Chereads / The Systems Challenge / Chapter 260 - Downpour

Chapter 260 - Downpour

Even though they had seen the clouds moving in, the downpour was not something Kim had expected. Not only that, but they were even soaked through before they even made it to a slight overhang in the canyon wall that helped keep the larger part of the rain from hitting them that Kim had seen before the sun had gone down.

However, the problem after that was the fact that the rain was hitting the ground so hard that it was splattering back up, like grease on a pan over a hot fire. The overhang, that really wasn't even big enough to truly be called that, over them didn't extend far enough back for them to get out of the range of the falling, and splattering, water. Just the rain coming down.

Elin had suggested they go back to the narrow path and see if it led to something they could use, but Kim was adamant not to go there. Especially right now.

With such a downpour, it would be very dangerous to traverse through such a narrow area. Not only was there the chance of it filling up with water and flooding them out, but if they were caught on the wall somewhere, there was a pretty good chance that they could actually drown in there. Which wasn't something that held any appeal to Kim.

"We'll just have to hoped that the rain won't last that long," Kim said to Elin after rejecting Elin's idea.

"But I'm cold already," Elin complained.

Kim wasn't surprised to hear that. She was getting cold herself. Though, she didn't see a way to fix that. Even if they changed their clothing right then, it would still get drenched quickly enough because of the water bouncing off the ground.

"I am too, my gem," Kim replied as quietly as she could, but still loud enough to be heard over the pouring rain.

At that moment, a flash of light briefly illuminated their surroundings just before an earsplitting peal of thunder echoed throughout the canyon. Kim pulled Elin tightly into an embrace, as if she could shield Elin from the dangers of the thunderstorm around them.

"Can't we go somewhere else?" Elin begged. "Somewhere where it's dry and away from the thunder?"

Kim sighed. She wanted to fulfill Elin's request, but it wasn't like they had enough light to see anything. Even when they did, with each flash of lightning, it didn't last long enough for them to actually see anything of any consequence that they didn't already know was there.

Since the storm clouds covered the stars and moon, there wasn't any light for them to see. It was as if, this part of the canyon at least was shrouded in a blanket of darkness that was merely accompanied by torrential rain.

Kim wished she could think of something to do in this situation, but it wasn't like she had any of the tools she had used when she had been in her original world. Nothing that would be of any real use in this situation here at least.

The only thing that stuck in her mind was the cave she'd seen the other day on the other side of the river. She couldn't say for sure, but it felt like she might have been getting told to head there. Who or what was telling her that, she couldn't say, just that it was a feeling she was having now.

Of course, it was easy to delude oneself into thinking that, Kim remarked in her own mind, not sure what else to do about the situation they were in.

As another flash of lightning lit up the area, Kim suddenly felt like she either heard something or saw a shadow. Not a shadow as in a creature, but rather a shadow that looked like it might be somewhere they could take shelter from the rain. Yet, at the same time, it was impossibly far, not too far for them to reach, but rather too far for her to have been able to see it.

"What is happening to me?" Kim muttered to herself as she blinked her eyes, even though she didn't have any rain water in them and she wasn't feeling like her vision was getting blurry from anything in them.

"Did you say something?" Elin whimpered, clearly miserable in the cold.

"Not really," Kim answered, deciding even if it was just a hallucination, she should go for it. If they waited here, they probably would die from exposure, which meant they had to take a chance.

"Come with me," she urged, not expecting any resistance from Elin. Though, she did wonder what they should do if it did turn out to be a figment of her imagination.

They moved slowly along the rocks, largely because the heavy rain was making the rocks rather slippery and Kim certainly didn't want either of them to slip and slide off into the river.

While she was confident they were moving down the river and hadn't accidentally moved to another one somehow, she suspected they were on a different level, so it would be possible that not only would they find things they hadn't noticed on their way up the river, but if they slid off the side of the path, they might not land in the river, but rather on some other rocks. And that fall might not be so forgiving as landing in the rive might be.

Kim counted at least twenty more lighting flashes as they made their way to what she thought she saw. While they didn't move quickly, Kim could at least tell they were making progress. If only because she could see the destination she had in mind getting closer.

When they finally made it, it took them a minute to even realize they were out of where even the water was splattering on them from hitting the ground.

Kim wanted to sag to the ground and just go to sleep right then and there, not caring about what else might happen. She was confident it was the cold from the rain and water in her clothing that had her so tired. Yet, she knew if they didn't remove their clothing, they might as well have remained where they had been for all the good it would do.

So, Kim started pulling her clothing, off, at least happy that Jonas and Elmo weren't there for this. She wouldn't have cared to give them a free show, and even in the dark like this, she would have been very conscious of the fact that they'd have been stripping too. Plus, she had no idea how far back this cave, or whatever it was, went back. Even the lighting flashes didn't illuminate much more than the entrance to it.

When she tossed the last piece of her clothing to the side, hoping it would be dry when dawn came around, she then turned to Elin. The younger woman had started to strip her clothing, but it was clear to Kim that she was having difficulty, and Kim suspected it was because her fingers were stiff from the clod and Elin certainly wasn't used to that.

So, Kim started helping Elin, and after they had finished, they didn't stop there. While Kim knew that they probably should just rest and let their bodies keep each other warm, not only was Elin eager for their private recreational activities, but Kim found that she was rather eager for it as well.

At first it started with mere touches, but soon Elin pulled Kim's mouth to hers and Kim could tell where this was going to go from there. Not that she objected. In fact, she was eager for it herself. She just wished that they didn't have the ambient sounds of the thunderstorm outside of wherever they were to accompany their pleasures.


As Kim held Elin in her arms after their lovemaking, she let her mind wander to other matters. Such as how she had seen this cave from so far away when she didn't have Jonas' 'Keen Eyes' ability. She suspected her interest in the cave across the river was also from this same ability, although she couldn't be confident about that.

The rain continued to pour down outside the cave, not having let up in the slightest. Whether it would last all night wasn't something she was worried about. Not now that they had some shelter from it. She wondered if they should have brought a tent with them, for times such as this, though she couldn't say if it would have been any use, considering the level of technology they had on this world. If anything, she suspected it would have been marginal protection from this downpour at best.

Pushing that idle thought out of her mind, she tightened her arms around Elin, pulling both of them closer together, as she felt a surge of pleasure through where their bodies touched. If nothing else, she couldn't help but be happy for this cave, if only to have been able to have this romp with her lover.

Though, pushing even those thoughts from her mind, she tried again to refocus on what she wanted to get taken care of. Seeing if her tutorial would be able to tell her anything about what happened to her this night. Or if maybe there was something else going on.