Planet Earth...
Many years ago, a great phenomenon occurred. A period of darkness graced the Earth for almost a week. Why?, scientists were never able to find out the exact reason. But right after this mysterious occurrence, a strange thing happened, revolutionizing the world's system as we know it. Certain dormant cells located in the human body began to undergo some sort of mutation. Not every human was able to experience this event though, just a few people, numbering not even to a tenth of the entire Earth's population. This supposed mutation brought forth the development of certain kinds of superpowers in these special humans. They were named Mutants by the masses, as a testament to the kind of beings they had now become, defying the natural authority and rebelling against the world they found themselves in. They were beings said to harbour diverse skills that threatened to put them a top of the food chain itself...until another kind of humans arose...
The Mansters were a different kind of being all together. Beings that bore traits of beasts that had mutated in them. These group of superpowered individuals arose during the time a shocking discovery had been made; certain beasts had also managed to attain genetic mutation. A group of scientists comprising mainly of biologists and archaeologists, worked together to develop some form of extraction technique that enabled them to draw out similar genetic sequences of the mutated species and integrating it with that of normal humans. After a series of secretive malignant experiments had been carried out by various world governments, the first mansters were birthed across the world only a few years after the mutants had made their debut. The various world governments sought to gain control of these creations of theirs, for it wasn't possible with the mutants earlier. However, the situation only further grew chaotic, as the mansters grew in numbers and power. Their occasional skirmishes with the mutants affected the normal people, and demands from the public for the government to keep the situation under control, further fueled the already raging fire.
The world system almost broke apart completely when a third force began to arise from the east, bringing along with them an ancient power. They were similar to cultivators in mythology, wielding great power and strength...some of them even capable of leveling buildings with bare fists. Soon, more of their kind appeared in the western lands, the southern plains, and the northern tundras. They called themselves, Godspawns, boasting of powers that looked to have been granted by the gods themselves.
The Godspawns managed to do what the individual governments failed to do; bring the situation under wraps by handling non-conformant mutants and mansters , however, they also had to deal with issue of internal divisions amongst the various members. On the other hand, the rate at which the mutants and mansters grew in numbers became alarming, as more and more humans were now capable of accommodating the mutant character traits, on a daily basis.
Realizing the difficulty involved, the Godspawns opted to foster peaceful relations with the other two groups in hopes of restoring the frail, nigh non-existent order of the world. After coming to a consensus, it was decided that the mutants and mansters, Godspawns, and normal denizens form a sort of worldwide organization; a society that consisted of elders from each side to handle worldwide affairs and keep tight restraints on all groups. Thus, the Paramount Society was then formed.
The Paramount Society was formed with the sole purpose of maintaining the world's societal order. They hoped to achieve this by first restructuring the current system, believing it necessary to give importance and priority to superpowered individuals, and in return, placing the responsibility of protecting and looking after the normal individuals on their shoulders. The society consisted of equal members of Mutants, Mansters, Godspawns, as well as Ordinaries - humans without any sort of abilities. As a result of the Ordinaries comprising a majority of the planet's populace, without doubt, their influence on the society was the greatest. But then it never aroused any form of opposition from the other sides, each side strongly believing such a system would rather be for the good of all. With these changes, everyday life could continue as it always had been...
This era having been marked by such paranormal happenings, became popularly known as the Transformative Era...
Present Day...Deluxe State...
This was one of the seven major states of New Earth. Due to the restructuring of the old world's system by the Paramount Society, the world after the Transformative Era was now called, New Earth.
In order to reduce ethnic differences between the various races, the society labelled the entire planet a whole country on its own, with the seven continents now becoming seven states; Deluxe State, Eastern State, Northern and Southern States, Tropic State, Oceania State and Frost State.
Formerly known as Europe before the Transformative Era, Deluxe State , now the main 'command' state of the world could be said to house close to about a tenth of the entire populace. It had now become the most populated area on the entire planet, followed closely behind by the Eastern and Northern States. It was popular for its fancy high rise buildings and artistic architecture, the views of night in this state were nothing but a marvel to behold. The main headquarters of the Paramount Society was located here, along with a number of its affiliated institutions, thus, the state could be said to be the harbour of New Earth's apex society.
