Asura braced himself against the ground with all four arms, digging his feet into the massive bear's torso. With a powerful roll, he pulled his knees to his chest, flexing his quads as he prepared to unleash everything he had. Kicking upward with all his strength, he launched the bear into the air. The beast soared, its spine slamming into the ceiling before bouncing back down. Dust and debris rained from above as the building shook, filling the air with a thick haze.
Before the bear could fall, Asura quickly rolled backward, landing on his feet just as the massive wingless creature returned to its rightful place. The bear crashed to the ground with a thunderous impact, sending tremors rippling through the factory's foundation.
The force of the fall cracked the bear's bones, its lower body taking the brunt of the blow, sending shards of its rib cage into its organs. Metal rattled, and machinery groaned as the shockwave reverberated through the building. Wain stood frozen, mouth agape after he witnessed the impossible act of making a bear fly.
Asura prepared to gloat, but the bear stirred once again, its bones creaking ominously. Damn, it's hard to kill without a weapon, he thought as he watched the bear's body begin to move, the jagged bones shifting painfully inside it.
Before the bear could rise, Asura sprang into action. He leaped toward the creature's massive shoulder blades, landing on its back with the precision of a predator. His lower hands and upper hands interlocked, and in one unison blow, he delivered a crushing strike right between the bear's shoulders. The impact was direct, hitting its spinal cord with brutal force.
The bear's agonized cry was abruptly cut short as its spine snapped in two, leaving it paralyzed and slumped to the ground.
Triumphant, Asura threw his hands into the air, savoring the victory. But from the shadows, something far more dangerous was closing in. He had yet to notice the six watchful eyes glowing in anticipation. They were patient, waiting for the moment.
Asura, still focused on the bear, failed to sense the deadly creatures moving in, their eyes locked on him with an almost predatory hunger. Without warning, the Hell Hounds pounced, their jaws snapping viciously at his limbs.
The coordinated attack knocked the ogre from the bear's back, sending him tumbling as he fought against the large hounds. Thrashing their heads, the hounds gnawed on his limbs, trying to tear through the skin, as their molten saliva spilled onto his body. To their dissatisfaction, their teeth ground against the outer layer of his skin, raking across the rubbery surface.
Although it merely drug across his body, the feeling of the sharp objects was unpleasant. Asura groaned as the hounds thrashed their heads. Slowly, the magma ate at the outer layer of his body, exposing the raw flesh beneath.
Asura reached down and grabbed both mutts' heads. He clasped their skulls with two hands each, prying them apart with slow intensity. Laughing at their feeble attempts to bite him, he continued pulling their jaw apart, ignoring their frantic struggles. Eventually, their jaws reached their flexible limit, but Asura did not stop.
With a sickening crack, their lower jaws began to tear away from their skulls. The remaining skin and flesh on their faces ripped, and magma began pouring from their open mouths, spilling onto the ground in a broken fountain of molten fire.
Their bodies went limp as the agony overwhelmed their mind. He tossed their bodies aside like discarded trash. Like a gladiator awaiting his next challenge, he surveyed the battlefield. To his right, a Hell Kitten watched from the shadows, its six eyes unblinking and filled with hunger. It studied him intently, its gaze calculating as though sizing him up for an attack.
Asura taunted the creature with a wave of his hand, urging it to come forward. But the Hell Kitten resisted the bait. Instead, it remained still, its eyes never leaving his, waiting and watching. It was the perfect opportunity to strike at him while he was distracted, yet they remained vigilant. Why weren't they attacking?
Asura frowned, the situation growing more confusing by the second. They were waiting for something. But for what? Out of the corner of his eye, a familiar red glow began to intensify. He turned just in time to watch as a flash of red lightning crackled toward him. Before he could react, the bolt struck his chest with a deafening crack.
The force of the blast sent him flying through metal shelves, crashing through them with ease. He did not stop until his back slammed into a large machine. The impact knocked the wind out of him as the machinery remained still. The clang of metal echoed throughout the factory, and the machine buckled under the force of his body.
