Chereads / Reincarnated as a lecherous elf / Chapter 8 - SIBLING NIGHT


As I entered Rainea's room, a strong, sweet scent flooded my nostrils. It was one I had come to associate with most nights, especially when my mother indulged in her rare romance novels: the smell of wine. But the strange thing was where that smell came from. My brothers weren't big drinkers, I think I'd only seen them do it a handful of times, and only at family gatherings. So when I saw the bottle of wine next to the bed and each of them with a glass in hand, I was surprised. And this surprise was matched by what met my eyes. For a girl's room, Rainea's bedroom was surprisingly devoid of many things, especially the color pink. The walls and floor were wooden and showed signs of wear and tear. But it wasn't just the look that caught me off guard, it was the state of the room itself: the closets were open, with piles of clothes strewn about. It was clear that my sister didn't bother to put things away properly. There were even some panties scattered on the floor, the use of which I didn't know. But that didn't matter to me; I wasn't like those book sick people who liked to smell them. I preferred the real thing. Rainea should be grateful that our mother had been distracted by her books, because if she saw this mess in her room, her punishment would surely include a few slaps on her nice, muscular bottom.

The only thing that seemed to have a "clean" appearance was her bed, which was surprisingly large considering Rainea was barely 5'7" feet tall. But today her giant bed didn't seem to be so empty; my beautiful tomboy sister wasn't alone there. Aran was also present, both dressed in revealing clothes that showed off their stunning bodies. Rainea was wearing only tiny panties, revealing a tuft of brown hair that adorned her beautiful virgin pussy, as well as a bra that further enhanced her smooth, round tits. Aran, for her part, was wearing the typical blue pajamas she had worn every night for as long as I could remember. I don't know how it could still fit over her body, especially at the bottom where her thighs, hips and butt were prominent. I could see how the thin fabric of the pajamas struggled against her flesh to keep her body covered.

When I approached the bed, Aran was lying on his stomach, rhythmically kicking his legs and making his ample ass jiggle like a bowl of jelly. He was the first to notice my presence, "hiccc, do you see Rainea? I told you the brat was coming. He's so attached to you," he stammered, alcohol spilling out of his mouth. But it didn't bother me, just like his words, it was typical of Aran to be like that. Sometimes he seemed like he could be a good brother, but then he would remind me why we didn't get along. Rainea fixed her big black eyes on me after Aran's comment. Her gaze was slightly unfocused; both of them, by Elvish standards, were old enough to share a drink or two now and then, some might even argue that they were a bit too old to be just starting to drink. I had seen kids my age share a drink or two with their friends. Alcohol was a common drug among the elves, one deeply ingrained in their culture, but the bodies of these two particular teenagers had yet to fully adapt.

Rainea's voice rang out, a little slurred, as wine ran through her veins. "Don't mind him, Eli," she replied with a hint of exasperation. "He didn't get as many letters today as usual, so he's very irritable. I've told him that scowling all day will ruin his complexion, but you know how stubborn he can be." A soft chuckle followed her words as she lifted the glass of wine to her lips to take another sip. The deep red liquid glistened in the candlelight, casting an enchanting glow on Rainea's face.

Aran grunted and rolled over, eyes closed, arms folded across his chest. Her body heat formed a small nest in the white sheets. "I don't care about the complexion, Rainea. I'm beautiful enough as it is," he murmured proudly, though he sighed wearily instantly. "What really worries me is that my followers seem to have abandoned me...they don't want me anymore," he lamented as his voice trailed off with every word out of his mouth. In the end, her words ended in a yawn that broke the silence in the room. Rainea shrugged and took another sip of wine, enjoying the bittersweet taste on her palate. "They're probably just busy, Aran. Not everyone has that much free time to write letters all day, especially being only a few months before the practical exams," she said with a sarcastic note in her voice.

