Chereads / To ascend, I had no choice but to create games / Chapter 35 - Chapter 35 Seeking Death_1

Chapter 35 - Chapter 35 Seeking Death_1

3:30 AM.

Kongkong Studio.

Chief Planner Huang Ping, dragging his tired body, walked out of the meeting room.

By his side, four systems planners, one copywriter, and one data planner had become like zombies, speaking without strength.

Walking on the thick carpet, Huang Ping felt like a ghost, aimlessly wandering on the river of life and death.

Even inside the office, he could hear the sound of crying from the bathroom outside, like a widow weeping by a grave, or like a wronged soul claiming lives.

The spacious office was now filled with colleagues from the studio.

They lay scattered on the floor, their snoring loud and continuous, deafening.

Although he couldn't smell it, Huang Ping believed that they, who hadn't bathed in over ten days, definitely reeked.

Now it was summer, and every day the buildup of sweat made Huang Ping constantly feel that sticky, greasy sensation, but he endured it all to launch the PVP system as soon as possible.

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