The pain from the strike was excruciating. Asura's spine screamed as the shock coursed through his entire body. His limbs went numb, and the taste of metal lingered in his mouth. He opened and closed his hands, trying to shake off the numbness that spread through his body like poison.
Asura tried to pull himself up and away before the second strike came, but he was too late. A massive engine slammed into the center of his chest, pinning him against the machine. His spine bounced painfully against the solid structure behind him.
"Fuck... that hurt," he groaned, his voice thick with frustration.
With a grunt, Asura used all four arms to shove the engine off him, rolling it a foot away. Sweat poured down his brow as he took a moment to catch his breath. However, the brief reprieve was short-lived. Two large Hell Kittens pounced at him, preventing him from recovering.
"Shit," Asura muttered, rolling to the side just in time to avoid their savage claws. The sound of ripping metal rang in his ears, making them ache. Asura glanced up and saw one of the cats perched on the side of the machine, its razor-sharp claws embedded deep into the metal. It was unsettling how perceptive these beasts were.
All six eyes remained fixed on him, unblinking and calculating. The rancid smell they exhaled sent a shiver down his spine. As the Hell Kittens crouched, acid dripped from their mouths, sizzling as it ate away at the metal on the floor. Asura narrowed his eyes, watching their every movement, when Scar Face's sudden laugh sent him jumping.
"Having fun yet, Asura? Is this what you desired?"
Asura grinned, his excitement present in his smile. "The time of my life, to be honest!"
Scar Face watched intently as Asura surged forward, preparing to strike the Hell Kittens. But before he could reach them, Wain dropped from the skylight above, landing with a groan. The human absorbed the fall with his knees, crumpling onto the floor. As he struggled to regain his composure, he looked up at Asura.
"I—... hate you."
Asura chuckled, reaching down to help the human to his feet. "Took you long enough."
As Asura scanned the room for the Hell Kittens, Wain adjusted the bag on his shoulder.
"Shit," Asura muttered, eyes wide with alarm.
"What?" Wain asked, his gaze following Asura's.
"They're missing again..." his voice drifted off as he searched behind the shelves.
Frantically, Asura whipped his head around, trying to locate the cats. But it was too late. The bears had begun to move once more. Their bones were snapping back into place, flesh stretching and reattaching as though they were never injured.
"Come on! Just stay dead!" Asura cursed, but the bears were too stubborn to stay down. "Wait, is that smoke?
Suddenly, Asura noticed something strange. A thick, light brown smoke began to roll across the floor, spilling into the room. It was unlike any smoke he had seen before, dense and swirling, it seemed to have a life of its own.
Asura turned to see Wain, of all people, blowing out the smoke. It rippled through the air like waves, thickening until it was up to Asura's hip. He groaned in frustration.
"Don't you try to take the fight from me now!" Asura grumbled, waving his arms in an attempt to disperse the cloud. But the smoke never dispersed as if his arms had passed through. It seemed to avoid him as if some invisible barrier kept it from touching him.
Wain rolled his eyes at the ogre's childish attempts to disrupt his creation. "Dude, we got other things to deal with right now," he said, pointing toward the bears. Asura turned to see the enraged bears, fully recovered and angrier than ever, as the magma poured sloppily from their growling mouths. The jagged rocks on their backs ignited with flames, coating them in a fiery armor.
They let out a guttural roar before expelling a surging wave of fire from their mouths. The flames joined together into a massive wave of heat that crashed through the room like a crashing avalanche. The air burned, and the ground beneath them seemed to melt under the intense heat.
Sweat poured down Wain's face as he instinctively stepped back, his breath caught in his throat. Any corpses caught in the path of the massive wave were incinerated, vanishing without a trace before him. He swallowed hard, fear creeping up his spine as he wondered if they would survive the next onslaught.
