Chereads / Asura's Tale / Chapter 59 - The Moon

Chapter 59 - The Moon

The demon's voice darkened, deepening into a low guttural tone that felt like gravel raking against Mel's ears. 

"The taste of your mother is still present to this day. Her body was delectable-"

Its head rolled back as if a fond memory resurfaced, and a state of pure euphoria washed throughout his body, causing his skin to crawl.

"-a pain so pure, so raw. I yearn for it every day."

The demon's head snapped back, and the ooze poured out from its ripped smile. Mel struggled to breathe as the demon held her throat tightly, squeezing to make her more uncomfortable with every passing second.

"Your brother's cries of agony were a delight as I ripped him apart, and well, your father was a fun toy. All of it, though, is meaningless compared to what you endured for so many years."

Mr. Smiles opened his trench coat, revealing his pale, skeletal body behind the curtain. Spreading from his collarbone down, more holes began to rip open, expelling more black bile from his body onto the floor. The sound of ripping flesh and breaking bones merged together in a chorus of horrendous symphony. 

"You've aged so beautifully. The greatest creation I could ever dream of being a part of, sweet Melody. Such a beautiful flower... One that has adapted changed as the harsh thorns of life dug deep into your flesh."

Mel grabbed hold of her gun with her left hand but could not muster the strength to lift it as the air escaped her lungs. She grabbed the demon's wrist with her right hand, trying to pry herself free.

"Fuck... you."

She gasped out as Mr. Smiles squeezed harder.

"Oh, that's the lovely little girl I know. A festering hatred feeds the wounds carved into your heart."

Asura clenched his fists, trying to find an opening, but he knew the demon had eyes everywhere, watching their every move. Even if he could land a hit, it would only stun him for a moment. "Could I even reach him before he kills her?" Asura thought as he watched the encounter take place.

The ogre's gaze locked onto Rose, who watched intently, her sharp, unblinking eyes tracking the demon's every move. Her hand tightened around the weapon at her side, ready to strike when he acted, but she held back, resisting the urge to move first.

Asura whispered,

"What do we do, Rose?"

Rose whispered with certainty as if she had been planning since the beginning,

"We start an exorcism while he's holding her. It's the only way we can-"

Gabe interrupted the conversation by shaking his head, catching the two Paladin's attention. He pointed at his brother, who no longer had two red tallies above his head. Instead, Tristen lay against the ground as if still wounded, although his gaze told them otherwise.

Tristen's eyes locked with Asura's and Rose's, and then he looked up without moving his head. Tristen's mana shifted as if reaching out to touch another without being detected, avoiding the demon's detection as it crept slowly.

Then, Mr. Smiles spoke, startling Gabe and Rose and snapping their attention back to it.

"Will you tell me where she is, sweet Melody?"

The demon slightly untightened its grip to allow a small gulp of air to reenter her lungs. Melody furrowed her brow in confusion as she gasped, her hand still clenching his wrist.


"Where is she? I know you're here to protect her."

Mel's mind raced as she processed his question. "Is he after Aliza?" She could only ask herself that question before Mr. Smiles squeezed again, closing her throat as his grip tightened with anger. His voice drained of the amusement, now dawning a sinister tone. The static intensified as if tied to his emotions, eating away at their sense of hearing.

"Do not play coy with me."

As he squeezed, Mel let out a dry gasp. Her body searched for air, and her mind began to become fuzzy.

"Answer my question... Or your friends will suffer the same fate your family did."

Mr. Smiles eased his grip, allowing another breath. However, Mel used the opportunity to spit in the demon's face before answering,

"She escaped the city. You'll-"

Mr. Smiles squeezed nearly hard enough to break Mel's neck, causing intense pain to slice through her body. Her vision went dark as the circulation of blood and air was cut from the rest of her body.

"QUIT LYING TO ME! She's still in here... She can't leave..."

The demon leaned its face closer to Mel's,

"She can't hide in your cathedral... Not even God protects the halfbreeds. So where are you hiding her?"

Rose froze at the mention of halfbreed, and Asura's eyes narrowed as they both realized what the demon was referring to. "A witch. It's hunting a witch." Asura's mind raced as the pieces settled into a grand puzzle. The dried bodies, devoid of blood, were all witches amongst the humans. 

Blood has power, and the blood of a witch is extraordinary. A city outside the protection of Eden was a perfect place for them to reside and hide away their bloodline from The Temple, which might purge them of their dirty heritage. 

Asura blurted out without hesitation,

"I know where she is."

The demon's attention snapped to Asura so fast it felt unnatural to witness. 


In the moment of its diverted attention, Tristen's mana grabbed hold of Mel, healing her in the blink of an eye and removing her tallies. Above his head, a singular red tally emerged, signifying his blessing was activated. 

Although it did not free Mel, her body was no longer in agony and the broken bones had mended. She lifted her arm swiftly, swinging it upright and angling it just enough to press the barrel against the demon's armpit.

