In the cybernetic realm, Zheng Hao, a normal grocery store salesman by day, navigates a world dominated by machines. His daily struggles with customers and the relentless demands of his job, coupled with memories of overwork, depression, and the weight of a low salary, paint a bleak picture of his existence.
One day, as a disgruntled customer leaves, Zheng Hao completes another night of work, succumbing to exhaustion and hopelessness. Suddenly, on his way home, Zheng Hao tragically dies from overwork.
[ System Awakening Loading….]
What's that voice?
[ System Awakening 50%]
[ System Awakening 70%]
System Awakening 70%?
[ System Awakening 100%]
AM I in a nightmare?
Zheng Hao finds himself in a surreal landscape, surrounded by trees and an interface displaying various systems. The screen indicates that he has become a Deity of Systems, capable of generating systems for others. His first mission: give Rui Yang, the main character of Murim Apocalypse in the planet of Azurea, the Strongest Martial Artist Apocalypse System. The rewards for this task include unlocking access to the Planet of Azurea.