Asura's face twisted into a sinister grin that seemed to enjoy the challenge. He was not about to let this wave of fire wipe them out. He grabbed a nearby metal sheet from a table, slamming it into the ground before himself and Wain. Like an angled shield, he braced for impact as he pressed his body against the back of the table, preparing for the oncoming sea.
The wave of fire hit with terrifying force, causing Asura to groan as the flames pressed against the metal shield. The heat became unbearable. The metal beneath him groaned and began to glow, inching closer to its melting point with every second of exposure. Wain, wide-eyed with horror, watched as the table became a glowing red mass, the heat warping it back with each passing second.
Asura glanced back as Wain hid behind him, building up the smoke circling their feet. Then, with a sudden stop, the fire stopped pouring. Asura cautiously peered around the glowing table, his eyes narrowing.
"Well... there it goes," he muttered, watching the table melt into a red-hot puddle beneath them.
The molten metal pooled around his feet, still scorching but not nearly as intense as the fire. Asura paused for a moment, assessing the situation. "Without a weapon, this is pointless," he thought, watching the bears struggle under the weight of mana exhaustion. Even if he pummeled them endlessly, they would keep rising again, like zombies in some human movie.
"Can you, like, give me a weapon to kill these guys?" Asura asked Wain, frustration lacing his voice.
Wain shook his head, exhaling a swirl of smoke from the herb in his hand. In a massive sweep, the smoke joined together, pulling the rest toward the factory's roof. Within seconds, it condensed into the form of a herd of rhinos, crashing down toward the floor with thunderous clatters.
Asura's eyes widened as the rhinos charged with unrelenting force, their horns piercing the remaining monsters in their path. The bears were the first victims, skewered by the horns. They howled as their flesh tore. Then, the Hell Hounds were next, crushed beneath the massive legs, leaving them mangled in piles of flesh and mush. The Hell Kittens, terrified, fled to Scar Face, taking refuge beside him as they watched the devastation unfold.
Unamused, Scar Face waved his hand with little care in the face of the threat, signaling the Banana Wyrms to attack once more. Their scales lifted, revealing glowing openings within their bodies. A haunting red light flickered from within, and with a roar, the Banana Wyrms unleashed a bolt that flashed with blinding light.
Crashing through everything, the rhinos made haste toward their opponents onstage. Yet, they were no match for what they faced. The lightning tore through the condensed smoke, ripping the herd apart in seconds. What had once been a mighty charge evaporated in a flash of red light, leaving behind only a dissipating cloud of smoke.
Already anticipating his plan's failure, Wain reached into his bag for a backup. Pulling out a cigar, he lit it and inhaled deeply. Vibrant green smoke billowed out from his mouth, swirling around the room. It spread quickly, enveloping the area in a thick fog that obscured everything in its path. Asura squinted through the haze, his gaze fixed on two red lights growing brighter through the mist.
"Damn Banana..." Asura muttered. He knew exactly what was coming.
The sounds of screeching echoed from the direction of the red lights. Asura's eyes darted around, but the thick smoke made it difficult to see. Just as he was about to move, the fog parted briefly to reveal the Banana Wyrms, their bodies now bloated and blistered. Their scales had bubbled up, and the sight of them melting off in painful, grotesque shifts was enough to turn even Asura's stomach.
The dissolving flesh created a repulsive odor that would haunt Asura for the rest of the day. A wave of nausea swept through Wain as the odor intensified, and the Hell Kittens fell victim to the same plague. Thrashing around in agony, the Hell Kittens desperately tried to flee from the building. Yet, they succumbed to the same fate, dragging their rotting body across the floor. Their flesh dissolved, leaving a streak of melted hair and meat.
"Wicked…" Asura murmured in disturbed fascination as the creatures slowly died.
Wain, pleased with the results, could not hide his pride as he looked at Asura. "See?" he began, but slow, deliberate clapping filled the room before he could finish.
Asura's gaze snapped toward the source. There, standing just a few feet away, was Scar Face. He had moved from the stage and was now within striking distance. A rush of anticipation surged through Asura as he wiggled all twenty of his fingers.
