He rose to his feet, intending to go back to rest.
Seeing him rise, the princess's body trembled, and she lowered her head, her fingers tightly clutching the bed covers.
After a while, hearing footsteps walk to the door, she finally lifted her head to look.
Wu Heng said, "Rest well, I'll sleep in the next room."
"You're going to the next room?"
Wu Heng looked at her, counter-asking, "Are you ready?"
"I'm not, not ready!"
She was well aware of what ultimately happens when a man and a woman sign a Slavery Contract.
She had been mentally preparing herself for over a day.
Especially since she could not harbor any ill will towards her master, it was all a matter of time.
"Then prepare yourself, get some rest early," Wu Heng opened the door and walked straight out.
The princess also approached the door, listening as he opened the room next door and then entered.
Her heart still pounded loudly at this moment.