Chereads / Tenfold Payback system / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11: Finally a Progress?

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11: Finally a Progress?

Going to the dock where the yacht is

The yacht was devoid of people as of now after all Dave still hasn't used it yet so there's not too much of a maintenance that will be required on the yacht yet.

Opening Dave's phone he called the number the captain of the yacht.

"Hello captain, I want to use this yacht. Can you call your crew member over?" Dave said.

"Sure thing Mister Dave"

Calling princess and Isabella.

"Come to this location tomorrow I have a surprise for the both of you" Dave called separately.

Calling the chef of the yacht.

"I want high quality ingredients tomorrow and it must be fresh. I don't care how much it costs, I will pay for it" Dave said.

"Sure thing Mister Dave"

Next day has arrived

Isabella and princess are talking to each other.

"What do you think Dave is planning?" Princess asked.

"I don't know but it must be a surprise for him to call us this early in the morning"

Arriving at the location Dave saw Isabella and princess talking to each other seeing this Dave smiled.

"Fortunately they did not hate each other"

"Come inside" Dave said.

When Isabella and princess saw the limousine they didn't think much but when the limousine stopped in front of them and the door open they saw Dave inside they were shocked.

"Wow, you're quite rich having a limousine" Isabella said.

"Well I don't want the vacation to be boring for us, and I still have a bigger shock for you so make sure to get ready" Dave said as he smiled.

Hearing this they got curious as to what kind of another shock Dave will give them.

"Come on in don't stand out there for too long" Dave said as he Pat the seats beside him for princess and Isabella to sit.

Looking at this princess and Isabella got inside the car and they both sat at Dave side.

Dave closed the door and said to the driver "take us to the dock".

The driver nodded and started driving.

"So how is it? Is it comfortable here?" Dave asked not sure if it's comfortable for both of them.

"Well it feels comfortable" Isabella said as princess only nodded Her head.

Arriving at the dock the three of them got out.

"During this time we're gonna have fun and make our relationship better and to make your mind feel at ease, didn't I say that I will not make you two regret loving me" Dave said as he spread his hands and smiled behind him were the yacht.

Looking at this Isabella and princess were shocked and felt happy for some reason.

Walking close to Dave Isabella asked Dave "So is that a yacht what is it for?"

Hearing this Dave said with a smug look on his face and pointed at the Laurel "this is gonna be our yacht during this time we're gonna use that and don't worry about the school I've already send someone to talk to the dean that your excused during this week"

Hearing this Isabella and princess didn't know whether to be happy or shocked because how did Dave have made them be excused for an entire week and when did he do that?.

"So let's get in the yacht I'm sure you will have a lot of question on how I'm able to own this kind of yacht, but don't worry the more you know me the more you will get used to it" Dave said as he walks in front of Isabella and princess.

Looking at his back princess and Isabella looked at each other before following behind Dave.


"This is my first time in a yacht this is so beautiful" Isabella said as she looked at the spacious yacht. The only people she saw were the crew that was operating the yacht.

"Yea me too, there is even a swimming pool and bar in it" princess said as she saw a swimming pool and a bar inside through the glass.

Looking at this Dave smiled "welcome to Laurel this is the yacht that I bought a few days ago on a whim, because I didn't know where to use it I decided to invite the two of you here"

Hearing Dave just decided to buy a yacht on a whim they feel shocked 'just how rich was he to buy this yacht and looking at it isn't this expensive?' Isabella and princess thought at the same time.

They also feel happy as they are the first to be invited in this yacht by Dave and their body is trembling from exciting as they want to explore the yacht.

"Captain let's start sailing" said Dave as he said to the captain of the yacht.

The captain face has a frown look on his face and his beard is Long just looking at the captain can make people intimidated as the muscle in his body is exploding with power and there's a battle scar on his face, showing he's previously in the Navy.

Hearing this the captain nodded, he knows where to go as the captain checked the weather last night to make sure they don't encounter extreme weather condition today.

