The next prism wasn't that hard to find; I located another white one lying around close to the blue one I had picked up earlier. I put it in one of the pockets on my lab coat as I ventured deeper into the darkness. My head was getting a lot worse as I went deeper into this place; the dizziness never seemed to get any better. This place is truly completely out of the realm of what any scientist thought possible. The second prism that I would be using would be a blue one; I assume if I smashed the two together, something new should happen. I had high hopes; it would forcefully open an exit to this hell hole. Hopefully, it leads back home; I could use a glass of water right now; my mouth was completely dry.
Finally, after a half hour of searching around, I found another blue prism like the one from before. I carefully picked it up this time, not wanting to break it like the last time I found one of these. I had to wonder how many lost memories filled up this place; it was almost creepy. Were my memories floating around somewhere in this sea of nothing? Maybe it was only memories that ended a person's life that one could find here? I had no real way of knowing unless I tested the blue prisms a bunch of times. However, time was not a luxury I had; getting out of here took top priority right now; experimenting again can wait.
Normally, one would just smash the two of these together and be done with it, but I had a theory about these white prisms. One that I would have to put into practice before breaking both of these prisms together. I took the white prism into my hand; I wound back my hand over my head and smashed it with both hands as hard as I could on the ground. The prism made a weird humming sound, but nothing else happened; it didn't shatter at all; it just laid there like it had been before. That confirms it; these white prisms are very hard. I expected as much; the transfigure I saw before had rows of sharp teeth that it used to break the prism. They adapted such razor-sharp teeth for a reason; they needed them to break down the prisms.
Animals, or whatever that thing was, developed sharp teeth like that due to the harshness of this environment; I had no way of fully understating what that meant yet . With this in mind, I needed to find that transfigure again, or at least another creature like it. Weirdly it has been quiet; I haven't heard anything else here besides me, but that could be because this space is just that big. Even if you put a million creatures here, if this space is near infinite, there might be some distance between creatures. All I could really do now was keep walking forward and hope that I win the probability lotto. Once I find one of those creatures, I could then act on my plan, having the transfigure do the work for me. I decided to hold the white prism above my head; last time the transfigure was attracted to me when I held one of these. I hoped that by holding it like this, maybe it could act as a beacon for any of the other transfigures to find me.
I would need to act quickly though; these creatures are fast and seem quite dangerous. Those claws were no joke; they could rip me to shreds if given the chance. I walked along for another hour; I wondered what purpose a creature like that would have for claws. I could understand teeth for breaking the white prisms, but why the long claws? Did they have other prey they hunted? Or was it for self-defense? The question eluded me; these transfigures there is so much I don't know about them. How did life even form here to begin with? These questions were pointless, but it did wonders for my mood. I didn't have to think about the shitty situation I was in if I distracted myself like this.
I had always done this though even before coming here; it was a way to destress myself when life hit me hard. I escaped into the world of books, math, or science when things got difficult. Call it cowardly, but I felt comfort when I was thinking about complex equations or problems. Just as I was feeling a bit depressed, I spotted it. A grey creature in the distance; perfect, it was just like the other one I saw. It was checking the ground like the other one had done; I just need to get closer. I began jogging a little; I couldn't let it get away now, not when I didn't know when I would see another. After a few minutes, I managed to catch up close enough; it hadn't noticed me quite yet; the creature was larger than the other. It seemed to be about 6 feet in length; its claws were also larger. It screamed danger; this thing was straight out of a horror novel, and really not something I wanted to get closer to.
Despite this, I had to approach it to enact my prism plan; I decided to carefully place the white prism close by to the transfigure. I backed away carefully; it would eventually notice the prism, and then just as it takes a bite, I would have one chance to throw the blue prism into its mouth. I kept backing up, but I also needed a clear shot; I was never good at sports, but I was good at math. I backed up to a spot I knew I would have the best chance to score a direct hit on the transfigure's mouth. After a minute or so, the creature stood up off the ground; it seems like it spotted my bait. I waited patiently for my chance; the transfigure began darting towards the white prism.
They seemed so desperate to feed; it was almost hard to watch; I guess food is scarce down here, so they take what they can get. I had to wonder what it drank, or if they even drank. However, I tried to focus on the present situation as it leapt at the white prism. The transfigure had it in its claws greedily, and opened its huge maw in its chest. The rows of needle-like teeth glowing in the darkness; now was my perfect chance. I winded my hand back and threw the blue prism inside the maw of the beast. The blue prism flew down the creature's maw as it crushed both of the prisms at once. At first, nothing happened; the creature merely treated itself to the meal that I provided.
Just as I was about to curse myself, a faint glow could be seen for the transfigure; I began to back away. No wait, it wasn't just the transfigure; the ground around the area also began to glow. I didn't need to be a genius scientist to know that meant danger. I ran away as fast as I could from the glowing, and just in the nick of time, I managed to scurry away from the epicenter. Luckily there wasn't much in the way of debris here, so the explosion was mostly self-contained to the immediate area. The explosion of bright white light made me look away as it popped my ears loudly. The flash remained long after the initial flash of the explosive. I steeled myself as I slowly approached the area I was aware of the dangers, but I needed to see what the situation was.
As I approached, I noticed body parts. These body parts I recognized; they belonged to the transfigure, but weirdly there was no blood. How? It just exploded; this should be a bloodbath? I remembered my earlier question of how it even drank. That might explain it; maybe they don't need to drink. I was bound to the laws of my planet; maybe these creatures had no need to drink in the first place after all; they clearly didn't bleed. Moving past the body parts, I found what I was most curious about. My mouth muttered in clear awe, "White Spot." I couldn't believe it. The epicenter had opened up a familiar white energy on the ground in front of me.
This is it; this could be my ticket out of here and back to my world! I know it's a risk going into the White Spot again, but risks were always present when doing science. Looking around this place is a dead end for me; I need to get out of here fast; humans can't survive in this environment for long. I had no idea what other dangers are lurking here; I need to find nourishment elsewhere, and plus this place.. honestly scares me. I have tried to keep it away from my mind, but this realm is truly terrifying. Wandering through the darkness like this has been hell; it couldn't be good for my sanity. I had no idea when this White Spot would disappear, so I decided right now to take the leap of faith.
I walked closer to the spot in the ground; it hummed loudly as I approached; this was it; I am putting all my chips on this. I put my best foot forward and down I went into the pit much like before; my body vibrated. It felt like I was everywhere but nowhere, and the glasses did nothing for the pitch-black darkness around me in every direction. I felt like I was falling, but I also felt like I was being elevated. I closed my eyes tightly as my stomach felt like it was in my throat much like it had been the first time. In the silence of the void, I let go, trusting the White Spot to transport me from this terrifying cosmic maze. The last thought that passed through my head as I plunged deeper was all my regrets that I still had left on Earth. I prayed that this was the one-way ticket I needed back to the lab, hoping that I could try to be more social this time around.