Everyone was stunned by such a scene, except for the veteran mercenaries. Although it was terrifying to see the entire sky engulfed in flames. This was because a Deep Worm had sneaked in behind the wall and was spitting fire directly into the wall fortified with earth spells. The Deep Worm was so long that it hadn't even fully crawled out yet, but it had already reached a height of about 30 metres, and its hairs were so large and frequent that it was more like a sand caterpillar. And sandy because of the sandy rain coming from the ground, and there were still many grains of sand between its hairs.
From the ground, it looked like a sand obelisk had appeared and was about to shower them with a shower of flames, and when the first volley was over, its mouth appeared with many teeth. All the mercenaries and protectors of the Aqua family were heartbroken at the sight of such a scene. The ladies in the carriage simply went mad. Melissa clung to her mother, trying not to squeal at the sight of such a giant, while Fourth Mistress Daniel had to stop Fourth Mistress Daniel from getting out.
At that moment there was a loud scream that sounded more like the roar of a beast.
Herold simply went mad at the sight of this man. After all, he had been the main cause of his tragedies in the past. Ryan was a dark-skinned man, if you call skin with multiple burns that, it's impossible to find a patch of skin that doesn't look like the aftermath of a bath in fire. This man with burns looked around with the eyes of a predator, there was only chaos. That was how Herold remembered this man from the past, especially his eyes.
His pupils were not black and round, but red and more like a circle with flashes of fire. His eyes were filled with thoughts of violence and murder.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, Herold, old friend, and here we meet again, though it's a bit of a nuisance to see you in good health, but I'll take care of that soon enough."
Herold and Clantis looked at him as if he were mad. In fact, he was. They had met him when they were in the service of the Fallen Kingdom. They had all been friends, but he had disappeared on a mission, and when he returned two years later, he had come with a group of men to destroy their shared homeland. Clantis and Herold tried to stop him, but his use of magic was no longer just casting spells, but directly manipulating the elements of the environment. As a result, both of his former comrades were unable to stop Ryan from summoning the Deep Worm, resulting in the death of their entire kingdom. Many had escaped that day, but they were in other cities. It was a pity that their wives were near the fortress at the time, so there wasn't a shred of ash left of them. Herold and Clantis only buried their wives in their hearts, and they were never able to give them a resting place for lack of bodies.
"Oh, Clantis, you're here too! What an unexpected meeting! How are your wives, I didn't see them then, maybe they were hiding somewhere?"
They both roared into the sky.
Herold gritted his teeth, as did Clantis, and decided to ask.
"Ryan, it's clear now that you've lost your mind, but I'm curious. WHY THE HELL DID YOU BECOME A MONSTER!!!"
Herold could no longer contain his hatred when he heard the question.
Ryan just grinned.
"Guys, it was necessary for the truth. I already told you that on that day in our homeland. You just ignore the truth. I had to create the Fire of Abomination Organisation just to spread the truth all over the world that not even water can stop fire on one level."
"How can destroying everything around you prove your truth!"
" It's very simple, when the Fire of Abomination consumes everything around you, everything becomes true."
At that moment, Ryan gave the order for those with him who were hiding on the other side of the worm to come out and descend. Ryan himself also jumped out of the worm. Everyone was surprised by this scene, as they had expected just one attack from the worm, and then the rest of the troops would be finished off after all the fire. And Ryan noticed their expressions, so he grinned again.
" Kid's in a bad mood today, so I had to come right away. But don't worry, you won't survive anyway."
At that moment they all started to fight. Ryan fought both of them at once, Herald and Clantis. The rest of Ryan's minions formed an alliance of warrior defenders and mercenaries. Ryan withstood the attacks of Herald and Clantis; his fire was good at suppressing normal physical attacks enhanced by enchantments, so without the tactic of Captive Fury, the two ringleaders had no way of making synergistic attacks to win.
The fire began to burn away from them, the defenders taking a lot of fire damage but no critical wounds. But Ryan's followers were only 30 men, and they were unarmoured, wearing only normal clothing, while the defenders were 150 men, equipped to maximise their specialities.
It was obvious that the battle wouldn't last long like this, but it was an interesting scene in a place where there wasn't a shred of flame.
The carriage.
The ladies sat quietly, waiting for a rebuff from their opponent. But Daniel looked more closely at the scene outside the window, even forgetting how to react. He remembered the man's eyes from his childhood, and now all the memories of ten years ago came flooding back.
He couldn't remember the name of the band, but he remembered those eyes. Eyes that had a stench in them. A burning stench, like fire, but a fire that tried to consume everything through pollution and manipulation. These were the eyes he now saw in the eyes of the man called Ryan and his minions.
The faces of people burning alive began to fly before his eyes, but the worst part was that he saw the faces of certain people who were his relatives or villagers. Daniel was in a stupor. He finally began to think about what exactly the Herold was trying to tell him, but the suddenness of the attack meant he didn't have time.
His whole world crumbled before his eyes, he had just retreated from such memories, but now everything came alive before his eyes.
There were now at least twenty bodies on the ground, but the casualties among the attackers were minimal, they had lost only three fighters. But only three men had managed to reach the carriage in that time.
The battle began between three of Ryan's henchmen and the ten defenders of the carriage. The coach itself was two minutes away from the main battle, which is why they had left so few men on the coach, but now there was a problem with reinforcements. All ten men were experienced in fighting in the same team, so the battle was even.
But that was until the first two deaths, now the attacks became more ferocious and managed to kill one of the members of the Abomination Fire Organisation at the cost of seriously injuring two others, now the battle was at a stalemate and the fight came down to two people, one was a stocky man with brown hair and a tall build. The other man was of the same build, but his skin was now like a hardened wax candle after burning, the kind of strange scars that everyone from the Organisation of the Abomination Fire had, so that the pupils of his eyes were already instilling even more terror in the ladies.Daniel sat there trying to formulate a single thought. But he failed...