The gun's silver body gleamed, illuminated by the glow of amber flames as it transformed. Its shape started to lengthen and restructure into a 10-gauge shotgun, with a polished wooden stock complemented by intricate engravings along the barrel.

Although its molten body was incomplete, Mel smiled and spoke a phrase she had learned from Asura. Her eyes gleamed with anger and joy as if she would remember this moment fondly,

"Get fucked."

She pulled the trigger, and the incomplete shotgun seemed to roar as its body tried to reject the act of firing. However, the weapon obeyed its master's command, sending a created buckshot round out of its barrel. The weapon's metal screamed as if alive, enduring a stress it had not been designed to embrace.

Then, Mel's arm snapped as the unbraced force shot both her and the demon apart. The flaming buckshot pounded into the demon's arm and side, exploding in a cloud of amber flames that dispersed quickly. Although breaking herself free, Mel slammed onto the ground with a painful thud as her broken arm was struck.

She quickly fought to regain her composure and rise to her feet. With a roar to the group, she planted her right arm against the ground and pushed herself upward.

"Kill it before it can heal-"

"Heal what?"

The demon's voice responded to her command. To her horror, Mr. Smiles stood upright, the only sign of the attack being a mere hole in his trench coat. The demon ran his hand across the hole as if insulted by the appearance, 

"That'll cost you a lot, you know. This is from my designer."

Without a hint of hesitation, Asura raced forward, his bare feet striking the ground as he ran toward the demon. "It only takes a moment for it to strike." Asura thought as his body began to radiate with mana. 

As the ogre raced toward him, Mr. Smiles chuckled internally but stopped when he looked into the ogre's eyes. Within the black voids and white irises, the demon caught a glimpse of Uriel, an angel he deeply feared. Before, it was merely a vessel using the angel's power, but now, the demon was unsure. "Had he given this ogre more than just a gift?"

"A heir..." 

Mr. Smiles hissed at the deep bond between Uriel and Asura. If the Archangel was willing to make him his heir, he could wield Uriel's blessing at its maximum potential. The demon raised its hand to strike Asura with its unseen force, but suddenly, a pool of black water shot upward like a geyser bursting open. 

The blow sent his arm reeling, and he could only watch as Asura tucked his two right fists to his side. In a quick, unprepared stance, Asura spoke the incantation while channeling his mana throughout his body,

"The Lord despises all that is evil. Through Uriel, allow me to be your blade that strikes down the wicked."

His mana swirled and surged inside, coursing through every inch of his body like a torrenting river. White holy flames burst out in sequences along his forearms from the holy runes tattooed onto his arms. Like pistons in the engine of a car, each one sparked with intensity. The white flames doused the area, consuming the color surrounding him as if it devoured the reflection of light. 

The fire swirled and manifested into six wings along Asura's back, symbolizing that Uriel was with the ogre even in the swift conjuring of its mana. Then Asura threw his fists forward as if striking the air. 

His six flaming wings exploded into jets of fire as if a rocket's engine was taking off. Two points of a spear formed before his knuckles and shot forth from his two right fists as he drove them forward. The recoil of the explosion scorched Asura's skin, sending him to his knee as the unstable mana had not yet been perfected. 

Everyone watched as the two pointed flames harmoniously swirled around one another, causing them to intertwine in a spiral of beauty and destruction. Although captivated by its beauty, the group shielded themselves as it quickly struck the demon's chest.

Mr. Smiles remained silent as the spear slammed into his chest, drilling into him with relentless force. The impact sent him hurtling through the building, shattering walls like paper. Thunderous booms echoed through the air as debris exploded outward, the demon crashing through multiple layers of stone and steel without a hint of resistance.

The already weakened building lurched with every structural support removed. Then, as the spear ripped through the building with ease, it finally reached its end, engulfing the building in a ball of white flames in the distance. 

Mel wanted to cheer, but suddenly, she was grabbed and hoisted up high. Her body was frozen, and she was terrified of Mr. Smiles grabbing hold of her again. She tried to recoil away, but Asura's voice startled her as he lifted her onto his shoulder.

"Quit fightin' me asshole! We gotta go!"

Without another word, Asura ran to the group with Mel on his shoulder, carrying her as if she were mere baggage. He quickly grabbed hold of Gabe, who protested as he was tackled and slung over the ogre's shoulder.

"Hey-oogh, stop-"

Asura screamed at Rose,

"Grab Tristen, and let's fuckin' go!"

The ogre never glanced back as he fled at full speed. Leaving the two to listen to a deep rumble that echoed through the building. Rose's gaze shifted to the support columns, watching as fine cracks spiderwebbed across them, growing larger with each passing second.

Rose hoisted Tristen quickly onto her shoulders, securing him in a fireman's carry. The swift motion caused severe pain to spread through the wounded Paladin's body, making him grunt as she began her first steps in the sprint.

"Man, I should have been a barber..."

Rose let out a small chuckle at the remark before sprinting after the ogre, already ahead. The two moved at speeds far beyond human capability, racing against time as the final moments ticked away.

Although secured by two arms, Mel fought against the ogre,

"I can run myself!" 

