Chereads / Angeli Caeci / Chapter 1 - “Return”

Angeli Caeci

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Chapter 1 - “Return”

My breathe.. is feint… I can't breathe, however, I feel fine, almost in serenity.

Where did I last end off..? My visions, my memories are blurry.. I remember someone, but who..? I can't quite put it together.. but I hear something.. Something…

"Morell..! Morell, get up..! Please..!"

Through the ringing in my ears, there's a feint voice.. Morell… that's me… I.. I need to get up.. quickly.

Explosions could be heard, mixed with the yells of others, what was going on..? I barely felt my own presence, but I can sense the pain of others.. Wake up, I need to wake up..!

Morell's eyes open in a sudden moment, her body laid on the ground. She reaches to rub her eyes, though it appears her hand has been broken, shattered into bits, the black liquid she calls her blood leaking to the floor.

"What happened..?"

She weakly stands up, pushing her hair out of her face as she looks around, a white, rocky terrain surrounding herself.

"I.. remember. I came here to save everyone.. have I failed? Might this even be the afterlife..?"

She limps forth, climbing up the rocky hills, a sudden light blinding her, though her eyes quickly adjusted looking forth into a giant crater that stood forth from her.

At the center stood a large man, his body engulfed in a light energy, electricity crackling out from him. He appeared to be punching down at something.. someone, before flinging his target in Morell's direction.

Morell ducked, a body flying over her, and landing behind her. She looked back, in sight of a young woman, beaten up, her limbs torn. Morell felt sick to her stomach, slowly approaching to get a closer look.

"You seem.. familiar."

She kneeled down in front of the girl, slowly raising her hand to their forehead, brushing their messed up bangs upwards. Morell examined the girl's face thoroughly, it felt like a lost memory in sight, Morell tilting her head, slowly pulling the girl's eyelid up with her thumb.

Morell's eyes widened, a sudden rush felt in her head, as she held it tightly, in pain. She'd never felt pain before, it was a new feeling, but a horrible one at that.

She falls to the ground, rolling around in pain, banging her hand on her head. She felt many visions, scenes displayed in her mind, hundreds at rapid speeds. She had less then even a split second to see each one, but they were all engraved deep in her memory, the pain intensifying as she let out an agonizing scream.

Just as fast as the pain intensified, it came to an abrupt end, her body stiffening, one last vision seen. She saw a woman leading her around, all her features blurred, only her smile seen, her playful laugh heard.

Morell unconsciously stood up, her breathing returning to a normal pace, as she slowly reached down to the knife, holstered to her hip. Why it was there was out of her knowledge..

She held it tightly with her one hand, raising it slowly, before suddenly slamming it into her forehead. She didn't feel the pain of it, she didn't feel anything, her face turning to a calm, blank expression as she removed the knife, a black liquid leaking from her forehead.

"I remember."

She suddenly looked back towards the girl, rushing to her as Morell lifted her up, shaking her.

"You.. You're Reece..! You're my friend.. Please live.. I never got the chance to apologize.."

Morell was still in a strange mindset, her emotions allover the place, simultaneously in joy and dispair. Her mouth showed a smile, but her eyes showed tears as she continued to shake the girl, Reece awake.

Reece's body became cold, Morell's smile slowly fading as she put her back down. She turned back to the crater, walking back to it to see the man standing there, appearing to be gaining an energy from above, his power growing.

"You.. you're Faust..? I remember it all clearly now."

Morell approached the man, Faust, her fist clenched as he looked towards her, surprised to her presence.

"First your little housewife slaughters my friend.. now you kill my other one..? Why..?"

Faust seems confused of Morell's emotions. Why would one in tragedy wear a smile..? It was almost creepy to watch, Morell standing in front of him, her wide eyes staring up at his.

"Your friends could've lived, but they decided to interfere, just as you did. This is all you're fault."

Morell didn't move an inch, as Faust aimed his palm to her head, energy building up through his veins, causing them to glow.

"This is where your journey ends."

He shot a beam down upon Morell, her body cracking pieces away by the second. A doll may feel no pain, but they're the most fragile beings. The smallest blow can shatter them.

Morell's body shattered into bits, but through this all, she carried a smile. As the beam ended, all that was left was a puddle of black, soaking Morell's clothes and hair within, the shards that made up of her body scattered in a pile.

"When I first met you, I saw courage in you, I saw someone who'd never give up.. Where has that gone..? It seems your heart is the real blackhole."

Faust turned around, walking away, as the atmosphere grew silent, a black smoke forming out from Morell's puddle of black, her remains slowly disappearing. She has accepted her fate.

Her eyes opened, her surroundings pitch black, as a light came from above. This was the end, the afterlife, her hands held up to the light, her body rising towards it.. but something didn't feel right about it..

"Why would I go to Heaven..?"

