It took a while ((Exactly 24 minutes)) for me to reach the nearest post of civilization after escaping from the Rosewood territory but I eventually made it.
It was a relatively smaller merchant town located 12 miles away from the area of my previous operation. Usually, it would take a bicycle around an hour to an hour and a half to cover the distance. A horse-drawn carriage would take nearly two hours for the same journey hence why people in the empire are starting to turn more to bicycles, cycle rickshaws and cargo bikes. Well that and you don't have to feed or take care of those vehicles like you do a horse. I predict that when motorized vehicles like what they're putting to use in the empire's capital gets mass produced, horse drawn carriages will become a thing of the past, heck Fanoshia's already done it...but I digress.
I've been travelling on the road for a while so I can't help but notice when the winds are changing as these nations develop.
((After my 4 years of basic training all I've been doing is traveling from one place to another across the whole of northern Valentia, I never stay long in any of these places, only visiting for a few days to a few months at worst before leaving. I've been to most if not all of the nations on the northern side of Valentia by this point. The only time I ever come back to base is when the Maestro needs me for a mission or further augmentations and experiments))
After that strange encounter with the amethyst eyed, platinum silver haired girl Sophia, I've been doing a bit of reflection on the life I've lived so far, partially because I want to dig into the origin of why that girl feels so familiar to me and partially because that encounter just put me into an introspective mood.
((Things are NEVER simple when my life is concerned are they?))
I let out another long sigh as I thought to myself.
((I have a REALLY bad feeling that this is somehow related to those...))
""Don't even finish that thought""
I told myself not to finish that thought as it will only overcomplicate things.
But then after a moment of silent contemplation.
""Haah...Oh who am I kidding? Not like it can get any more complicated than it already is and not saying it is not going to make it any less true""
I sighed and whispered to myself, resolving to confront this issue directly instead of pretending like it doesn't exist.
Who's got enough time and energy to be in denial forever anyway? People who run away from their problems hoping that it'll magically disappear are either mentally disabled or buried in an unmarked grave somewhere.
((It's definitely those other answer makes sense))
I thought to myself as I dug into the deepest crevices of my mind searching for what is essentially a faded echo of an echo of an illusion.
((Sophia...yes that was one of the names that kept appearing in my dreams. I don't remember much of what happens within this festered, fvcked up brain of mine when I wake up from slumber but that name along with a few others are stuck in my head, despite how hard I try to forget them))
For as long as I can remember, I've been having these..."dreams" whenever I go to sleep, now usually a person dreaming when they sleep isn't anything noteworthy but I had always felt that there was something...different about my dreams in particular.
((What else was in my dreams?))
I strained my mind at it's very seams trying to recall anything else.
""Oh right! There were other names too...uhm...what were they...R-Re-Reinhard, Fiama, Liam...Clara more...K-K-Ke-Ka-Ka-Kazu-ki?""
I spoke my thoughts out loud trying to engrave the details of whatever I could glean from these fractured flashes into my memory. It was far from easy, it felt like attempting to hold sand in my grip, the more I tried to hold on the more it slipped from my fingers.
((That last name doesn't even sound like something someone speaking my language would come up with. It doesn't seem to be Valentian in origin... I mean what kind of name is "Kazuki"? It sounds like a scam artist's alias and not the actually competent kind))
The pronunciation was torture for my tongue but as if guided by muscle memory that I didn't even know I possessed I managed to speak it somewhat accurately in the end...well as accurately as possible considering I'm trying to recall it based on dreams alone.
""Ugh! My head hurts...""
I exclaimed massaging my temples, trying to recall these fragmented details of a recurring dream tired me out although not physically as I was still in top shape on that front.
I've been calling these dreams "dreams" so far but to be completely honest I'm not even sure if that term is correct, these "dreams" are too detailed, too chronological, too vivid, too..."REAL" for a lack of better words. Instead of dreams they feel more like...
((God it's like I'm trying to recall someone else's memories, did someone take another brain from a random dead corpse and jam it into my skull or something?))
That was when it hit me.
At that moment I could swear I heard something faint coming from in front of me but I was too lost in thought to notice.
""That's it!""
I exclaimed softly to myself.
((These aren't dreams...they're memories! But they're not mine; they belong to someone else. Or at least they DID belong to someone else. For some reason, they've now been imprinted in my mind. I don't remember much, but in those dreams, I was definitely seeing through someone else's eyes. I know for a fact I couldn't have experienced those memories myself. The shift in viewpoint was too stark for it to be MY memories))
I made a logical conclusion based on what I know.