Aran let out a frustrated huff and rolled to the other side of the bed, intentionally avoiding his twin sister's gaze. He knew she was right, but that didn't make his feelings any less real. As someone used to having throngs of followers and admirers, he couldn't help but feel disappointed by the waning interest they were showing lately. Most of the evening passed uneventfully, with my brothers returning to their gossip while completely ignoring me. Around midnight, their long conversation finally began to wane, with no more topics to share. But from their expressions, it was clear they didn't want it to end, as that meant going to bed, something they didn't feel like doing especially since tomorrow was the weekend, which meant no school. So I tried to take advantage of it, after all, I had to make my move at some point. So we were three teenagers alone in a room, one of them very excited which was me and the other two inexperienced and slightly drunk, which only made them more naive. Suddenly an idea occurred to me that would help me make the best of the situation: a game, but not just any game, but the ultimate flirting game that I had seen people play both in this world and on Earth. I was sitting near the head of the bed, so I had to lean over a bit to get my brothers to focus their attention on me, which they did with curious glances before I said "I'm bored, I want to play!" crossing my arms and pouting sympathetically, a technique I had perfected in this life.

The young elves exchanged glances before nodding enthusiastically, albeit somewhat slowly. Their flushed cheeks and dazed expressions showed that the alcohol had taken its toll on their bodies. However, they also seemed eager to do something new after spending all night sitting and chatting.

"What do you want to play?" asked Rainea, slurring her words but being the most excited about my suggestion.

"The Desire Game," I announced, gesturing dramatically with my hands. My siblings' eyes lit up at the idea. This was the name by which this game was known in this world. It was quite popular, especially among the halls of the academy, where gossip abounded about it. Just because the parents of these experimental elves didn't teach them sexual matters didn't mean they didn't find out one way or another.

Aran joined the conversation with an unusually cheerful expression, exclaiming, "Oh, I've heard about that!" He leaned toward us, his eyes bright with excitement. "The guys in the cafeteria usually talk about playing it to steal kisses from the girls."

As soon as Aran finished speaking, it was as if a light bulb went off in his head. His eyes darted quickly to me, and with his right hand he pointed directly at me. "Y-you want to kiss us!" said the teenage elf. And yes, it was true, well, I wasn't exactly eager to kiss Aran, but I also couldn't deny that there was some truth in his words. To my surprise, I didn't have to defend myself, Rainea did it for me. "Come on, Aran, does getting a kiss from your little brother really take away your desire to play? I didn't know my twin was nothing but a chicken." I have to admit that her response was a bit aggressive, but it was probably the alcohol talking. Anyway, Rainea was usually very frank and honest, so the alcohol must have amplified what she meant.

Aran's face contorted into a mixture of annoyance and anger, sending shivers down my spine. Having two hormonal teenagers in the same room, especially in this heated environment, probably wasn't the best idea for a good time. Especially when those two were some of the most powerful wizards of our generation. After a few seconds of staring at each other, Aran finally spoke as sparks of fire molecules danced along his body. "Hey! I've kissed a lot of people already. A kiss from this dwarf means nothing to me, you idiot!". Her arms tensed at her sides and her face showed clear frustration towards Rainea.


"Ooh, are you sure about that, Aran?" said Rainea with a mischievous grin on her face. "So if I told you to kiss Eli, it wouldn't be a problem for you?".

"No!" Aran replied again, almost instantly. To which Rainea wasted no time before responding with a challenge. "Then do it, Hen!".

It was too late when I noticed something rushing toward me, too fast to be seen and too strong to be stopped. Suddenly, something pressed against my lips, cold and soft, with a hint of grape flavor that made the contact surprisingly pleasant. My eyes snapped open and, to my surprise, the cushioned object pressing against my mouth was none other than Aran's lips. He kept his eyes closed and his cheeks flushed, whether from the wine or from embarrassment, I couldn't tell. I felt inexplicably attracted to him. It disturbed me: this was Aran, my idiot brother, with whom I had always had a tumultuous relationship. And above all, he was a man, for God's sake! As far as I knew, my body was only attracted to women. But I couldn't deny that at that moment I was enjoying the crossing of Aran's lips against mine, something that even my penis was taking note of as it slowly swelled with blood until it pressed against Aran's plump thigh. All I could tell myself, in an attempt to convince myself that what I was doing was not homosexual, was that Aran did not fit the traditional male stereotypes, with his delicate, feminine features, his slightly plump and curvaceous body in all the right places, and his small penis that I had glimpsed just a few weeks ago when he left the bathroom door open (something quite unusual for him).