Morell's eyes widened, as she suddenly fell down, the light disappearing as all that was left was the pitch black surroundings, a feint laughter heard.

In the darkness wide smiles, paired with eerie eyes could be seen, staring and laughing at Morell as she looked around constantly. Her arms and legs were being grabbed, the hands that grasped onto her as pitch black as everything else, the faces closening towards her, as she was losing her mind.

She suddenly began falling, eyes within the darkness constantly seen in the distance, her momentum increasing, before she hit the ground, landing in a shallow body of water, sitting up as she looked forth, the hand of a doll reaching out from the darkness.

She slowly stood up, walking towards the hand, as she gently placed her own upon it. She sighed in relief seeing nothing happened, gently grabbing the hand, before suddenly being pulled forth into the darkness.

She couldn't see anything, as it felt as if she was drowning, stuck within the deepest of the ocean, pressure slowly crushing her. Through the nothingness she spotted a feint purple glow, as with struggle she swam towards it, reaching for it…

She suddenly awoken, back within the crater, sitting up as she held her forehead in her palm. What happened..? Why was she back..? Her injuries were all gone.. as she breathed heavily from the earlier drowning.

Once she calmed down, she heard voices.. whispers she couldn't properly understand, the whispers gettinf louder as her eyes widened, her torso leaning back on instinct, as above she saw a fist flying forth above her.

"Why won't you just stay dead..!?"

She quickly sat back up, as Faust seems to have returned. She braced her hands in front of her, as he kicked her back, her arms lessening the blow as she landed on her feet.

As she lowered her hands, she stopped in realization of something.. A ring sat placed on her finger, a beautiful purple crystal within it. She clenched her fist, Faust running at her as she punched forth, a portal forming above her arm, as a large, demonic arm punched forth, clashing with Faust's own.

"I'll win this time.."

Morell glared up, continuing to punch forth as more portals formed, hands coming out to barrage Faust, as the fists slowly began letting of an energy of darkness, Faust clashing them with a barrage of his own punches, instead engulfed in a light energy.

Faust overpowered her, launching her back once more, though she stood her ground. He formed beams out of thin air that shot towards Morell, though she was quick to avoid them all, running towards him well dodging each beam.

She removed a flute from her holster, closing her eyes as she was hitting herself on the forehead once more, in attempt to remember..

A feint thought returned to her, the fallen friend who gave her this flute, the specific tune he played.. Her eyes opened, as she made her way past the beams and to Faust, unsheathing a sword from the flute, then placing the flute to her lips as she played a short few notes at a fast place.

Shen then pointed the flute downwards, a thin beam shooting out, as she raised the flute up, causing the beam to shoot through Faust, all the way up to his top from the center. She quickly followed with a swing of the sword, unsheathed from the flute, as it left Faust sliced in half.

Morell slid through his two halves, though he quickly reformed, a sphere of light forming in his fist. Morell's eyes widened, as she quickly dropped the flute and sword, the wind rotating in her palm, as she got in a lunging stance, sending her palm forth.

A small black sphere formed in front of her palm, this sphere growing as it grew into a blackhole, the light visibly circling around it as a shift in gravity was felt by the two, rocks circling around them, the ground cracking.

The two clashed their attacks, a white hole, outloading infinite amounts of energy, verse a black hole, vacuuming this energy. An unstoppable force met and immovable object, it was all up to who could overpower the other.

Faust's attack was quickly growing in size, a grin on his face as he was gaining the upper hand. Morell's hand began to crack, bracing her arm with the other as she was slowly being pushed back. She gained a face of determination, of certainty.

Her newly attained ring glowed a purple hue, her black hole gaining a sudden burst in energy, Morell gaining a scary smile as Faust stared in shock.

"You depict yourself as a god…"

The white hole began shrinking, as her black hole grew, a purple energy seen in the center, as she began walking forth, pushing Faust back with ease.

"But you'll never be half the god that used to be half of me."

Her right side engulfed in darkness, as if made of black flames, her smile and eye seen through the pitch black as she clenched her fist, the two holes disappearing, before she opened her papm, releasing a devestating attack.

Faust's vision left himself in an odd domain, his surroundings unconceptualable, seeing things above his own existence. His mind suddenly rushing with knowledge, witnessing the universe's start and end, his mental shattering.

He reawoken, launched into a hill, his front half completely obliterated, his lungs puffing and heart beating exposed, his intestines leaking out, this damage stopping at his nose, his jaw hanging by a string of flesh.

Morell approached Faust slowly, her darkness disappearing as she looked at him with a calm, welcoming expression. Faust was left teary eyed, unable to move his body, he felt like nothing.

"I deem you, a glutton of power."

Morell raised her palm up slowly, pointing it to his face, as her handed tainted in black, vacuuming in whatever remained of his face. Faust was no longer… To Be Continued…