"Oi! You alright there kid?"
I heard that noise again but this time closer snapping me out of my stupor.
I looked up in front of me to see two armored guards standing on both sides of a gatehouse, the entrance to the town of Shale's Rise, my destination.
"Oh so you can hear us, that's good I thought you were hurt or something"
The guard closest to me reached out his hand to wave, trying his best to be welcoming.
""Ah no, my apologies I was simply lost in thought""
I bowed slightly apologizing for the trouble.
"Eh it's fine traveling the road on your own gives you a lot to worry about. But if you wanna enter Shale's Rise I'm afraid I'm gonna have to ask you for some papers"
The guard said asking for my papers.
""Yes I understand""
Wanting to get this conversation over as fast as possible so I can go back to my thoughts I reached into my coat pockets to pull out some rolled up parchments as well as a small pouch, to pay the toll.
The guard took the papers and coins from me, unwrapped the parchment and took a look at it.
"Hmm...looks good to me, you can pass kid, cool mask by the way"
After checking the papers he handed me the parchment back and kept the pouch of coins.
""It's just a piece of cloth not a mask, but thank you sir""
I put the parchment back into my coat and said.
"No problem, and don't cause any trouble you hear? The nearest inn is down the street on the right"
The man replied before stepping aside as the gate opened slightly welcoming me into the town.
I replied before making my way into the town itself.
The town was a relatively small but veritable hubbub of trade and mercantile due to it's strategic position between the Rosewood territory and the crownlands, northern highlands as well as the duchy of Karkov.
"Come one come all!..."
Even at night the town seems to never sleep as lights were still on and the streets still lined with peddlers and traders of every kind trying to holler me into buying their stuff.
But to be honest I just tuned out all of their voices as I was too busy sorting out some things.
((Back to where I left off...I've established that these dreams are memories or at the very least something almost identically resembling memories...the question is, how come I came to possess these recollections? And why? For what purpose?))
In order to possibly answer the "how" of this dilemma I began trying to recall my 4 years of training within the organization as that was when my mind was undergoing the most alterations and fine tuning to fit the organization's goals. All GEN 7 like myself had some form of mental conditioning done to us but I don't think that's where I got these memories.
((What would be the point of implanting foreign memories into my head? It makes no sense. Considering the main function of GEN 7s like myself what possible benefit could there be in giving me fragmented, confusing memories that I can only see in my dreams? I can't even draw on those dreams for useful combat experiences or tips on improving my magical why would they?...))
In the end I gave up as I have no idea what possible answer there could be to the "why" of this strange situation.
But all hope is not lost...
""Well if there's ANYONE who could give me answers...he could""
I muttered to myself as I looked up into an unassuming wall under the bridge passing over a small canal.
((What was the password again? Oh right...))
""A true pathfinder looks for no path, and no path leads to Nowhere""
I whispered the phrase into the bricks...and the bricks answered my words with their own.
The sound of bricks scraping against each other could be heard
The bricks folded into themselves opening up like a set of teeth revealing a circle of blue light beneath and on the surface of that circle was a clear view into what seems to be a luxurious reception lobby, like those you would find in a fancy hotel room, red carpets lining the floor, taxidermy on the wall and a giant overly decorated kiosk on the other side on the room it was built with the intention of hiding the receptionist on the other side.
I stepped into the portal as the bricks seamlessly put themselves back into place behind me.
"Welcome, to hotel Nowhere how may I help yo..."
A welcoming, businesslike female voice greeted me from the other side of the kiosk before abruptly stopping.
"Oh 001...The Maestro has informed me that you'd be joining us tonight, your room is 731, on your left. Here's the key"
The moment the voice recognized me, all warmth vanished, replaced by cold efficiency. They slid the key through a slot in the kiosk.
""Love you too, Enice""
I snatched the key and made a minor sarcastic remark without saying more than necessary. There was no point in small talk.
This building I'm currently in is named "Hotel Nowhere." It is a construct set in a parallel dimension, situated between conventional space and time.
This place where the hotel resides is referred to as the Void. It is a quantum superposition of sorts—a state where multiple possibilities coexist until observed. This unique property allows the hotel to exist outside normal physical laws, providing an ideal secret base and main headquarters for my organization, the Executerii.
