Chereads / Fallen Prince, Risen King-Hear the Call / Chapter 14 - The Future of the Seven Empires

Chapter 14 - The Future of the Seven Empires

The bells rung dimly throughout the capital of the Ninja Empire, white flags with a black sigil of the Old draped over the walls around the palace as a man looked over the gloomy city. There was a knock and the door behind him opened as Captain Howin entered the room. "They're ready for you, your majesty," he reported.

"Am I worthy after all I've done?" asked the man, he turned around and looked at the captain of the guards.

"They'll be proud of you," replied Captain Howin, he then escorted the man out of the room.

The doors to the throne room opened and the man entered with Captain Howin behind him. The crowd gasped in awe and concern as they saw the blue tattoo on his right forehead. His dark blonde hair was combed neatly back and into a bun just above his cloak. He had the two Ninja Swords on both sides of his waist with his knife just forward of one on his right side. His attire was white and red, traditional colors used for a ceremony such as this. He bowed and the priest burned incense on his behalf.

Lord Tyron approached the man when the priest was finished with a jewelless golden crown. He looked down at the man kneeling, proud of what he had become and what he achieved. "Now comes the days of Emperor Zhōng, second of his name, son of Emperor Huo, wielder of the Ninja Swords, ruler of the Ninja Empire, and protector of its people," he announced as he placed the crown upon his nephew's head.

Emperor Zhōng stood up and looked at his uncle who bowed at him. "Long may he reign!" declared the Poisoner, he drew his sword and pointed it at the emperor. Members of the black market slowly joined him.

"Long may he reign!" shouted Jack and John, following Tony's example.

"LONG MAY HE REIGN!!! LONG MAY HE REIGN!!! LONG MAY HE REIGN!!!" roared the crowd with each one getting louder. Emperor Zhōng turned around and saw the people chanting, he smiled as it was the first time he was cheered for since the end of the Eight-Year War. He finally was the ruler of the Ninja Empire at the age of twenty-one.

The night sky was lit with fireworks as the throne room was lively telling tales of their newly declared emperor. Some told tales of when he was known as the Dual Bladed Ninja, others told the terror he was known for as the Fallen Prince. General Alice was reunited with her mother and family and she introduced them to Chief Odin. He bowed and showed respect as they did the same. Tony was telling tales of his journeys in the Spartan Empire to some of his old partners in the black market.

Zhen was watching the party celebration intently. She saw her friends enjoying telling tales of the journey. She was glad to see them happy and safe after months of uncertainty. She then turned and looked at the throne where Emperor Zhōng met the lords and ladies of the Ninja Empire. She saw them bowed and swear their loyalty to him and him vowing to protect them when called on. His promises were the same ones her mother promised when she took the throne. 

"Your majesty," called a feminine voice to Zhen. She turned and saw Lady Mona and Lady Klee approaching her as they saw her separate from the party.

"My ladies, I respectfully remind you that I am no longer a princess nor am I a lady." greeted Zhen and she bowed at the ladies.

"But you should be the rightful ruler," said Lady Klee.

"You should be the one sitting on that throne, give us the word and we'll help you reclaim it. After all, he's the son of Emperor Huo and brother to Emperor Zhēngfú, what makes him different from them?" questioned Lady Mona.

Zhen looked back at Emperor Zhōng, she saw he hadn't moved and was talking with more lords and ladies. She sighed seeing he was fulfilling his destiny unlike her and she turned to look at the two ladies. "Because he is different from his brother, my mother, and his father, I've seen him battle to protect this empire. In the past, he did it because he believed in my mother and me but now with an unstable and ruined empire, he must rule," she replied. She bowed at the ladies and walked between them before stopping as she remembered to say something else. "If anyone dares to kill our emperor, let them know I'll protect him with my life. And if he's dead, I won't rest to find the ones responsible and executing them." she threatened. Sensing the ladies shivered from her comment, she walked away and out of the throne room.

The fireworks began exploding consistently and rapidly, catching all who attended to watch. While almost all watched, General Alice looked at Tony and they turned to see the throne was empty. They scanned the room and realized that Pablo had also disappeared.

