"First out!"
The leader of the first mortar group called out.
Hearing the report, the loader of the second group uttered a small cry.
"Second ready!"
"Second out!"
Operating the mortars was a relatively simple task. As long as everyone knew the few things they were supposed to do, the entire operation could go smoothly. And so…
"Third ready!"
"Third out!"
From the moment a mortar would shoot its round, the team would rush to increase the elevation and thus the desired distance of the shot by one point, run the special broom through the mortar's insides before bringing up the next round at the ready.
"Fourth out!"
"Fifth out!"
"Sixth out!"
"Tenth out!"
"First out!"
As soon as the last group from the first subunit reported back up, the initiative went right back to the first team.
"Second out!"
"Third out!"