"Bravo, bravo," Scar Face smiled, his eyes gleaming with a cold, calculating amusement. "You did quite well," he stated, his voice dripping with mockery. "I would have enjoyed the fight more if those pets weren't so useless. But beggars can't be choosers, I suppose." He paused. "Asura, I look forward to our next encounter. It'll be quite a fun show."
He raised a crimson book and, with a chant, summoned a crystal-like orb that materialized before Asura and Wain. Within the glass-like prison, lightning sizzled, crackling like a contained storm.
Wain's eyes widened in horror. "No..."
Scar Face uttered a chant that echoed with the eerie cadence of The Temples, "Through Beelzebub comes power and glory. His ways reveal the truth."
Before Asura could react, the orb exploded, releasing a violent shockwave that sent them flying. The force of the blast shattered the factory walls, tearing through the building like a violent windstorm. Asura counted the seconds as he soared through three walls before crashing into a brick fireplace.
"Ten seconds, huh? Impressive air time..." Asura muttered, groaning as he lay in the rubble.
After lying in the rubble for a minute, pain shot through his body as he slowly pushed himself out of the pile of bricks, stiff and aching. The factory was nothing more than a crumbled heap, with flames raging all around. Asura took a moment to catch his breath, but his joints locked with pain, and he struggled to move.
"Damn... that hurt," Asura groaned, wincing in pain. He paused for a moment, then called out, his voice tinged with concern, "Wain? Hey, Wain? You still alive, buddy?"
Asura called out for Wain, hoping his partner was still alive in the wreckage. After a brief scratch on his back, he decided it was best to search for him around the neighborhood. Sadly, Scar Face is most likely long gone by now. Something caught his eye as he went to leave through the hole he had created upon his entry.
An elderly woman sat trembling on the couch, clutching a small dog in her lap as she desperately prayed for its protection.
Asura froze. He felt a pang of guilt. The house he had just crashed through was hers. She seemed like a sweet old lady with her plastic-wrapped couch and strange, mismatched furniture. His eyes lingered on a peculiar object near her. Is that a lamp made from a mannequin leg?
Asura couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of the small dog barking fiercely. Half-jokingly, he asked, "You gonna eat that? …Uh, never mind, I'll take my leave now."
Figuring it was best to leave her in peace, Asura quickly turned and sprinted back toward the factory's remains, searching for Wain. As he arrived at the outskirts, he watched as more pieces of the factory crumbled, adding more fuel to the already raging fire.
"I hope they don't blame me for this shit," he groaned.
From behind him, someone let out a dry laugh. "You're worried about that right now?"
Asura spun around to find Wain clutching his left arm, blood spilling down his arm. Before he could ask if Wain was okay, a new figure appeared from the flames. A humanoid figure resembling a lion with glowing green and red irises shimmered in the firelight. Her sinister smile flickered, dancing along with the flames. Asura's heart bubbled with joy. Another fight? Hell yeah! A new victim… I mean enemy!
From her feline features, it was clear to Asura that she was a Beastman. The Beastman's face was marked with jagged black lines that spread like tribal tattoos, traveling down her arms and legs. She wore human clothes, a green hoodie, blue jean shorts, and a white baseball cap. "Weird," Asura mused. "Beastmen usually hate the smell of humans, so why is she dressed like one? Whatever. Let's see what she's got."
She wielded a massive hammer made of blood in her right hand, its twisted form alive and shifting. Asura could not take his eyes off it, the crimson hue, the way it pulsed in the firelight. With a maniacal laugh, she slammed the weapon into the ground with a loud thud that shook the area.
Suddenly, the ground trembled beneath their feet, and Asura's eyes widened in realization. Wait, what the hell? He thought just before bloodied spikes erupted from the ground, shooting toward them like spring-loaded blades.