As the fireworks continued to explode majestically in the dark sky, in the back corner of the gardens were two stone pillars as Emperor Zhōng poured sake on them. He and Pablo gave a moment of silence and prayed for peace before enjoying the remains of the sake between them. "You did it, you're finally emperor," stated Pablo as he poured a cup for the emperor.

"And we're all here just like we promised years ago," added Emperor Zhōng, he took the bottle and poured a cup for the Assassin.

"How did you convince Empress Wēi to allow this place to bury them?" asked Pablo, he took a sip of his cup.

"I asked Captain Howin to bury Po here, I told him that he helped me protect this empire. He understood that I had no intentions of undermining the throne and buried him without the empress's knowledge. I'm surprised my brother didn't see this because these are the secret heroes who undermine the Old as best as they could." explained Emperor Zhōng. They looked at the stone pillars as etched in them were the names of Po and Klein. They sighed as it was over fifteen years since they all met, reminiscing the adventures and fun they all had playing in the streets of the capital during the Eight-Year War.

"Speaking of your brother, what are you planning to do with him?" asked Pablo.

Emperor Zhōng looked away focusing on the fireworks exploding in different colors. "There's a couple of things I need to settle before I decide what to do with Former Emperor Zhēngfú," he stated, he turned and looked at his friend who nodded in understanding and they watched the remaining fireworks show.

Emperor Zhōng woke up in the middle of a massive bed the next day. He was surprised at what time it was as well as how well he slept. Normally he was on his guard so he barely slept throughout his teenage years, however, he felt calm and slept deeply in the soft comforting bed. He soon got up and approached the balcony to hear winter birds chirping while looking out at the city he now ruled. He heard a door open and turned to see Zhen entering his room wearing a guard's uniform. Seeing he was awake, she quickly bowed and said, "Good morning, your majesty."

Emperor Zhōng clicked his tongue, shaking his head as he approached a dresser to pour a cup of water. He looked in the mirror to see Zhen puzzled by his expression but remained bowed waiting for his command. "That's not something you should wear, it's not your status of which you are. I should never see you wearing that again," he said as he turned to face her.

"What is my status to you, my emperor?" asked Zhen, becoming nervous about her position to him.

"You were promised the throne, but before that, you were promised to be my sworn servant. However, there was one promise made for the two of us which I believe triumphs over them. That battle when I called your name, I didn't say it because you requested me to, I did it because I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side." replied Emperor Zhōng. Zhen looked up as she saw the emperor approach her and kneel in front of her while holding her hand. "Zhen, daughter of Empress Wēi, will you be my wife, my empress? Will you help me reunite the two halves that separated the Ninja Empire?" he requested.

Zhen's heart skipped a beat and she couldn't remain still. "Yes," she squealed as she fell into his arms and they hugged and kissed. She was happy that her heart still cared and loved him as much as he cared and loved her.

Queen Kassandra, Chief Odin, Mentors of the Assassin Empire, King James, Chief Pontiac, Pharaoh Ichika, Lord Captain Edwards, and Pablo were gathered in a meeting room. They were requested to meet as Emperor Zhōng soon joined them. "My king, queen, chiefs, mentors, pharaoh, and captain, thank you for meeting me on short notice," he greeted.

"I'm surprised you called us since you became emperor last night," stated Queen Kassandra.

"Though times are peaceful, there's so much that must be fixed immediately. My uncle taught me to finish the tasks and projects I've started," explained Emperor Zhōng. He soon took a seat and the others did as well around a table.

"And so we're here to finalize the debt you owe us?" asked the mentor of the Assassins in the Egyptian Empire.

Emperor Zhōng shook his head and regretfully said, "The Ninja Empire is in destruction and poverty, it will take my entire reign to pay off the debts I owe to you all."

"So why did you call for us?" asked Chief Pontiac.

Emperor Zhōng pondered as he gathered his thoughts, even though he was hesitant about the idea he thought of. "Thousands of years ago, our ancestors arrived in this world. At the time they were small but once settled, the population suddenly increased. But because the population became massive, violence amongst them grew. In order for peace to return, the seven heads of families and an eighth member forge eight weapons of unrivaled power. They then split away from each other with the eighth returning to the sea and seven settling in regions of this world." he begins. He looked around and saw everyone nodding their heads in agreement as they had all heard of the story before. "I believe that the seven weapons were designed not to protect our people against other empires but to be the protectors from those who want chaos and war. During my journey, I fought and lost against those who were evil. But with your empires' help, I overcame them and took the throne. And for the first time in our history, all seven empires faced the evil that wanted bloodshed. If we can fight together against a powerful and fearful threat, why stop there when we can do more?"

