准度,让所有草原弓箭手都感到尴尬.然而,散弹的破坏力及其对暴风雪中敌人士气的影响是巨大的."Form up, all God's children, fight for our honor. Orcs, stand by my side. Bear people, form a shield wall and stand to the last. Messenger, report quickly to the main commander," shouted Merlin amidst the chaos. None of his ten centurions were in sight, so tasks could only be allocated based on their functional attributes.Around Merlin's tent were mostly orcs, who quickly formed into groups of ten, holding shields in one hand and maces in the other, standing by Merlin's side.Hones and over fifty swordsmen, wrapped in the blizzard, charged towards them: "Those who block me will die," the dwarf roared, not caring who stood before him, his stout arms swinging the massive battle axe into the orcs. All swordsmen leaped high, their two-handed swords striking the front row of orcs.In terms of raw strength, the swordsmen and orcs were almost equal. However, in this artificially created massive blizzard, one side was a tropical race entirely unfamiliar with snow and wind, while the other was composed of people who were born and raised in the blizzards of the Frozen Continent. The outcome was decided before swords and shields even clashed.The biting cold wind dulled the orc soldiers' senses. Both their steel shields and maces transmitted freezing pain, and the fierce wind prevented them from opening their eyes. The swordsmen's weight, combined with their descending swords, overwhelmed each soldier.More than half of the orc soldiers were knocked down in the first attack, and the rest staggered back a few steps due to the slippery ground.The orc facing Hones didn't see him in time—Hones was too short, and his battle axe had already torn through the orc's lower body. The swordsmen behind Hones followed him like a wedge into the enemy ranks.Amy and Dashan appeared behind the swordsmen. Normally playful, Amy was as silent as Dashan in war, speaking only with his longsword. After breaking through the formation of 200 orcs, the magic swordsmen cast lightning and poison from afar. The bear soldiers, who had just formed a shield wall, were once again targeted by magic. This was the second bear unit to be targeted by the magic swordsmen; the tragedy from ten days ago was repeating. The charging swordsmen quickly split the bear unit's formation, filling the air with blood, limbs, and cries.Blood stained the snow-covered ground, the red clouds above, and the white uniforms of the mercenary group's swordsmen.Two orc units and one bear unit paid with their blood and flesh, buying precious time for the seven wolfman units behind them. The battle-hardened elite troops quickly demonstrated their agility and responsiveness. Despite the absence of the thousand-man captain's orders, the seven centurions swiftly formed seven phalanxes."Kill! For the honor of the swordsmen, for the honor of the strong, kill!" Hones, like a war machine, plunged into the wolfman ranks without pause.Kill, kill, kill! Even without a daytime rally, every swordsman knew that survival depended on fighting their way out. The fifty-plus swordsmen relentlessly tore through the wolfman ranks, breathlessly pushing through after their leader.In pure combat strength, wolfman soldiers were far inferior to bear and orc soldiers. However, their phalanx formation inflicted several times more damage on the mercenary group's swordsmen.Apart from ten or so mercenaries who used Hones' axe as a wedge to break into the enemy ranks, other areas were locked in a stalemate. A single wolfman couldn't defeat a swordsman, but multiple small shields forming semi-circular phalanxes absorbed the swordsmen's fierce attacks. Simultaneous strikes from three directions pierced any isolated swordsman, causing blood to spurt as they fell lifeless to the ground.In the time it took for a breath, the white ranks had halved."Brothers!" Amy's eyes burned with rage. The fallen swordsmen were mostly young mercenaries from the Frozen Continent, orphans of war whose fathers had fought alongside his own. Many weren't even twenty yet. Just yesterday, they might have apologized for mistakenly calling him 'big brother.' Today, Amy's heart ached as if cut by a knife, seeing so many brothers fall in blood."Gersu, parallel volley. Dashan, protect me!"Under Gersu's command, the steppe archers had suffered almost no losses in the earlier battle. They were the only unit still capable of organized movement; all others—swordsmen, magic swordsmen, and skirmishers—were entangled in a chaotic melee with the enemy, with soldiers constantly falling and being sent to the center."Forty meters, parallel volley, fire!" The arrows whistled past the swordsmen's heads, embedding into the wolfman soldiers. After two volleys, the wolfman officers at the phalanx's center were nearly wiped out by the arrow storm—outcomes neither Amy nor Gersu anticipated.Dashan led a squad of swordsmen to form a line in front of Amy. Half-circle shields protected most of Amy's body. Two resourceful swordsmen picked up the bear soldiers' shields, remarking on their weight. Together, they shielded Amy from the side."Dance of the Flying Swords!"Amy raised the Ice Blade toward the sky, and the spirits within joyfully danced, guiding magic spirits in the air to form countless shining golden-red swords that flew at the wolfman soldiers. The front row's small shields shattered, and the spirits laughed as they pierced the hairy bodies. Another two units of swordsmen quickly advanced, while the blood-eyed skirmishers followed, ensuring any wolfman soldier on the ground received a final thrust to the heart—a necessity if they hoped to survive the skirmisher's quick jab.Just as the noisy magic spirits began to disperse, a second chant followed, sending hundreds of swords into the wolfman formation once more.Retreating amidst his guards, Merlin watched in awe as Amy and the other magic swordsmen unleashed magical attacks like gods of war. His teacher had said that magic required long chants without interruption. Were these really using magic? Why did they only need to call out the spell's name?Merlin's thousand-man unit was overrun by the mercenary group in a landslide victory. The 200-meter-wide camp was completely breached in under three minutes. The mercenary group's situation was also dire. Though Amy hadn't received a report from the central commander Barbas, dozens of swordsmen had been carried away from the front lines in the past few minutes alone. Who knew how many more he'd missed. Without the snow, the mercenary group's home ground on the Frozen Continent, and the hastily made sleds, the injured and dead would have been a massive burden.Across the snowy expanse, a long horn sounded three short and one long blast from the northwest. The enemy had been completely roused, with angry shouts erupting from all directions.Amy and Dashan suddenly saw the defeated troops scattering like a receding tide, followed by the illumination of torches all around.Casting a floating spell on both himself and Dashan, Amy rose 20 meters into the air to survey the surroundings. They saw countless torches forming 7 or 8 fiery dragons converging on their position. Directly ahead of the mercenary group, three fiery dragons merged into one, forming a solid wall of flames ready to intercept them.