After staring at the billboard for about 20 minutes, we decided to leave.
"So where are we going now?" I asked Daisy
"You can go home,I have to submit my reports to Mr Wayne"She replied
"Oh, alright then" I said while nodding my head
"I'll drop you off" She said while trying to get her car keys
"You don't have to worry, I'll take a cab" I said
"Really?"She asked looking worried
"Yup, I might actually explore the town a little" I replied her with a smile
"Alright then, text me when you get home, ok?.Bye"
"Bye"I replied while strolling off
Deep down, I knew that was a lie. There was no way I'll explore the town alone so i was planning on going home.
"Hey bitch" Daisy shouted
"Yup, do u need anything" I asked
"Yeah, I left a report at your place and it's really important. Can you get it for me. Please" She said over the phone
"Where are you?" I asked
"On my way to Jeju Island" She said with sarcasm
"Just take the report and hand it over to my boss!" She said and started laughing
"Geeeez, Is that a joke?, Christophe Wayne!, No peach, I can't help you" I said clearly not ready to help her even if I wanted to
"I knew I could count on you bae, you're the best!" She said
"Oh No, I can't help you" I shouted
"Thanks alot, Love you. Byyyeeee" She said and hung up.
"Geeeeez, she really hates me" I said to myself
I've never been to the Wayne's mansion even if my bestie works there. Rumours had it that there was a dark and mysterious legend attached to the mansion and now I have to deliver this,that to the boss himself. I took the report reluctantly and headed out, whats the worse that could happen...
"Get scolded by Mr. Wayne" I said
I board and told the driver I was headed to the Waynes mansion, he looked at me with a disgusting look and said
"So you are one of those girls who get laid just because he's famous"
"Oh No Sir. You are mistaken...." I said
"Get in, I'll take you there" I entered and couldn't help but wonder why he said that.
I concluded it was due to his experience, he must have driven alot of girls to the mansion, but what do I care?
I got to the mansion and was amazed. I had to ask him again for confirmation.
"Yes, this is the Waynes mansion" He said and drove off
I was standing in front of a castle, If I didn't know how rich Christophe Wayne was, I would have turned back because it felt like I was in the wrong house.
I went to the gate and was about to knock when the door opened.
"Oh my. How did... " I asked no one in particular
I stood there for about 5minutes then stepped inside, strangely it felt like I was entering the lion's den.
"Ofcourse I am" I thought
I went to the door step and didn't even bother to knock, I knew the door might open again and it did
I smiled at myself then went inside.
My guess was correct, this was a castle. The interior designs were that of a modern palace but had accient relics. The living room was so big I couldn't figure out which was bigger, My house or the Living room.It had Five staircase and Elevator.
"Why keep a stairway when you have an elevator" I asked myself and then a large painting on the wall caught my attention and it was so frightening a took a step backward and almost broke an ancient mug.
"Whoooooo" I said happily and then, I heard footstep coming from the stairs and decided to hide.
"Why the heck am I hiding?" I said loud enough for anyone to hear
"Right?!" I heard a voice and turned around to look and Holy Shit!, It was an angel...