Alpha Denzel had already achieved what he wanted. If a headache were to come before he could remember the words said by the moon goddess, then he will endure it.
"I need to win Valerie's heart. She has to love only me, and I have to make sure she isn't targeted or dies in the process," Alpha Denzel revealed after enduring the pounding headache.
Recalling what happened to her sister, Lisa, and the others, Luna Fernanda feared for Valerie. It was impossible for Alpha Denzel to win her heart without openly showing her his affection and doing things to please her.
How could that happen when the enemy was not found? "That's impossible."
"I still have to try," Alpha Denzel said with determination. Not for once had he thought his actions would spell doom for Valerie, but since it happened, he had to make the correction before it was too late.
An idea formed in his mind as he smiled faintly, "I think I have a plan."