Chereads / KNIGHT IN DARK ARMOR / Chapter 16 - Being Aggressive

Chapter 16 - Being Aggressive

What do you say Lucifer"? Mikano asked with a grin.

"I do things my own way Mikano. I don't need you to interfere with my business". Lucifer said impatiently.

"Somethings are beyond your imagination. Even Zeus is ignorant at some point. Don't think too highly of yourself". Mikano warned.

"If you know that much then maybe you should start by telling me what the f*ck you're doing in my kingdom". Lucifer sneered.

Mikano feigned an aggravated look. "Ouch that hurts me so badly"!

Lucifer stated at him wordlessly.

"Alright. Just be careful not to hurt yourself okay? And let me know when you need my help". Mikano said finally and disappeared.

Lucifer stood up with his hands tucked behind him and walked to hell. He waited there for someone.

"Hell will break loose very soon". He said as he watched the fire in hell burn brightly.

Meanwhile, Mikano stood before the window in his room and gazed at the gloomy weather.

"Even the sky knows that things are not yet as they are supposed to be".

"Yes but you know how things are supposed to be don't you"? Nyles said from behind him.

"You think too highly of me Nyles. You should be on your way to Lucifer now".

Nyles snorted. "It's not groundless is it? Most times I feel like you are more powerful than Lucifer".

Mikano chuckled softly and said nothing. In the eyes of people, whoever is enigmatic is powerful.

"There are so many things I would have done if I was half as powerful as you think of me". He said calmly and gaze at a distance.

.If only they knew...

You may be able to fool others but you can't fool me. You don't really feel the you let him see right"? Nyles asked with folded arms.

"What way..."? Mikano asked with his signature grin.

"You don't love him do you"?

Mikano grinned. "Do I...? Go to Lucifer now. He would need that company".

Nyles bowed and left. While Mikano stood in the same position. His playful face turned completely black and his eyes turned crystal blue...


Môans and lots of grôanings ran out hell. Piles and more piles of bodies... well bones to be more precise, kept dropping to the ground.

Lucifer stood on the piles of bones looking totally évil. His eyes where devoid of any light and looked totally frightening.

"You didn't need my help at all! Why did you have to call me"? Devlin yelled as he swung his sword. His hand where almost falling out.

He was totally out of breath and was almost passing out from fighting hundreds of people. Lucifer wasn't helping.

"Look out..."! Miranda yelled.

But it was too late. Before he could turn back, a punch heavy landed on his back. Don't doubt the strength of a démon.

Devlin was thrown back by the punch. He coughed up blood and lay flat not minding the disgusting bloods splattered everywhere.

"Are you okay..."? Mira ran to him and helped him in a sitting position.

Devlin moved closer to her and rested his head on her bosom and grinned. If he could enjoy this treatment then he didn't mind being bit by countless demôns.

Lucifer didn't move from his position but he didn't let any demon come close to him anyway. He made sure to burn anyone that was coming close till only their bones where left.

"What in the world dude? I'm resting you should cover up for me"! Devlin yelled while picking up his sword to fend of the demon that was approaching.

Lucifer glanced at him without pity. "The main deal is yet to happen. You should take your lover to some little hole to hide her.

"Shut up okay?! Don't talk to her like that"! Devlin snapped. Most times he blamed himself for values a friendship that doesn't even exist.

Lucifer ignored him as he sensed the air changing. They where here! He felt excited, his demons trembled with excitement. He couldn't wait to fight with the so called angels. He snapped his fingers and the other demôns dissolved into nothingness.

He waited patiently and slowly, they arrived. His eyes couldn't conceal his excitement but when he saw who it was he frowned.

"Why is it only you"?