Chereads / I became an Overlord in another World / Chapter 6 - I bought a Slave

Chapter 6 - I bought a Slave

The next Morning...

I am currently sitting on my throne in my castle. Vivian and others are in front of me bowing.

"My King, the task you have given me yesterday has been completed." Silver spoke without changing his kneeling position.

"Ohh. Very good."

As expected of Silver, he has already done what I have asked of him yesterday.

"May I ask Satsuki-sama what task have you given to Silver?"

Vivian asked to me to which I replied

"I asked Silver to purchase a house in Azurethra Kingdom. Since we will be attending the academy, it is natural to have a house there."

"Yes. And I have find a house that is perfect for a supreme lord. "

Silver added.

"As expected of Silver."

After that we three decided to check the building. When we reached the building, my eyes couldn't leave the building. It was not a normal house but a manor.

"Oi Silver I asked you to purchase a house."

"That's what I did my lord."

Silver replied while tilting his head in confusion at my question.

"How is this a house? It's a manor!"

I exclaimed.

"Yes. One that is perfect for my lord. Sadly I couldn't get a bigger one."

He spoke with disappointment.

"It's already quite big."

I sighed.

"Also I have hired some human maids to take care of your daily needs while you will stay In this house just as you asked. But I must ask, I am not sure these humans can take care of someone as important as you."

"No need to worry Silver. I am living there as Ace not Satsuki so there is no need to worry."

"If thats what you want my lord."

After that I sent Silver back to the castle so that he can manage it in my absence. Me and Vivian decided to check the manor.

In total there are four maids to look after me and Vivian. One of them is an old guy and other three are females. I have checked them with my 'Status Analyzer' skill. It's a new skill that I have created. Now I have a lot bunch of skills.


Satsuki Nagumo

Age 35 Lv 999

Race:- Demon

Title:- Overlord

HP:- 9,98,001 MP:- 8,98,101

Atk:- 5,98,401 Def:- 4,94,505

Dex:- 4,58,501 Sta:- 4,90,509

Luc:- 4,03,596

Skills:- Omnipotent Mage [LV MAX],

Mind Reader [LV MAX], Martial Artist [LV MAX], Deep Learning, Disguise, Status Analyzer, Character Creation

Passive Skills:- Ailment Resistance [LV MAX], HP Recovery [LV MAX], MP Recovery [LV MAX]

Unique Skill:- Creation Magic [LV Max]

Their level are quite low around 10 but two of them are different from the rest as their level is quite high.


Gennou Igasaki

Age 50 Lvl 59

Race:- Human

Title:- Elder of the Igasaki Clan

Job:- Ninja


Hmm.... his level is quite high for a butler and his job is... A NINJA?! He also has skills like Presence Concealment [LV 5], Poison Master [Lv3] etc. Why would a Ninja work for me? It should be impossibility that they know my true identity so what's the reason. I looked at the other one.


Sakuya Igasaki

Age:- 15 Lvl:- 26

Race:- Human

Title:- Ninja Apprentice


She is an apprentice. She also has Presence Concealment skill but only at level 1. Looks like both of them are together. Looks like it is time to use my Mind Reader skill.

After that I asked other two maids about their reasons for accepting this work. Both of them said they wanted to do work because of high money that we are giving them. Obviously I used my skill and they are telling the truth. I knew they are legit but I needed to ask them so I won't make those ninjas suspicious. When I asked Gennou about it, he too said he is doing this job for money with a smile on his face with eyes closed. But he is thinking entirely different.

Who cares about money. Sakuya and I have arrived in this town to find some sensitive information about this kingdom. And when we came here, we heard someone needs people as servants for his lords manor. Since we didn't have any info on you, we are here as servants to keep an eye on you to see if you have any connection to King of this country.

Ohh so that's how it is. Well since I don't have any connection to this king so I don't think he will find me interesting. Well it's not like he can do something about me anyways.

After spending some time, me and Vivian left the manor and moved towards the adventurer's guild. On the way to guild, I entered an alleyway to take a shortcut but instead got lost.

"I thought for sure that this was the right way."

Since I don't want to depend on magic too much I have forbid Vivian to use magic only when it's too necessary.

"Shall we go back from the way we came?"

Vivian asked me.

"Hmm let's do that."

As we turn around to leave the area, a voice called to us.

"Hello there Sir."

I looked towards the direction from where voice was coming and there stands a short middle age man with a weird grin on his face.

"Aahh it must be fate that we have met today."

He came to us while rubbing his hands together.

"Huh? Who are you?"

"Hehehe... I am a slave trader. I sell slaves and i can smell when someone is indeed of slaves. Hehehe..."

"Step aside Satsuki-sama. I will handle him. I havent seen any human as strange looking as him."

"W-wait Vivian."

I stopped Vivian as she was going to trader with murderous intent.


Why are you laughing. If I didn't stopped Vivian, you would have gone to afterlife by now. I throw an annoying look at him.

"Okay let's go see them."

"Right away Sir."

He took us to a building situated for back in an alleyway. Inside the building a lot of people from children to adult, humans, demi-humans, and various other species are kept locked in cages. I checked their status with my skill. Personally I am looking for a female slave, so I checked their status. Almost all of them are not virgins. I guess I shouldn't expect to find any virgin girls here. I stopped in front of a girl in cage. Her status shows she is virgin. She is a small girl with black hair and brown eyes.



Age 10 Lvl 7

Title:- Slave


"You have a keen eye Sir. She is one of our new slaves. We had another one but she got sold."

"I will take her."

"Thank you very much sir." He spoke while rubbing his hands while smiling. He took her out of the cage and took me and her in a room.


He used a knife to make a cut on her finger and fresh blood came out. She looked at her finger with a look of pain. He then touched her blooded finger on a scroll and gave me the knife to do the same. I make a cut on my finger to draw blood and pour its drops in the scroll. The wound on my finger closed immediately. Ohh my HP recovery skill is working perfectly. The scroll began to glow and burned right away leaving no ash.

"Now contract is complete. She is your slave unless you yourself void the contract or you or she dies."


I paid him the money and left the building. He bowed till we are out of his sight.