As my head spun in confusion, I tried to pull away, but his hands grabbed my face and prevented any movement, keeping me firmly in front of him. The kiss was not passionate at all, just a light brushing of our lips, with no attempt to invade each other's mouths. However, despite the lack of passion and effort, it felt good. Maybe it was the thrill of doing something forbidden, after all, in any world this would be considered sinful. Or maybe it was the intoxicating taste of grapes on her sweet lips that had clouded my mind. At worst, maybe I was just a little "gay," and at this moment I was finally realizing it.... But I wasn't the only one enjoying it. Aran's heavy, choppy breathing and closed eyes as he pressed his lips to mine made it clear that he too was indulging in our forbidden act.

A wave of fear came over me as I didn't understand what was happening. I pushed Aran again, this time with all my strength, but his muscles were too strong, so I injected mana into mine to help me push him away easily. When our gazes met, his eyes widened in complete surprise. The expression on his face quickly changed and his beautiful lips, which just moments ago were on mine, now curved into a grimace of disgust.

"Your kiss tasted like a cockroach," he said with an unpleasant grimace on his face. I tried to conceal my blush and my erection under the sheets as I replied, "Oh, I thought you liked it? You held me pretty tightly for something you hated." Rainea burst into laughter and applause, delighted with the situation, while I stood there transfixed, trying to process what had just happened.

Rainea couldn't stop laughing, clutching her stomach as tears escaped. "When you kissed him, you even closed your eyes, hahahaha," she said between fits of laughter. Aran's usually handsome face had turned completely red, like a ripe, juicy tomato. Surprisingly, the insult Rainea expected to come flying at her from her brother never came. Instead, Aran remained silent for a while, waiting for her twin to finish laughing. When she finally read the situation in the room and his laughter subsided, he got out of bed and walked to the door without making eye contact with either Rainea or me.

Rainea and I stood in stunned silence, trying to process what had just happened. We couldn't believe that Aran had left without even saying a word, especially after Rainea had laughed in his face, that wasn't like him at all.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked, still in disbelief.

Rainea sighed and sat up in bed, a worried expression on her face. "I think I've gone too far..." she said, looking at me, "She's been very sensitive lately, but I didn't think it was that serious."


The atmosphere in the room became tense, so I didn't say anything to Rainea about continuing to play. After all, I could touch her body at any time now that Aran was gone. But I refrained, sensing her contemplative mood. It was rare for Aran and Rainea to fight, or at least I didn't remember it happening before. There may have been occasions when they exchanged playful insults and curses, but I had never seen Aran not respond. This situation was strange.

Rainea seemed to sense it too, for she said, "It's time for bed. Help me make the bed." So I did as she asked, arranging the previously untidy pillows so we could lie down. He must have known by now that I was going to spend the night here; it wasn't the first time, and it certainly wouldn't be the last.


Rainea tucked me in affectionately before crawling under the covers herself. In an instant, all the candles that lit the room were extinguished at once, as if by magic, which, of course, it was. It didn't take long for my eyelids to grow heavy, but a voice broke the silence of the night, causing any trace of tiredness in my body to dissipate. "Eli..." My heart began to race at the sound of my name, and Rainea's hand came to rest on my chest. "Can we 'play'?" It certainly wasn't something I expected Rainea to ask, especially considering how the day had ended. "Aren't you sad?" I blurt out without thinking, my dumb brain unable to come up with a better answer. Of course, Rainea didn't answer right away: who would answer such a silly question quickly? But after a moment, she spoke carefully: "Yes... but precisely for that reason, I want to 'play' with you. I want my mind to put what happened with Aran behind me." With those words, his hands began to run down my abdomen in what Rainea considered normal sibling rubbing. But which only served to warm me even more. Of course, I could not ignore my beautiful sister, especially when she craved my caresses so fervently.


