As the sphere's launched their attack on Ashton, he quickly summoned a destruction strike and it served as a quick barrier by sprouting in front of him. The sphere's got countered by the destruction barrier and they immediately shattered onto the ground blasting as they fell.
The destruction strike barrier time unit elapsed and it unsummoned itself leaving Ashton to face the manticon all by himself until it was summoned again. Again, the manticon released another set of spheres and Ashton countered it with the destruction strike barrier again.
This went on for sometime and Ashton knew if they continued, it would keep dragging on for long and the fight seemed endless. Alden and Marcus had been attacked again by the baby manticons and they were busy fighting against them while leaving Ashton all alone with the mother beast.
Ashton watched the beast he was battling with carefully as it opened its mouth to shoot out another set of spheres at him.