The portal I went through earlier is one of a set of temporary gateways into this hidden dimension, called a "seeking door". The portal's location is not static; it cycles through multiple locations across all of our territories and sometimes even beyond that, as even the Executerii haven't discovered all of the secrets of the Void. This not only ensures absolute secrecy and security for the occupants of Hotel Nowhere but also provides a convenient way to travel, gather intelligence, and escape from almost any sticky situation provided you learn the cycles of the seeking doors' appearance and can reach it in time.
I walked down the hallway to my left until I reached room 731.
It was an ordinary oak door with the number "731" branded in gold trims on the top of it. I grabbed the knob with one hand and used the other to knock.
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
((Three he taught me))
I thoughy to myself.
*Clack* *Snap* *Clicks*
At that moment something moved on the other side of the room, it sounded like wood moving against and sliding on top of itself.
""He must be excited to see me after so long...yeah as if""
I sarcastically remarked.
*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*
Three knocks came from the other side signaling that it was okay for me to enter.
I opened the door and stepped into the room, bracing myself for what lay beyond.
What greeted me was disorienting: a boundless expanse of pure, unbroken white. The room seemed to stretch into infinity, its walls, floor, and ceiling if it even had any was blending seamlessly into a featureless void. There were no defining edges, no hints of shadow or texture—just an endless, blinding whiteness that swallowed all sense of distance and perspective.
In this stark, surreal environment, the only distinct feature was a large, elaborately carved office table that seemed almost out of place. It stood out starkly against the overwhelming emptiness, its ornate details and polished surface reflecting the ethereal light of the void.
Seated behind the table, perfectly composed and serene, was the figure of the Maestro. His presence seemed to command the space around him, the only anchor in this otherwise boundless sea of white.
*Clack* *Snap* *Clicks*
The three-headed possessed wooden puppet seemed to loom before me despite it sitting a long distance away behind the office table, an eerie figure in a finely tailored tuxedo that clung to its rigid frame. The contrast between its formal attire and its unsettling appearance heightened my sense of unease, I could never get use to being around this creep.
The central head, commanding attention, was crafted from deep mahogany with exquisitely carved features. Its eyes were narrow slits, and its mouth was a smooth, unbroken line, subtly implying a powerful silence. This head radiated an air of imposing authority, its silent demeanor suggesting a deep, unspoken command.
To the left, the head was starkly different, with empty, hollow sockets where eyes would be, and a wide, open mouth frozen in a silent, exaggerated scream. The lack of eyes and ears created an unsettling void, emphasizing a deliberate detachment from the sensory world, as if the head was lost in its own internal tumult.
On the right, the head presented a haunting vacancy with hollow eye sockets and no visible mouth or ears. The smooth, unblemished surface and empty gaze suggested a profound disconnection from both sight and sound, as if it existed in a realm beyond ordinary perception. The head's eerie absence of detail invited a sense of mysterious and deliberate ignorance, as if it chose to remain untouched by the world's complexities.
Each head moved in eerie synchronicity, their movements creaking softly as the wooden joints shifted. The puppet's attire, with its meticulously pressed tuxedo, seemed almost out of place against the grotesque nature of the heads, creating an unsettling juxtaposition. This macabre figure exuded an aura of authority, its silence and stillness carrying an unsettling gravitas.
"Welcome home child...did you have a smooth trip?"
The voice of the three-headed wooden puppet was a chilling symphony of overlapping tones. Each head contributes a distinct timbre—one deep and booming, another with a sibilant hiss, and the third a slow, deliberate growl. The sound is layered and unnervingly smooth, as if three voices are speaking in perfect harmony but from a place of profound unknowable darkness. There's a subtle echo that makes it seem like the voice is coming from everywhere and nowhere all at once. The delivery is slow and deliberate, each word dripping with authority and menace, creating an atmosphere of both dread and undeniable power.
""I could regale you with my tale, but we both know that's a waste of time""
Carefully with as much respect ((Which was none)) as I could muster, I told him to cut the small talk and move on to the point.
"Hmm...quite right, there is no need to give me your mission report either. I already know all that I need to know"
The puppet replied to my snark with it's eerily serene words, and yet I still feel my hair stand up whenever I hear it's voice.
""You see a great many things from within this oversized prison Maestro, might I presume you have someone keeping tabs on me?""
I said wondering how is it that he could know so much despite never leaving this room except for when the other members of his rank in the organization are meeting for official business.