"You're talking about an alliance?" asked Chief Odin.

"An embassy, a place where ambassadors will come and meet. A place with direct communication with the empire they represent and the ruler of the empire they're in. For too long we've been pointing our weapons against one another and not at the true threats that lurk within. Those threats sometimes often spill over to other empires in which they grow their numbers and followers. Together we should extinguish those threats for good." suggested Emperor Zhōng.

"It's not a bad idea, clearly you've been thinking about this for a while," stated Pablo.

"With this alliance, trade would be easier to transport," pointed out Pharaoh Ay.

"Aye, but some of my men will like to plunder instead," stated Lord Captain Edwards, he tapped his right finger, thinking of a solution.

"If it's too difficult for you to keep your men at bay, the Spartan Empire will not fault you. However, we will punish them if they're in our territorial waters," promised Queen Kassandra.

Lord Captain Edwards nodded and said, "I'll inform my men that if caught in your waters, the punishment will be more severe than in the past. We will try to abide by the laws of trade and marketing I assume will be set up soon. However, if I catch one disobeying my commands, The Shadow will sink the ship the failure pirate is on."

"Already promises for more negotiations and compromises, what do you say, King James? Besides the mentors of the Assassin Empire, Queen Kassandra, and I, you are an experienced and wise ruler, what do you think of this?" questioned Chief Pontiac.

King James turned and looked at Emperor Zhōng, he could see that the emperor was as skilled and wise as he. Seeing his blue eyes were searching for his opinion, he finally spoke, "I agree with the emperor. I assume you have a spot for your embassy."

"The old palace, I'm planning to rebuild what is left in ruin in the capital. The palace is large and close enough to become the Ninja Emire's embassy," confirmed Emperor Zhōng.

"Then may I ask what are you planning to do with your predecessor?" asked King James. Everyone turned and looked at Emperor Zhōng, he hadn't told them how he was going to deal with Former Emperor Zhēngfú.

Zhēngfú sat in a cell as he studied a board that was between the bars. It was his turn as he pondered what piece he should move. "All twenty-four lords and ladies were here last night?" he asked as he finally moved a piece.

"All twenty-four were here to swear their loyalty and fealty," replied Emperor Zhōng, he moved his next piece instantly.

"It's amazing how quickly they bend to a new ruler, some of them might stab you in the back," advised Zhēngfú, he studied the board before moving another piece.

"All of them swore fealty to Empress Wēi before you overthrew her and they swore to you. But before her, ten of them swore their fealty to me during the Eight-Year War and five more swore theirs before the Old's Uprising. But those were the lords' and ladies' predecessors, the ones you killed and planted heads on spears around the city square for all the capital to see." stated Emperor Zhōng, moving another piece.

"No matter how noble their actions were, traitors should be treated like traitors," said Zhēngfú. He moved another piece but it exposed himself and allowed Emperor Zhōng.

Emperor Zhōng looked up and frowned at his older brother. Growing up, it was rare for him to beat his brother, however, he was now given the victory three times in a row. "Xiōngshǒu was not one of the dead found during our battle. No one has seen him since that day and he's been our priority threat. Tell me, did you give him orders to recover any loyal troops and to break you out to counterattack?" he demanded.

"Do you honestly think I would be worried about losing to you that day?" questioned Zhēngfú, he looked into the emperor's eyes and saw they were the same as before becoming emperor. The dark blue eyes shined like diamonds as they pierced and burned like a raging fire. They looked determined as they demanded respect and carried experience and wisdom. "I was confident that even with your pirate reinforcements I will be able to defeat you. You walked into my palms by keeping Zhen's forces out of battle. However, I'll be honest that I wasn't expecting to struggle amongst your formations and quick adjustments. I didn't create a backup plan as all my men were gathered at Jigoku Canyon, didn't you notice how you didn't have any trouble advancing towards it?"