The dull ache I felt in my balls from being denied release under the touch of Aran's thigh throbbed, but despite this discomfort, my cock still managed to rise, hard and eager, between the confines of my underwear and the blankets that covered us from the cold. My hands shot out to grasp Rainea's prominent breasts, feeling the weight of her beautiful mounds in my palms as I manipulated them, teasing her sensitive nipples until they hardened under my touch. It was almost as if they could cut metal with their hardness. Rainea responded with a soft moan, her pink lips parted as she whispered, "Yes.... Eli, make me forget ~❤️" That was what she wanted, but I wasn't going to let her use me for her own pleasure. If we were going to do this, it would be on my terms and she had to know that. I reached up to her long, pointed ear, nibbled on her fleshy lobe and let my heavy breath fall on her skin. "No." I said firmly, taking a dramatic pause to give him time to absorb my words. "If you want to forget, if you want me to touch you, you still have a challenge to meet." A mischievous twinkle lit her eyes as she understood what I meant.

Holding my hand tightly, as if afraid I would let go of her beautiful white breast, Rainea leaned in close to me, her hot drunken breath on my face. Her stunning lips were mere inches from mine as she asked, "What's the challenge, little mouse?" And there she was again, my playful and wild sister, now even more so due to the alcohol coursing through her veins. "Let's see... this isn't really the challenge, but how about making up for what you put me through with Aran? That kiss was awful, Rainea," I said. The night air infused with the scent of alcohol was all I could feel for a while, as I could almost see Rainea's mind moving around finding a suitable response. "Ohhhhhh.... And how could I ever make it up to you for something so terrible?".

My tongue stumbled for words, my heart beating faster as I gathered the courage to speak. "W-well...since Aran stole my first kiss and made it horrible, maybe you can give me, one?". I tried to sound nervous, but the truth was that this wasn't my first kiss, not in either of the two worlds I'd lived in. I had been able to take advantage of a few girls in my class before, but it was nothing noteworthy. Just silly little girls who would give a kiss to anyone who showered them with compliments. But this... this was different. I wanted it to be special, with someone who really meant something to me. And who better for that, than my beautiful sister?.

Rainea blinked in surprise at my request. "A kiss? From me?"

I nodded, blushing even more if that was possible. She moved closer to me and placed a hand on my cheek, her thumb gently caressing my skin. "I can't deny you anything, Eli. If that's what you want...".

I closed my eyes and leaned into her, eagerly awaiting the feel of her lips against mine. But what I felt in my mouth could not be described simply as lips; it had to be nothing less than heaven itself touching me. My member, already throbbing and painfully hard, couldn't take it anymore and released its pent up desire. I mean, let's face it, I'm not a stud who can last forever like the men in romance novels. And to top it off, I only inhabit the body of a boy. However, I ignored it and surprised Rainea by inserting my tongue into her mouth. At first she refused to let me in, resisting and pressing her fleshy lips even tighter. But as she saw my gaze fixed on hers, she gradually relaxed. She must not have been used to more adult kisses like this, perhaps she had never even been kissed before. Being an elf made it difficult for strong, powerful women like her to find mates, as most male elves were too intimidated by such qualities. Luckily for me, that worked in my favor.

My tongue was now exploring every corner of her mouth, reaching almost to the bottom while she remained still, waiting for my continuous attacks. The sweet moans escaping from her lips showed me that she was enjoying herself as much as I was. I could only hope that tomorrow she would not ask our mother about the new kisses her brother had been teaching her the night before. Rainea's body was now hot all over, rubbing against mine as we lay side by side. Her warm sex, radiating an intense moist heat, pressed against the bone below my knee. She probably didn't even realize what she was doing, but at that moment, my inexperienced and beautiful sister was pleasuring herself with her little brother's leg.

At that moment, I intensified my attacks. The hand holding her breast left its post and joined my other hand to rest on her soft white buttock. I grabbed and kneaded it hard, so hard that Rainea eventually told me to stop, to be gentler. But I ignored her pleas; she was mine and sooner or later she would realize it.