Up north of Deluxe, a few miles from the state's main center itself, lay an incredibly densely forested region. This region was said to house quite a multitude of mutated beasts, that roamed farther away from the forest's periphery, but occasionally making their presence known to all in the region. Much further up the forest regions were a cluster of mountains, with intertwining valleys that formed a beautiful maze system when viewed from the sky. In the center of this massive system was a titan of a structure, that shot straight up towards the skies. It was taller than the tallest of towers, and even a skyscraper would look nothing more than an ant in comparison. Built with a sort of sturdy glassy mineral mined around the artic regions, this building boasted of walls that were sure to even withstand the combined might of two nuclear bombs. This was just one of the many affiliated institutions that was run by the Paramount Society. It was rumoured to be some sort of secret training facility that was built in the past, as a way of grooming supersoldiers for the society in the likely event of a rebellion or an uprising. What exactly it housed, only a select few were aware. However, there was one thing everyone knew about this was of inexplicable importance to the Paramount Society...
Somewhere inside the massive structure, precise locations unknown, a group of working scientists manned a complex network of computer systems. Such advanced technology looked to be out of this world, the kind only such organizations as the Paramount Society could get access to. The workers looked to be taking a break, relaxing in their respective seats and chatting amongst themselves. At that moment though, the alarms in the premises began to sound glaringly. Everyone instantly became alert, swiftly rushing to check out the situation and possibly deal with it. A man dressed in all black, followed by similarly dressed individuals, then entered the working area.
"What's going on?", He ordered in a thundering voice, his words laced with pressing authority. One of the workers turned to respond. "We cannot tell yet, Sir."
Typing away on the various devices before him, he further added, "This does look to be an alert though...we seem to be receiving something from one of the satellites. I'm trying to connect our main feeds to that of the satellite, therefore it should be done!" He hit a button before him, causing a giant screen-like projection to appear before everyone. In the projection, outer space could be viewed clearly; depicting the live feeds from the satellite.
The beauty of space could be seen, in the multitude of celestial bodies that seemed to stretch far and wide as the eye could see. But one thing stood out from the rest.
"W-w-w-wait...what i-is that?" One of the scientists pointed out to a blue sphere of energy that streaked across the screen and looked to be on course to Earth. The exact size of this blue energy sphere couldn't be deciphered instantly, but anyone could tell at once that if it struck a portion of the Earth's surface, then the consequences would be dire indeed.
"Inform all units and sectors around the globe, and report this to all related institutions worldwide. They all need to be kept aware of the possible danger." The man in black gave out the order. " Also, if this thing, whatever it is, lands in any of their areas, they should try to control the situation as much as possible. We'll occasionally be keeping tabs over here."
He returned to looking at the projection even as the energy sphere continued it's descent towards the planet. He could only silently pray, that no one would be affected by the aftermath of its descent...
Northern State...
The Northern State was currently the only state that had the capability to match the Deluxe State in terms of architecture, infrastructure and technological development. Conversely, the Eastern and Southern States paled a bit in comparison. However, it was also the state with the most potent military, without taking into consideration the effect of the Paramount Society in Deluxe State. It was quite populated, following closely behind the Eastern State in terms of number. However, what it lacked for in numbers, it made up for in terms of artistic terrain and well developed living structures. The Northern State was divided into cities, with the largest of cities being referred to as Counties, and the Counties were further subdivided into major and minor towns and/or villages. With such a system, it was easier for the government to rule the various counties and towns, by appointing County Heads in each of the regions.
To the far west of the state lay the Moose County, an area that was characterized by occasional strong winds and heavily forested areas. The regions here were graced with perfect sunshine and rains all year round, making it a rather suitable place for people to live. The Moose County thus contained quite the number of towns and villages; it was in fact the only County that could rival the Capital City in terms of quantity of civilians.
Somewhere in one of these many towns, a minivan was currently making its way out of the settlement into the forest region beyond. It was similar to the kind that families would use during an outing, and that was exactly what one particular family were preparing today.
At the front of the van sat a couple - a pretty looking blonde and a rather handsome middle aged man with dark blue hair. Behind them were two siblings, both looking to be in their teens, the older looking one being the female though. The younger one, the boy, sat right beside the van's window looking out with visible boredom etched on his face. He had fine dark blue hair and looked to be rather lanky, his black shirt and trousers hanging loose over him. He was quite good-looking, with handsome features and sharp contours, a characteristic that looked to have been inherited from the one manning the van. His name was Juno Klak, and his family was currently on their way to have a picnic near the forest borders, as a means of celebrating his sister beside him, Elora Klak, for managing to break through her mortal limits and manifesting her dormant genetic abilities...for successfully becoming a mutant. The mood in the van was bright and uplifting, and this family of four were oblivious to the blue streak of light that flashed in the skies, many miles above their heads...