Chereads / To ascend, I had no choice but to create games / Chapter 91 - Chapter 89 Unprecedented Grand Occasion (Second Update)_2

Chapter 91 - Chapter 89 Unprecedented Grand Occasion (Second Update)_2

His body told him he was still in reality, but his eyes told him he was not.

The game's graphics, already impressively lifelike, became even more realistic with the enhancement of the VR equipment. Every blade of grass and tree around him was clearly visible, everything so vivid it was as if he had truly stepped into another world.

This world had been eroded by the Disease Demon Lord.

The sky was filled with black miasma, swirling like dark dragons, wantonly destroying the very foundation of this world.

The surroundings were shrouded in a grey mist, with countless terrifying creatures roaming in the darkness, rampant and eying him closely from not far away.

The path ahead glowed faintly, as if beckoning Chen Rang to hurry forward, to the end, to accept the fate that belonged to him there.

But he dared not move.

The diseased environment made him feel that a single step would result in being devoured by the darkness.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue:


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