My mouth, which had previously only pressed my tongue against the inside of her cavity, now also bit her lips, caressing and sucking them until our once robotic kiss transformed into a lewd and sloppy kiss, whichever way you looked at it. But this was only an appetizer for what I had in mind. In an instant, my hands and mouth froze her movements on her body.

Her confused eyes, now wide open, begged me to keep touching her. But I resisted and instead my lips parted to speak, "That was the best kiss I'll ever get, sister." Of course, like most things that come out of my mouth, it was a lie. But it didn't matter. I said it just to set the stage for what was to come next. And as I looked at Rainea's bright red face, I realized that my words had taken effect. "It was my first time too, little mouse..." she stammered in response. "I never... I mean... I'd never even held a boy's hand before. But don't tell anyone," she said, her voice firm but slightly embarrassed. "Of course not, Rainea. What do you take me for? This will be our secret, Rainea. Our special secret that no one else knows." Tears glistened in my sister's eyes as she nodded, her cheeks still flushed. In that moment, I saw that she was completely under my control.

"Rainea, I think the time has come for you to meet your challenge," I said with a slightly playful smile on my face, as my hands again slid over her smooth ass. "Of course, Eli!" she replied a little startled, only to ask me again, "But what is it?", As she fiddled nervously with her hair, realizing that she had no idea what she was supposed to do.

"Well, it's a little unconventional," I admitted. "I just want you to tickle me with your mouth."

Rainea's expression contorted into one of disbelief, and she said, "That's it, the dare? For a moment there I thought it was going to be something really hard."

I shrugged, trying to look nonchalant. "Well, it's unconventional, isn't it?".

Rainea let out a small laugh, shaking her head. "You never cease to amaze me, Eli. But I will. Just this once....."

I felt a surge of excitement and nervousness as Rainea moved closer to me. I closed my eyes and braced myself for what was to come.

Rainea's soft lips brushed against my long ear, tickling me with her warm breath. Although I knew she was naughty by nature, the wetness of her tongue caught me off guard as she slid inside my ear, licking the surrounding areas first before delving deeper. A surge of irresistible pleasure engulfed me and a small moan escaped my mouth, "Mmmmmmm ~❤️ ", Something Rainea seemed to enjoy hearing as she let out a giggle and continued with her work. Her lips moved down to my neck as her warm tongue ran along my sensitive skin. But she paused there for a moment, looking down at me before sucking hard on my collarbone, leaving behind a mark that connected with her mouth as she pulled away to show me the resulting love bite, her playful eyes making me lose myself in them. I wanted nothing more than to devour her right there and then, not caring about anything else, but I had to restrain myself even as she ran her hands over the love bite wiping away the saliva before bringing them back to her mouth and saying, "You're mine, little mouse."

Anticipation coursed through my body as I anxiously waited for the teasing to end and her attention to turn to my throbbing erection. My plan was simple, I just needed my sister to notice on her own my strong penis that was about to rip through the sheets. But I also knew I had to be careful, I didn't want to reveal my true intentions. Lying there, with my member throbbing with anticipation, I couldn't help but wonder how it would all end. And then it happened: she began to slowly work her way down my body, planting soft kisses on my stomach. For a moment, she stood still, her breathing slowing along with mine, before asking "is that your 'pee-pee'?". I nearly burst out laughing at that last word, it's what mom used to call my and Aran's penis when we used to bathe together years ago. So yes, I had seen it before, but judging by her shocked expression, I hoped it was still the same size as it was then.

"Y-yes," I replied, trying to put on the most serious face I could.

A shadow loomed over Rainea's face, as if what she saw was not what she expected. "It's big...", she said with nervousness in her voice. And then came the moment when my own nerves hit me like a ton of bricks with the words that came out of her mouth, "Can I touch it?"

And then, everything stopped.

For a few seconds, I could do nothing but stare at her dumbfounded. I was sure I had misheard, but her expression and her words told me otherwise.

Finally, I managed to articulate a few words. "What did you say?

Rainea looked down and mumbled something unintelligible. I walked over to her and lifted her chin to look at me. "What did you say, Rainea? Say it clearly."

