Max was confused, extremely confused, but he still opened his eyes, ready to see another altar with other sect members who would worship him.
Yet none of this happened, instead he was in a black void, surrounded by nothingness, almost as if reality had been shattered the moment he used that altar.
He looked to his right and saw Elly on the ground, unconscious, in a state of limbo in which she wouldn't wake up from no matter how much he would try to.
"What the..." he couldn't explain the feeling inside of him, it felt like something was missing, did he make a mistake by using the teleportation altar? Maybe they tricked him?
No... his divination wouldn't lead him to a trap.
But talking about his divination, it was... quiet.
Way too quiet.
After a few seconds of this painful silence, which felt like hours, Max heard something, but it wasn't his divination.