"There are few things in this world you can keep from me child, once I have the mind to know it"
The puppet replied.
"But come, let us sit down over some tea and talk, despite what you might assume I did call you here for a purpose"
*click* *clack*
The puppet brought up it's wooden hands, clapped, and then...'...
I was sitting on a chair facing the Maestro on the other side of his office table.
Despite my initial shock from the sudden translocation I showed no visible reaction as this was somewhat expected.
((This place IS his domain, it's more accurate to treat it as an extension of him than a location. Space and time are his playthings here, I shouldn't act too surprised))
I thought to myself remembering the fact that the Maestro was the architect of Hotel Nowhere.
A tea set had appeared from nowhere on the table with two cups already filled and steaming hot, one for me and one for him.
((I still have no idea how he even drinks tea but I'll refrain from asking))
I thought to myself, despite knowing this man...woman...creature whatever he is all my life I am no closer to figuring "him" out.
"So child...tell me, how was your meeting with your peer?"
The puppet picked up it's cup and began to inquire.
""My...peer? Was there another GEN 7 assigned to this mission?""
I asked, confused as to what he was talking about.
"Haha...that is humorous but no, I highly doubt any of those crude imitations of my juniors could manage to spy on you without being detected. I'm talking about the girl, your "client", Sophia"
And just like that the puppet casually dropped a bombshell on me, his tact aside this only affirmed that I made the right decision coming to him for answers.
""She's a GEN 7 as well?""
I immediately asked the first question on my mind.
"No, absolutely not! Not in any "official" capacity at least"
The puppet brought the tea cup up to the head with an open mouth and poured a little tea down his wooden gullet.
""Elaborate if you don't mind?""
((This could explain why I was feeling so nostalgic when I saw her...but how does it explain the "dreams"? And why is she living the life of a noble?))
"Now child, it's not proper to answer a question with a question let alone two, answer mine first and I'll do the same for you"
The Maestro replied.
I took a moment to compose myself.
((Shlt I'm being too impatient, this is not like me...I've faced down death more times than I can count in my life but I could never seem to cope with being in here for long, whenever I have to interact with this damn puppet I just want to escape as fast as possible))
Taking a sip from my cup of tea I calmed my frayed nerves and answered.
""She was...well "special" for a lack of better words. Although she looked just like any normal noble daughter at a glance I could tell she was different somehow...her eyes maybe? There was definitely something special about those eyes""
I recalled those amethyst eyes of Sophia as I stared into them, I could definitely feel some form of inherent magic in them although I couldn't tell what exactly it was.
"Keen observation...or perhaps it is merely your own eyes recognizing another of it's kind? I suppose it doesn't really matter"
The Maestro calmly said.
((My eyes? What's wrong with my eyes?))
I wanted to ask that but waited as he still hasn't answered my previous question.
"To answer your second question child, that girl is not one of the GEN 7 like you. She never WAS an official GEN 7 as that would defeat the purpose of my experiment"
I stayed silent and listened.
"Aren't you going to ask? I assume you have a lot of questions for me right now"
The Maestro said.
""I thought we were taking turns asking questions""
I replied, judging by the trajectory of our conversation so far I logically assumed we were going to take turns asking questions and providing answers.
"No I already have all the answers I need, so it's only fair I provide you with the same"
As always it's impossible to control the flow of conversation when interacting with this puppet.
""Well then..""
I took another sip of the tea.
""I have three questions for now, what do you mean by calling that girl my "peer"? What is your experiment? And what's wrong with my eyes?""
I asked him two of the most prevalent questions on my mind right now.
"For your first question, the reason why I called her your peer was because she is the other side of your coin, your counterbalance, your other half so to speak. Although I did no alterations on her like I did you, inside that girl nests the same seed of possibility that exists within you. The only difference is that seed is being allowed to grow naturally, while you are being pushed to your limit using artificial means. I can reveal no further details than this"
The Maestro explained things in his signature metaphorical and roundabout way.
((Is that why I felt so attracted to her?))
I wondered.
"Your second question I cannot answer as that would ruin the point of the experiment"
Maestro shook his head.
""Well that's helpful""
I sarcastically remarked.
"Careful child, I tolerate your behavior because I can not because I must"
The puppet didn't seem too amused at my snark this time and gave me a warning.