"Do you wish that you did?" asked Emperor Zhōng.

"With all due respect, I wish to my sentence," sighed Zhēngfú, he leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms. "What are you going to do with me?"

Emperor Zhōng looked down and folded his hands, even he wasn't confident in his decision but believed it to be the best. "I thought about letting you loose in the empire and having my men track you done. I thought about placing you in the hanging prison till I destroy it once the capital is rebuilt. Another idea I had was to put you under a plank and allow the people to beat and spit on you. But all of them were your cruel and twisted ideas and I did not want my people to compare me to you." he said as he looked back up at his prisoner.

Zhēngfú gulped as he looked back at the emperor's eyes, hearing the ideas he flirted with made him tremble. "So what idea is worse than what I've done?" he asked, nervously.

"You are exiled from this empire, never to return unless told or there's no other choice. You will go with Pharoah Ichika and Queen Hannah to the Egyptian Empire where you'll advise and help them reclaim the Egyptian Empire." declared Emperor Zhōng.

"You're making a mistake by keeping me alive, there will be those who would want me dead," objected Zhēngfú.

"Then you better find favor with Pharaoh Ichika. I know there'll be those who want you hang for the crimes and actions you've caused but this mine decision. My empress will understand that even though you killed our parents and I have blood on my hands too. I hope my rule won't be violent like the last three." stated Emperor Zhōng.

Zhēngfú was escorted to the courtyard, he had his Samurai Sword as he was brought towards where the Egyptian Empire was preparing to leave. Queen Hannah noticed him coming and tapped Pharoah Ichika. The pharaoh turned around and saw the Ninja warrior looking at him before bending a knee. Queen Hannah slowly approached, knelt down, and slowly raised Zhēngfú's head. She smiled and hugged him, even though their time together was brief, it was enough to miss him. Zhēngfú was surprised and hesitantly returned the hug and they both began to cry.

The six empires and the pirates were soon ready to leave. Friends and families hugged each other as it would be a long time before they saw each other again. The remaining Sinister Seven members wished Queen Hannah and Princess Xing farewell with tears as they decided to stay in the Ninja Empire. Emperor Zhōng hugged Alice and Pablo one final time, he was happy to reunite with them but sad to see them leave. He then hugged his sisters before shaking Zhēngfú's hand, he saw the Ninja warrior nod a silent vow of understanding. He then bowed to King James who bowed back and said farewell to Queen Kassandra who nodded. He shook Lord Captain Edwards's hand and the captain tipped his hat. They soon left one at a time and traveled out of the capital and along the merchant's road.

Empress Zhen looked out from the palace watching the foreign soldiers travelling back to their respective empires. She frowned and let a tear run down her cheek as she watched she thought of the familiar faces amongst the men leaving with them. "We'll see them again, I'm sure of it," stated a voice. She turned around and saw Emperor Zhōng standing behind her. He slowly approached and joined her watching the last remaining soldiers leaving.

"Are you sure about what you've done so far?" asked Empress Zhen.

"More than anything, this empire is wounded and crippled like the others. We're split between new ideas and old traditions. We must compromise them and steer this empire back into glory along with the others. Separate we stand no chance," reasoned Emperor Zhōng.

"But together we are strong," finished Empress Zhen. She looked up and kissed Emperor Zhōng who returned the kiss. He then pushed her towards the bed while maintaining the kiss. That night, fireworks flew into the sky marking the second day of Emperor Zhōng's rule but the first Empress Zhen's.

"And that's the story, the tales of the Dual Bladed Ninja, the highlights of the Fallen Prince, and the journey of the Risen King. For eight years, the emperor and empress have now ruled this empire. And though their first year was another violent time, there has been nothing but peace in this land. Their rule some say is the best this empire will ever have and some of the other empires are following their leads." stated a man outside the walls of the Ninja Empire's capital. He was sitting with his friends telling tales to five foreigners.

"This is all that has happened exactly as you say?" asked one of the foreigners.

"Yes, why do you ask?" confirmed the man. The foreigner tossed him and his companions guns, they never have seen one and were amazed by the firearms.

The lead foreigner removed her cowl and her helmet to let her blonde hair go and her red eyes revealed determination and courage. "Because we need to kill the emperor," she said.