Chereads / Shinobi Gamer in Marvel / Chapter 49 - Agent Hunting

Chapter 49 - Agent Hunting

Breaking news! 

[Uzumaki Corp has closed its US facilities due to sanctions imposed by the Federal Government and is relocating its operations overseas.

Reports indicate that the Federal Government has declined to disclose the specific sanctions applied to Uzumaki Corp. Many believe this is an attempt to seize Uzumaki Corp's technology and research...]

"FUCK! Now I have to start again from scratch!"

Fury exclaimed in frustration upon hearing the news and receiving Melinda May's report over the phone as she was being transported to headquarters.

He had to begin anew because Uzumaki Corp had vacated its headquarters within an hour after Sitwell's meeting with Leon.

"Sir, I suspect Sitwell may be deceased."

Melinda exclaimed as she delivered her report.

"Why do you believe that, Agent May?"

Fury inquired, eager to understand the situation.

"Well, sir, as Sitwell was en route to Mr. Uzumaki's via his guide, he encountered a little girl who inadvertently bumped into him while playing near the reception room. Rather than behaving like a proper adult, he kicked her and scurried away, assuming no one witnessed him striking the child."

Fury was astounded by the report.

"Damn, I chose Sitwell because he's a bit of a weasel who tends to get under everyone's skin. I didn't expect him to be audacious enough to hit a child. But why do you think he's dead because of that?"

"It's not merely that he struck a child, sir, it's the identity of the child,"

She explained.

"And who is this child?"

"The girl's name is Himawari Uzumaki, the three-year-old daughter of Leon Uzumaki. Leon often brings his children to the office and lets them play there."


Melinda continued her report.

"Shortly after, her mother, Hinata Uzumaki, arrived. I've met her several times at the desk; she's the most kind-hearted woman you could meet, always giving cookies, gifts, and hugs—the epitome of a perfect housewife."

"However, as soon as she comforted her daughter and inquired about the incident, the murderous intent she radiated was overwhelming, akin to that of a seasoned assassin. At her single command, several individuals in black attire and clay masks materialized from thin air, and she commenced an interrogation."

"I can pretty much guess that Sitwell is dead, but continue agent."

"Sir, shortly thereafter, a message was broadcast over the PA system announcing the building's closure due to impending sanctions from the federal government. The company preempted any backlash from the employees by providing a year's salary as compensation, which redirected their frustration towards the federal government."

Just as she was resuming her report, two motorcycles approached from the opposite direction. Her instincts warned of impending danger, and within moments, the riders drew submachine guns and opened fire on her vehicle riddling the agents with bullets.

As the driver's brains were scattered on the driver's seat, the car crashed into some parked cars, flipping upside down.

May, barely conscious, noticed two motorcycles stopping nearby. The riders dismounted and walked over to the crashed vehicles, they began pulling out the bodies, all the while snapping pictures and checking their phones.

"Damn! This chick doesn't have a bounty. Mike, should we put a bullet on her out of mercy?"

"No, Frank! Leave her to God's mercy. We've earned $400,000 from the bounty on the four agents, plus a handful of Continental coins."

"It's still hard to grasp that these coins turn into beacons once the other party is Excommunicated. Those poor souls likely have no clue about the bounty on all USA agents. Hahaha hahaha!"

Shortly after, they departed, unaware that May had put her phone on speaker, allowing Fury to overhear their conversation.


Fury, seething with anger, quickly regained his composure and dispatched a rescue team to May's phone location. Aware of the danger to any agent's life, he opted for local forces. Subsequently, he called his right-hand man, Phil Coulson.



"Sir, I apologize, but I'm currently engaged in shaking off a tail!"

"Coulson, listen to me! Get rid of any Continental coins you possess; they're trackers!"

After ending the call, Coulson tossed the coins from his vehicle and rang back ten minutes later.

"Sir, why is the Continental after me?"

"It's not only you, Coulson. They've begun targeting agents across all branches of US intelligence. It seems our attempt to seize control of the Continental backfired, resulting in them putting a $100,000 bounty on each of our heads."


"Sir, What the Fuck!"

-36 Hours Till Deadline, White House-

In the Oval Room, the National Security Committee convened to discuss the findings of their investigation into the Continental.

Typically, such matters are managed by the respective departments, and if a department's project requires action beyond their jurisdiction, they resolve it among themselves.

