Chereads / Pearl: Transmigrated Fox in Another World / Chapter 13 - Chapter 13: Evolution (Tier 2)

Chapter 13 - Chapter 13: Evolution (Tier 2)

My wind cannon sent me fast enough to collide with the wolf, knocking it completely over. By the way, these wolves are about as big as small cars, such as a mini cooper, about that size.

The wolf toppled over, and I fell on top of it. I quickly took my sword and stabbed the wolf in the stomach. It began to howl in pain as I used another wind cannon to gain distance between us.

I was thrown back around 20 metres, and the wolf's friend began to charge at me. I stood up and wanted to try something new. I pointed the tip of my blade at the wolf's head, and propelled it forward using wind magic.

My sword flew forward with incredible speed, surpassing the speed at which normal humans could comprehend. My sword split the bastard in two, I actually feel kind of sorry for doing that to the wolf.

The other wolf saw this, but couldn't move due to the gash in their stomach. I made my way over to my blood stained sword, pulled it out of the wolf carcass, and finished off the other wolf. Now, to prove I killed them, I'll take them with me using my inventory.

I looked down at my arm, healed it, and then noticed that a scar formed on that spot where it was nearly cut off. I guess healing magic, if not used immediately, will leave scars. I slowly removed the mana seal for my blood flow. Releasing it too fast could kill me, I think?


Uhhh, sure?


After Kitsu said that, I felt extremely sluggish, physically sensitive, and tired. I quickly stored my sword into my inventory and fell down to my knees.

"What… the…"


{Pearl had passed out, and had begun the tier evolution sequence.}



(Kai POV)

So much has happened to her, yet I can't do anything about it. I want to tell her that it will be alright, that everything will be better, but I can't right now.

Ever since that day, which I saw what happened, I've wanted to go down there and fucking kill that guy.

How dare he do that to her, my friend, my precious reincarnated fox girl?? I hope he gets his ass beaten, his dick chopped off, and then tortured by her. That way, she might feel better about it, and I sure as hell will.


Huh? What the一


Is that… Pearl? Did she… huh. Okay, alright. It seems she has reached it already. Now, it's my duty to elaborate on this entire thing, but first, I have to wait for her to wake up.


(Pearl POV)

I slowly began to open my eyes.

"So, you're back already, huh?"

I know that voice…

I looked up to see the one and only, Kai, sitting in that same damn throne as the last time.

I slowly began to sit up, and Kai stared at my eyes with sadness.

I then asked him, "What happened?"

Kai then told me, "You reached level 50, and started the tier evolution sequence. You'll now be tier 2, instead of tier 1. Your stats and abilities will increase, and you will become much stronger than before."

Ah, is that so?

Kai then looked at me, then said, "I know what happened to you, I'm so sorry."

I knew immediately what he meant, and those memories started to resurface. I looked at him, tears slowly welling up in my eye, and said, "Y-You knew… This entire time..? Why… Why didn't you help me..? I-I-I trusted you."

A single tear fell down my cheek, and Kai said, "I can't, I couldn't have. I am not able to interfere with that world, I'm sorry…"

Kai looked truly sad. He then got up, walked over to me, and hugged me. I was still scared, due to the fact that he's a man, and that he's touching me, but I just sat there and slowly cried. No sound, no sniffling, just tears streaming down my face.


After a few minutes of that, I regained my composure. Kai looked at my fake eye, and then back at me.

He then sat down in front of me, and said, "Now, I'm going to tell you about this sequence of evolution. You will gain two things, one is a skill, and the other is a physical enhancing ability."

I then said, still slightly teary faced, "Oh? Do tell."

He then told me, "The skill you will gain is [Hardened Fur], which will be available to increase your defence, and can be paired with the next ability. The physical ability is [Semi-Lycanthropy], which allows you to increase your speed, strength, and defence stats. It makes your appearance more beast-like, making fur appear on your arms, up to the upper bicep, and your legs, up to the mid thigh area. You will gain claws to use as weapons, and when combined with [Hardened Fur], weapons won't be able to break through your furry parts with ease."


I then asked, "So, how long will I be here? My body is just laying there, in the open, defenceless."

Kai then said, "That's the problem. You'll be out of it for about 2 days, at the least."

2 days?? A whole 2 days?? That's practically a death sentence!

I then said, "I'm going to die if I am out there, just waiting for something, or someone, to find me like that!"

Kai looked at me and said, "Worry not, a nearby adventurer heard your battle with the wolves, and is going to check it out. He should be there in about a day, maybe a little less. He's deciding to check it in the morning, since it'll be dark soon, so he's setting up camp."

I then had multiple thoughts, and I accidentally let one of them slip out of my mouth.

"Won't he… There's a chance he'll do it to me…"

I started to shiver, my fear of what could happen to my body again rose, and Kai noticed this.

He hugged me, hoping to calm me down. He then said, "Worry not, he won't do anything like that. His name is Emmanuel, a 14 year old E-rank adventurer, who is currently attending the Ryubia Academy."

So, I have his word?

I then asked him, still fearful, "Are you sure he won't do it?"

Kai answered, "I'm positive, it'll be alright, call down."

Hearing that, knowing that I have his word, I calmed down a bit.


Kai had been hugging me this entire time, and I got sleepy from the warmth, and mental fatigue.

I slowly began to drift to sleep, so Kai laid my head on his lap, and I fell asleep.


"... Bwuh..?"

I slowly started to wake up, and noticed that I was on Kai's lap. How embarrassing…

My face turned red as I sat myself up, and saw that Kai was sitting up, sleeping.

I stretched a bit, and was still sort of sleepy. I decided to go back to sleep, as this sleepiness is pretty unbearable. But, I'm laying on the ground this time…


"Oi, wake up."

I woke up to Kai telling me to wake up, as he was fluffing my tail. I then stared at him with sleepy eyes.

He then told me, "Get ready to return to the world."

I then confusedly asked, "Has it been two days?"

He then said, "No, time is different here. Oh, times up. See you soon, Pearl."

He fondled my ears a bit, which were pretty sensitive, and then I woke up.