"You're too slow!"

"I am not! I can make it out before the building collapses-"

"I'm not talking about the building ya dingleberry!"

Asura fastened his arms around Mel, trying to prevent her escape. Mel pleaded her case as his shoulder kept digging into her gut with every bounce and leap he took over the rubble in his way.

"We killed the demon."

"No the fuck we didn't."

Mel froze,


"I didn't kill the thing. It's still alive."

"It got hit by Uriel's spear..."

"Yeah, and that shit didn't work. I can feel it."


"I don't fuckin' know... Maybe cause it's, ya know, a demon?"

Mel gripped her arm, spreading mana throughout the bone and flesh to mend its broken state. The bones slowly began to shift but it would not be complete in time for another fight. Asura groaned as the scorched flesh was being rubbed but never yielded and continued his sprint.

"That thing is going to come after us again, and he's going to be pissed..."

Gabe knew he would slow the group down if he had to sprint and resigned himself to his fate upon Asura's shoulder, groaning as his stomach was impaled with each bounce. However, he couldn't help but study his surroundings as they fled from the same path they entered. 

Amidst the rubble, there was no trace of the bodies that had once lay broken and bleeding, ravaged by the demon's touch. The dead were removed, and even the stains from where their blood pooled onto the carpet were no longer present. Gabe asked,

"Where are the bodies?"

Which caught Asura and Mel's attention. The two briefly looked around, Asura unable to linger on the question for long as he focused on sprinting. Mel whispered,

"It probably took them all."

Gabe furrowed his brow, and the corner of his lips tightened,

"It didn't do that before. There's no blood or anything."

A familiar warm light appeared at the end of the corridor as Asura pushed forward, his pace quickening. A sigh of relief escaped him when the exit doors came into view. Without a moment's hesitation, he charged straight into the glass, shattering it on impact as shards rained down around him and the two he carried.

Mel cursed as the glass showered her,

"What the hell are you doing!?"

"What? You want me to slow down?-"

The ogre shook his head as he finished,

"-That's how people die in horror movies."

As Asura and Rose stepped onto the street, they were greeted by the same bright sky they had entered under. However, the sun had shifted, marking the passage of time since their arrival. Nothing had changed, leaving the chaotic street filled with abandoned cars and garbage.

The sight was somewhat comforting to Gabe, but his instincts told him to surveil the area. His eyes never located what his heart told him to search for. It was in its absence that he realized the man cut in half was missing as well. There was no blood to mark its spot, nor body or intestines left on display on the floor.

"What's going on?.."

Suddenly, Asura jumped over a car as he reached the edge of the street, causing Gabe to be jolted around on his shoulder. The ogre cut across entered a new street and headed straight for the cathedral.

As he recovered, Gabe looked down to find that Asura had no shadow connected to the soles of his feet. Yet, his was painted across the floor with vivid detail. With every movement, his shadow moved, but the ogre had nothing. The sun touched all around him as if it pierced through the ogre.

Before he could conjure a thought, a deafening roar shook the street as a building collapsed, sending a thick cloud of dust rolling through the streets. Asura never glanced back, but Mel and Gabe witnessed as the cloud of dust swirled and surged, attempting to overtake the two Paladins sprinting away like a wave about to crash down on them.

Gabe watched as the cloud thinned as the full force continued its path down the street behind them.

"The building collapsed."

Asura snorted at the statement,

"No. The fucker blew it up 'cause he's a little upset-"

The sky darkened as though night had fallen, yet the blazing sun remained suspended above, emitting no rays of light. Gabe and Mel stared in disbelief at the unnatural sight while Asura continued running without pause. The ogre asked,

"What's happening?"

Gabe could only utter two words as astonishment froze his body,

"An eclipse?"

He stared at the sun, but to his surprise, he felt no pain. Before his eyes, the sun lost all its luster. Mel gasped and pointed to their left, and Gabe followed her gaze.

There, hanging in the sky, was the largest full moon Gabe had ever seen. It blazed with an intensity that seemed to have stolen the sun's light, glowing unnaturally white and casting an eerie illumination over the world below.

The warmth that the sun once provided was now replaced by the unsettling chill of night, as if the moon's light itself had brought the cold. Within the center of the moon, a crevice emerged that divided it entirely in half.

The moon began to split apart, its two sides peeling back like curtains drawn open. As they stared at it, the moon stared back. Its entire surface underneath was revealed to be a purple eye, with veins visible, spreading across it like the bloodshot lines of a weary, tired gaze.

Gabe and Mel tried to muster up a word to tell Asura what was occurring behind him, but they were left speechless. Their jaws hung open, and the thought of describing such a sight left them in shock.

Then, the moon began to weep. Black ooze dripped from the edge of the glowing circle, falling like tears from a face, staining the sky above. Mel expected the black liquid to fall to the earth but watched as it ran across the sky as if painting it black. In all directions, the black ooze spread out, consuming the once bright blue sky. Not even the sun was spared.

All that hung above was the moon in the black void it had painted.