Chereads / A Love Reborn: Finding Romance Twice In One Lifetime / Chapter 38 - CHAPTER 38: WEDDING NIGHT


"Hubby, why aren't you coming in? Don't tell me that you have come across a water monster in there?" Calista called out for her newly wedded husband, who was taking his time to clean up.

How long was he planning on washing?

Even she, as a woman, didn't take that long?

Could it be that he was trying to shy away from what was due to happen?

That thought suddenly came into my mind.

'Heh, you can do anything else but run away. This lady won't allow such a thing to happen!' she swore as her eyes turned red at the thought of Orson not fulfilling the wedding night.

"I am coming!" suddenly Orson, who was quiet for a while, responded.

Upon hearing that, Calista, who was lying on the comfortable bed with red sheets, smiled with relief.

'It's good he knows what to do!'

At first, Calista thought about what to do after getting married to Orson. Should she keep a distance from him and let him stay in the other guest bedroom during their marriage?

Or should she stay with him as a real couple?

There were advantages and disadvantages of both paths. By picking the first one, she would be married in name only and have a man to protect her from the wild men out there.

However, that wouldn't satisfy her, or conform to the real reason why she decided to get married in the first place. It wasn't like she didn't know how to protect herself in the first place, so why bring an additional person into her family to freeload?

Which was why she decided on the second one. With the second one, since she had succeeded already in scamming Orson to become her husband, then she might as well take advantage of it to the fullest.

Recalling how hurtful Benita's words were on that day, there was no way she was going to let Orson go scot-free like that.

Other women might look at her actions and call her shameless and that she didn't conform to the virtues of a woman, but would doing so give her the peace of mind she wanted?

Did anyone ever bother to know her thoughts and how she had been feeling all these years?

Besides, for someone like her who tasted death and knew how horrible dying felt, there was no such thing as being shameless.

The day her life was sucked out of her, dirt covering her battered body as they buried her recklessly without care as if she was an animal who didn't even deserve a proper burial. That was also the day that all virtue vanished.

What was the point of being a virtuous lady who conforms to the rules another man or woman set for her to follow when she couldn't even live the way she wanted?

The same night, on a dead night, a chilly night when she lost her life, Calista not only met with death but a second chance in life.

How could she let such a second chance in life just pass by like that?

For ten years she had lived, minding a bit about what other people thought of her. But where did that get her today?

Getting mocked left and right, being scolded for not doing anything and even for doing something. Did they want her to hit the pillar and commit suicide to prove her innocence to everything that they had been accusing her of?

She was tired of everything. She thought that as long as she ignored their wagging tails, she would live peacefully, but now it was no longer the case.

When a child she had raised, with her money despite the others not knowing, it stood up against her and called her names, and accused her of something that she knew wasn't her problem. It was enough for her to keep holding it in.

She was going to do everything that she wanted without caring about others.

With so many achievements other people had gotten, even if she were to make a move, it wouldn't cause a ripple. No one would suspect that she was a reborn individual. In eras like hers, it was very easy to find anomalies.

And in the decade, she had returned and lived in this wonderful world that she never thought she would love to live. She had spotted a lot of them.

So why should she join the fun and have all attention on her?

But that was something that she used to fear before, but now, it no longer mattered.

And the first step of revealing herself to the world to live a life of not hiding anymore so that these shrewd people would no longer point fingers at her and accuse her of immoral things she had never committed or committed before, was to marry Orson.

And rather than maintaining distance, she was going to consummate the marriage with him, whether he liked it or not.

If they don't get intimate, how could she, Calista, the famed vixen who was accused and labeled as a hen who can't lie eggs, conceive?

Rather than fighting with words, she was going to fight with action.

So, as she looked at her newly wedded husband entering the bedroom wearing loose-fitting pants which outlined that lean body which didn't have much fat on it, wee defined abs which reminded her of those men she saw in those modern worlds where it was no longer a taboo to expose much skin, Calista was even more convinced to eat and suck Orson dry.

Calista had never portrayed herself to be a saint or a shy person. From the very first day she met Orson, she had made sure that the man knew the kind of person she was.

So, when he entered the bedroom with that seductive look, Calista was happy to indulge and cooperate.

After all, those who don't know how to express themselves always suffer a loss. And she wasn't one to suffer a loss. If she ever suffered one, then she would make sure that she would win in the next round, no matter what.

"Hubby! I have been waiting!" Calista coyly stated as she supported her body with her elbows, half of her body on the bed and the upper half slightly in the air.