After all, as a captain that has sailed for many years there's alot to consider going to the sea, especially a special guest, to make sure the guests are not uncomfortable by the waves of the sea.

Seeing this Dave smiled comfortably as he knows this captain has a lot of experience and he is reliable leaving the yacht to the captain.

Going outside of of the bridge Dave walk downstairs and said "let's go I will arrange your living room"

Isabella and princess followed Dave to their living room.

"Do you want to sleep in a single room or a seperate one?" Dave asked.

Isabella and princess looked at each other "well sleep in the same room" Isabella said.

Dave nodded and said "this room has two bed"

Looking inside the room was spacious and there were two separate beds in the middle of it with a lamp and a drawer.

The floor was covered with a brown carpet and there was a grizzly bear logo in the middle of the room, making the room looked cute

Looking at the inside Isabella and princess were satisfied.

Princess jump onto the bed and with a thud she sank slightly.

"The bed is so comfortable" princess said as she laid on the bed and she sank slightly showing how soft the bed is.

When Isabella saw this she tried to lay on her bed too and the same happened to her, she lay there like a baby as she was curled up and when she saw Dave was still in the room and looking at his smug look and princess taking a picture of her she got flustered and hurriedly stood up.

"Hey princess, did you just take a picture of me?" Isabella asked as she glared at princess , still pointing her phone at her.

"Yup you look like a baby when you were laying there curled up" as princess giggled and there's a smug look on her face while looking at isabella.

Hearing this Isabella got embarrassed and said to princess "please delete the picture you just took and why are you still pointing your cellphone at me? Are you recording?!" Isabella angrily said as she ran towards princess.

When princess saw this she hide behind Dave, Isabella saw princess hide behind Dave. princess peek and put her finger below her eye and pull slightly down and pull her tongue out.

Isabella got angry looking at this "hey that's cheating, why are you hiding behind Dave" Isabella said as she swiftly took princess hands and threw her to the bed.

"Now delete the photo," Isabella said as she glared at princess and stood in front of her and crossed her arms.

Looking at this this princess put her hand up in a surrendering position.

"Okay okay Sheesh you're easily irritated" princess said as she deleted all the photos of Isabella in her phone.

Isabella looks at it for a while and a smile forms on her lips.

As Dave observe all of this he smiled warmly and said "come let's go eat lunch now"

Isabella and princess ' stomach growled and they blushed at the same time, and they nodded their head.

Walking out of the living room and walking towards the kitchen all the food has already been prepared and the foods are still releasing some smoke showing the foods just got cooked.

"Wow, so many delicious foods. Just looking at it and smelling it I'm already salivating" princess said as her eyes gleamed from excitement and greed for the food as she licked her lips.

The three of them sat on the chair with Dave in the middle and Isabella and princess by Dave's side.

"Say ahh" princess as she offered her food to Dave.

Eating the food princess offered Dave said "delicious".

"I know right" Isabella said as she did the same as princess.

A while later all three of them got full.

So they decided to sit outside to get some fresh air.

"Ahh, so comfortable staying here it feels like all the problems disappeared," Isabella said as she took a deep breath and the smell of the ocean entered her nose.

"True, I feel like I want to keep it this way" princess replied.

"Well I'm here aren't I? I will make sure that you two will be financially stable" Dave said as he patted both Isabella and princess on the head gently.

Being patted on the head they were about to protest but they soon got comfortable by Dave touch.

"Let's go watch a movie" princess suggested.

"Sure" replied Isabella and Dave.

Arriving at Dave's room which had a big bed that was suitable for 5 people.

At the front of the bed is a big tv.

"Let's watch Frozen. I haven't watched that movie yet because I was busy with school" Princess said.

Hearing this Dave opened his flix account and controlled the remote to search the frozen.

"What an interesting opening" princess with an excitement in her voice.

Isabella just nodded as she watched the movie in interest, after all this is her first time watching frozen.

Word count: 1729