However, today's meeting was convened at the insistence of Director Fury, who believed the findings could alter an aspect of their current warfare strategy.

"Sir, our investigation into the Continental has revealed the presence of over 200,000 assassins within the USA Continentals, who have begun to eliminate agents from all our branches."

Reported Hill, the deputy director of SHIELD, as Fury was busy saving as many agents as he could, to come to a dick-measuring contest.

"I don't understand. Can't we just deploy a drone to bomb their building? If the issue is that we can only use such weapons on foreign soil, we can bend the rules as usual,"

Inquired the President of the United States.

After reviewing a report and presentation from the NSA, he considered the matter critical to national security.

"Alright, can someone explain why we need to destroy several city blocks just to target one building? And there's no guarantee we'll even damage the damn place, and why are they hunting our agents!"

He questioned.

"Mister President, allow me to clarify the situation."

Stated Richard Ravencroft, the CIA Director.

"Speak, man!"

"Sir, the situation arose from a joint operation involving the CIA, SHIELD, and the Army. The objective was to seize control of all Leon Uzumaki's organizations by issuing a subpoena. He was accused of participating in an illegal armed group, illegal possession of weapons of mass destruction, and tax evasion."

The President rested his hand on his forehead as he sighed.

"Let me guess, your plan backfired, resulting in him issuing bounties on all our agents?"

Ravencroft responded sheepishly.

"Yes Sir! He gave us 48 hours to retract the subpoena, or the bounties will become permanent. I suspect he'll demand compensation for his troubles."

"We don't negotiate with terrorists, Mister President!"

Exclaimed one of the generals.

"Come on, Ross, you know we can take down this kid!"

Another general chimed in.

General Thunderbolt Ross, arms crossed and visibly irritated, retorted.

"So, it's because of all of you that my experimental projects have been ruined."

"What are you implying, Ross?"

Inquired the President.

"Mr. President, as we've discovered Leon Uzumaki has supernatural powers. We're struggling to target the Continental building and having issues with the technology we acquired from him. Any data we copy or collect from his tech vanishes into thin air. We've even had personnel try to memorize the research data, but they forget everything within seconds. It's impossible to replicate any of his technology, and once it breaks, it's just expensive trash."

"We can't maintain it because we don't understand how it works! This is because someone decided to attack the inventor of the tech without proper research or inquiry."

"In my opinion, gentlemen, we should give this man what he wants or continue to fight and be left with very expensive junk from him."

-Roanapur New Uzumaki Corp Headquarters-

While the power players in the White House were embroiled in debate, Leon was busy utilizing his points to gear up for the upcoming Marvel Phases.

He expended up to 50 million MSP to summon every Kekkei Genkai Shinobi from the Naruto universe and offered them to his Kekkei Genkai Awakening roster.

Additionally, he acquired every available Scientific Ninja Tool and construction material from the store, including Katasuke Tono, which reduced his MSP balance to a mere 11 million.

-Katasuke Tono:

Katasuke is an eccentric and optimistic individual with prodigious intelligence and imagination. Scientifically, he is easily one of the most brilliant minds in Konoha, constantly inventing new innovative and sophisticated tools with the Scientific Ninja Tool team

Name: Leon Uzumaki/Leon Petrov

Kekkei Genkai: Uzumaki, Wood Release, Dust Release, Lava Release 

Elemental Affinity: Wind, Fire, Earth, Water, Lighting, Yang

Chakra level: Sage of Six Paths

Chakra Control: Rank EX

Taijutsu: Power Rank S, Technique Rank S

Shurikenjutsu: Rank A

Kenjutsu: Rank A

Fuinjutsu: Rank S

Genjutsu: Rank C

Ninjutsu: Rank S


+Naruto Ashura mode, Sage of Six Paths, Rank A

+Yamato, Jonin, Rank A

+Onoki, Kage, Rank S Ninja

+Harold Finch, Rank S Mechanical Engineering and Rank S Computer Science

Divinity: 15%

[Take over or destroy SHIELD] [Ultra rare reward]

[Take out or beat Coulson] [Super rare reward] 

[Take out or beat main support Happy, Pepper, Rhodey and J.A.R.V.I.S.] [Super rare reward]

[Take out or beat 50 unnamed characters] [Rare reward]

[Take over or destroy HYDRA] [Ultra rare reward]

Cash: $3,803,230,000

MSP: 11,000,000