She took a deep breath before replying in a barely audible tone, "Can I touch your 'pee-pee' Eli?" The words floated in the air, causing my heart to race and my cheeks to flush with embarrassment. Realizing this, she added, "I-it's nothing strange, Eli...I just want to know how it feels, think of it like when mom used to bathe you when we were younger." She said waving her hands nervously, her face beaming as she tried to explain to me why it was okay to let me touch my penis. But what she didn't know was that her brother had a much kinkier mind than any elf in this world, and I would take advantage of that. She looked at me with some trepidation, but also curiosity, as I smiled tenderly at her. Finally I gave in and allowed her to do it, without her knowing to what extent her innocence would be corrupted by her own brother.

I stammered nervously, trying to hide the lust in my voice as I said, "O-okay... but only with your mouth, your hands must be cold....." I questioned, masking any hint of my earlier provocative proposal. My logic must have seemed sensible to him because he didn't question me at all. On the contrary, she did exactly as I asked. Her body slid into mine, settling between my legs under the sheets that covered us. She lifted the thin bedspread so that her head peeked out from underneath and stopped just above my penis. Her big eyes, full of curiosity, focused on it. The first thing my sister did was sniff it. She brought her little snub nose close to the tip of my erection, which was struggling to free itself from my underwear. She took a deep breath, inhaling the full scent of my manhood all at once. If there was any doubt before, it was now completely resolved. This girl, even if she didn't know much about sex, was nothing but a pervert. As soon as she smelled my cock, her lips parted and I could almost see the female instinct take over. Her mouth began to salivate and her eyes were lost in a daze. That same wet mouth then engulfed the head of my penis, still covered by the thin fabric of my briefs, licking it through the material. A surge of electrifying pleasure surged through my body as my hands clutched tightly to the sheets, fighting the desire to pull her head closer and force my entire length inside her in one swift motion. In an instant, her lips coated my panties with saliva, soaking them almost completely.

At that moment, I couldn't take it anymore. My hands, which a few moments ago had been gripping the bedspread tightly, quickly pulled my underwear down to my knees in one swift movement. This, of course, surprised Rainea, but she was even more shocked when I pressed my manhood against her beautiful, moist lips and said, "Suck!" as if giving her a command. She looked at me and, to my surprise, bit her lip and did as I ordered. But due to her inexperience, she could only gulp the tip and occasionally graze it with her teeth, which made it more painful than pleasurable. Still, I enjoyed it like there was no tomorrow. What man wouldn't dream of having his beautiful sister suck his cock without hesitation? And I was making it come true. I didn't care how forbidden or obscene it was; all I cared about was watching the saliva drip from her sweet mouth as the elf slut gagged on my cock. At that moment, we were nothing more than a male and a female.... my female! That thought brought me to the brink of climax, surprising Rainea once again.

I grabbed her long ears with my hands and pushed her down hard, preventing her from any chance of escape. Her eyes quickly filled with tears as she choked on saliva and choked moans. Her arms slapped against my thighs, pleading for me to let go, but I ignored her. The only thing important to me at that moment was to release myself deep in her throat. Finally, the tip of my cock touched her soft inner walls and, with one last thrust, I unloaded all my cum into my sister's mouth. Her eyes popped open and her face began to turn purple from lack of air, something that excited me even more. Adding even more creamy load into her mouth until I finally finished off the last drops of cum inside me. By then, her face was a mess, covered in saliva, tears and cum dripping from her nose. She was barely conscious, but luckily, some incoherent words were still escaping from her mouth.

After covering her with the warm blankets, exhausted and panting, I leaned back on my arms and took in big gulps of air. My head was finally beginning to clear after having been completely focused on satisfying my sexual desire. However, I was suddenly aware of something strange in the room. The door was slightly ajar, which was confusing since when Aran had stormed out, he had slammed it shut. Neither Rainea nor I had left at any time, so who could have opened it? Naked still under the covers, I approached the door to close it and my surprise turned to a spark of fear as I saw a familiar gaze meeting mine through the slightly open frame. A gaze I knew all too well: the icy, intense gaze of Aran....