This was probably one of the few times where I felt genuine fear as I replied:
"Good, as for your third question, I suppose it's about time I tell you. Did you know that I was the one who built this place? 'Hotel Nowhere,' they call it, a constrictive name to help their feeble minds comprehend the sheer scale of my work."
The puppet leaned back into his chair and began to explain.
"Yes, I'm aware"
I replied, wondering what this had to do with things.
"But what you don't know is that "hotel Nowhere" is merely the smallest fraction of my work, the first phase in a long project"
He continued.
I listened closely, waiting for him to elaborate.
"The Void, as we call it, is not just a space for occupation; it is all space and dimensions in its totality, in between everything, omnipresent and nowhere at all. This "hotel" is merely a limited physical shape of the Void made manifest by my "perspective". By bringing in others and aligning their "perspective" roughly with my own I managed to manifest a tangible pathway through the void and shaped it into this infinite hotel we see today"
"However, that is not enough. The Void is infinite by nature, so theoretically, if we were to uncover all its secrets, we could be anywhere and anywhen all at once, no?"
He turned his heads back to me.
""I suppose so""
I responded.
"And yet, why are we limited to only moving throughout our controlled territories only? Why can't the hotel reach deeper into the continent or even the whole world?"
He asked.
I stayed silent.
"The answer is simple. We lack the power of 'perspectives' needed to turn 'Hotel Nowhere' into a true passageway through the Void. The hotel we have now is like an infinite nascent baby, boundless by nature but limited by our perspective of it"
"The natural answer would be to bring in more varied perspectives so that the hotel can be observed in different ways, thus increasing the scope of its manifestation. However, that also poses a problem, as one singular person's or a small group's perspective is not strong enough to shape the form of the Void into something tangible. We only have the hotel today because all of the Executerii collectively view it as such, reinforcing this 'perspective' of an infinite hotel"
""Where exactly do I fit into this?""
((This lesson on metaphysics is cool and all but oh my god just get to the point!))
Hearing him ramble on and on was beginning to get annoying.
"I was getting to that, you see child. You are the final piece of this puzzle. When you were born I implanted you with special magic eyes that will allow you to pierce the veil of time and see into EVERY possible outcome and variable in time and space. Granting you a form of precognition that will allow you to shape the "hotel" to your desires based on your singular perspective alone"
He dropped another bombshell on me.
""I'm sorry what?""
"Think about it child, if a person can see every possibility all at once, they would have an infinite amount of perspectives on any one singular subject no? As such you alone can shape the void to your own vision of it without any need for other beings to reinforce your "perspective" for you"
Ok this is a LOT to process.
But regardless of what he's saying
((Are those "dreams" not me looking into someone else's memories but visions of the future? But that makes no sense, I may not be able to remember much from my dreams but the person whose eyes I was looking through was DEFINITELY not me, of that I am certain))
""Is this why I seemed to recognize that girl before I even met her? Or why I keep dreaming about her before I even met her?""
I finally voiced my main questions out loud.
This time it was the Maestro's turn to act confused.
"Have you been having dreams child?"
He asked me.
((Huh? He didn't know?))
Deciding that I won't get any answers by keeping it a secret I spilled the beans.
""Yes, for a while now I've been having these dreams of people and sights I've never seen before. When I met that girl I felt very nostalgic as if I already knew her for years. Are these eyes the reason?""
I asked.
He was silent for a moment.
"Hmm that's certainly odd, according to previously gathered data you're not supposed to manifest the first signs of your abilities until you reach 14 years old, early manifestations can happen but it's rare and it has never manifested in the form of dreams before.... You've certainly surprised me today child"
((So it's NOT precognition that is giving me these dreams? Then what the h3ll are they?!))
This day has been exhausting, the more I look for answers the more questions pop up.
"Well it's most likely a unique case of early manifestation for you or it could be something else rather than your latent future sight. Who can tell at this time?"
The puppet sipped on it's tea and said.
((Gee thanks real helpful))
I sneered inwardly.
"You have given me a lot to think about child and I suspect you need time to process this information as well. Go rest for today, your next mission will be revealed in roughly 2 weeks"
I stayed silent for a moment.
Before deciding to stand up and leave, there's no reason to linger here longer as I have already pried all the answers the Maestro could give me from his metaphorical lips.
"Oh one more thing child..."
Before I reached the door the puppet spoke again.
I stopped to listen.
"In the future you may be assigned to your other half for a few do try to get along with her"
The Maestro remarked.
I made no comment and simply walked through the door leaving the white void behind me.