Time:16:45/4:45 pm
Log: This is Reaper 0-1 this is my first log as of today, and I need to say something's as of what happened in my mission prior to now. I was investigating a cave that was told by legend as a ritual ground and it held dark and hidden secrets within, one of these secrets I'll speak to you about. My squad and I found the mythological "Grim Reaper" but he was dead and just bones, and dust his skin was gone almost like it became the dust. We found this man of myth in a hidden part of the cave's enterance and it kept hidden till "Soul 5-1" decided to use a sledge hammer against, some marked wall of the cave it was marked in numbers. The numbers were "7,18,9,13 - 18,5,1,16,5,18" they are still being translated as of now. When the wall was knocked down by Soul 5-1 there was a skeleton holding a scythe, looked like the scythe had kept in condition from old times like 1600's or so but it might be older. I took a hold of the scythe but something strange happened, I heard voices that weren't any I recognized from my squad but I was able to see ghosts. I rubbed my eyes to see if I was crazy but they disappeared must be lack of sleep. Anyway this may not be the last time you'll hear from me in these logs, so this is Reaper 0-1 signing off. End Log.