Chapter 2 - Chapter 1 The birth

Unlike the other world in which many go through natural birth, This one contained two means of such process one was of course inherited from our verse but the other was through means of magic through a machine called "The earth Mother". I, as one of the infants birthed through the machine was gathered into a large space in which my cries gathered with the others and humanoid like nannies seemed to carry out the job of a real mother although their face was slightly unhuman I couldn't help but thank their hospitality.Four years of struggle and most of us especially had already adapted to our environment and soon most of us were gathered into large dark room and there and there stood a breathtaking machine something that really was the work of the gods and through it came out neon red sutures that seem to connect all to one actual large metal plate attached to a chair like structure with straps and soon each of us were picked out and everyone seemed happily normal after the process but soon one individual came out frightened all heated up and begun to cry in this a shocking reality came to mind that the machine was extracting and erasing any past memories and this one seemed no all were reincarnated some regaining simple shards of memory as they pass onto another life and suprisingly some begun to regain their memories after some years later but if we are all reincarnated why erase one's memory and this was when a dark cloud of reality overcame me that we were simply all to become new subjects of a a somewhat familiar system. Edgar Eshmir (previously Derren Homir)step forward and then they begun to strap a magnitude of straps and cables onto me and soon I feel a whole energy surge through me until I called out slowly to the elders and begun to question what my name was again with if course just the usual gaze as my emotions never gave out as one can say they were concealed or rather simply not the at The whole operation came to a stand still thus this technique saved most of my memory going to shreds but soon I realise some of the helpful and unique memories were gone leaving me in a deep abyss of thought and in this I realised I would have to just adapt to my environment. Then a dark figure emerged a man whose figure towered the room with cold hazel eyes with silver hair and beard that showed a really well aged figure and voice that grasped anyone's necessity for air . This figure was known by all as the father and whose names were secreted from most although I did get hold of his name as Demir Grascht as upon a time he would appear and give us stories about a man whose name was fear so great that the world trembled as they sought the end was near and as he brushed the streets was he a figure to adore .A thought appeared perhaps father was bit too self indulging which then gave me a chance to appeal him into telling the names of that figure could be and soon right into my palm he gave out his name but most dismissed it and simply gave any name to their fantasy and soon father smiled and said anything you wish for its your story now you decide to include anything you like.He waved us by and soon a flood of emotions ran through us except I whose face remained naturally the same since the age of 2 perfectly calm and natural.This time father did not wave but simply bellowed that he will expect results soon and that showed that just as my past life this was an experiment a contained experiment as a larger system was waiting to take us in with the natural born .Surely this was a birth of a new order.