The spikes struck Asura's chest, but all shattered like shards of glass against his impenetrable skin. Unfazed, he ripped chunks of rock from the earth and hurled them toward their attacker. Meanwhile, Wain quickly took cover, drawing deep breaths and lighting a cigar. He exhaled a thick cloud of light brown smoke, which condensed into the shape of a ram. Upon completion, the ram charged forward, headbutting each spike that erupted from the ground, smashing them to pieces as they appeared.
Taking advantage of the distraction, Wain retreated, distancing himself from the factory. Once he was safe, he sighed in relief, whispering, "Man, that was close."
Asura smiled, relieved to see Wain out of harm's way. Now, he could focus on the Beastman. Letting out a roar of excitement, he charged forward without a second thought.
"Finally, some real fun!" he shouted, grinning widely. "I ain't got a weapon, so you'll have to excuse me if I just beat the shit out of you repeatedly!"
The Beastman met his grin with her own, her eyes glinting with amusement. "So, Asura, you're with them now?" She spoke as if familiar with him. "Ya traitor. Monster on monster violence? That's just wrong, you know."
Asura rolled his eyes at her comment. "Shut the hell up, you filthy hypocrite." He tightened his fists as he approached. "We fight all the time. There's no monster code or anything. In fact, we fight each other more than we fight humans."He stretched out his arms mockingly apologetically, "I have no side—just the thrill of the fight. And right now, this human side is giving me some real fun."
He sprinted toward the Beastman, slowing as he saw her swing the hammer into the air. Though his momentum carried him forward, he crouched low, fingers digging into the ground. He threw himself to the side with a mighty push just as the hammer slammed down.
Spikes tore through the ground where Asura had just stood. He grinned, enjoying the sight of the Beastman's frustrated expression.
"You missed!" he taunted.
The Beastman's grin widened, a devious look creeping across her face. Asura's amusement faded, and he instinctively looked to his side. A tentacle, formed from the blood spikes she had left behind, slammed into him, sending him sprawling backward.
"That's bullshit!" Asura growled.
The tentacles, like twisted roots, emerged from the ground beneath him. They cracked through the concrete, sending debris flying as they lashed out, trying to ensnare him. Asura dashed forward, but the tentacles were fast, grasping for his limbs with terrifying speed. Despite their flexibility, the tentacles seemed brittle, like glass. Asura shattered them with ease each time they came close, his fists smashing through them as they collided.
He grabbed a chunk of concrete from the rubble, using it as a makeshift weapon, and hurled it toward the Beastman. She scoffed as she swatted it away with her blood hammer, reducing it to dust.
"What an insu—" Before she could finish, Asura's fist collided with her mouth, knocking her head back and causing her to bite through her tongue. She collapsed to the floor, gasping in pain. As she struggled to defend herself, Asura lunged, his fist slamming into her face. The sickening crunch of her skull caving in echoed in his ears. Her body slumped instantly, motionless like a corpse.
Asura stared at her lifeless body, knowing full well it was only a matter of time before she healed. If she was capable of speech, she was likely capable of regeneration, too. He reached down slowly, his hand hovering over her body as he planned what to do next.
"Wait... Where's Wain?" he muttered, looking around, but saw no sign of his partner. A sense of unease settled in.
"Wain? I need you, bud…" He called out, "Sorry about what I said earlier..."
Just as he turned to leave, a voice spoke, cold and mocking. "How could you hurt this pretty face? Didn't your mother teach you manners?"
Asura froze, his stomach churning as he looked back at the Beastman. The sight was grotesque. Her face was a distorted mess, bones missing, yet still moving. The skin stretched back, reforming itself like it had never been damaged. The snap of bones popping back into place made Asura recoil in disgust.
"Ew. Also, not all of us have mothers. Insensitive, am I right?" Asura muttered as if talking directly to Wain, who still was not in sight.
"—Wain? Bud, I still need you..."
Hoping to catch her off guard, Asura suddenly leaped toward the Beastman. But before he could make contact, he realized his mistake too late. Her hammer began to shift, warping into a new, monstrous form, just like Mel's guns. Asura's eyes widened in realization as his momentum carried him forward.
"You sly son of a—!"