Chapter 4 - Alya's Anger.

"Jennie, Chloe! We want you in the room, immediately please." Kagami asked politely over her phone.

"Alright! We'll be on our way now." Jennie responded with Chloe.

*Good. See ya in a while." Kagami replied.

**That same afternoon, in the girl's dorm**

"You're here." Mari said.

"To convince the whole school you guys have changed for the better and turned a new leaf, I have to cleanse you. And, it has to be today. The purifier is quite hot but I believe you guys will be able to withstand it. You'll also sleep after." She said explaining the situation.

"Are you ready now? It's not that bad." Mari said assuring them.

"Sure. Doesn't sound too frightening. I'll go first." Chloe said.

"Alright, Jennie. It's your turn." Mari said looking a little pale.

"Are you alright? You look really pale. Maybe we should continue tomorrow." Jennie asked concerned.

"It has to be today. I'm fine too. Just a bit drained since it's been a while I did this and we're still not allowed to use our abilities. Using only magic is exhausting. And, I understand myself more." She reassured.

"If you say so. I'm ready." Jennie said.

(During the purifying process, Alya, Nora, Angelica and Kagami burst into the room. Nora was especially angry with the rest apologizing profusely behind her.)

"Nora! We've apologized consecutively! We didn't mean it alright! We said sorry!" Angelica said.

"How can you just walk into our conversation like that? Knowing fully well that it was a private conversation!" Nora yelled still mad.

"HEY! Can't you see I'm busy here?!" Mari yelled in annoyance, unable to focus on her task at hand.

"Sorry. But, can you tell Nora to not be mad at us anymore?" Kagami begged almost in tears.

"Wait a bit. Calm her down for now. I'm still purifying Jennie. I'm almost done and I have to understand the situation first without taking sides unknowingly." Marinette reasoned sensibly.

"Sure. Thanks." Alya, Kagami, and Angelica replied gratefully.

"Don't get involved Marinette. This is not your matter!" Nora yelled in anger.

"What more do you want??? We've apologized again and again all the way from the school's garden till here. The distance is almost three miles and you're still mad! What is wrong with you? I did the thing I despised the most. I apologized when it wasn't even that big of a deal. I APOLOGIZED!!!" Alya yelled extremely fed up with Nora's attitude.

"Well, you wouldn't have to apologize if you didn't barge into our conversation!!!!" Nora retorted.

"You both calm down please." Kagami pleaded desperately.

"What were you both even discussing that we couldn't hear?! You know what? I'm out of here and no one should think of following me!" Alya shouted extremely furious, leaving the scene angrily.

(Meanwhile, Mari finished cleansing Jennie a while ago and understood the situation from their arguement. However she knew that following Alya would only make her more furious. She was anxious and didn't know what to do as it had been a really long time since Alya got this angry.

The boys came in witnessing some of the chaos, Adrien sat by Mari comforting her while Nino sat alone in a daze.)

(Yan sat by Kagami and Angelica trying to know the full situation and Henry went to Nora's side to ask about the argument.)

"Was it because of our discussion this happened?" Henry asked.

"Yeah. I didn't know it'll escalate to this point." Nora said feeling guilty after calming down a bit.

"Oh. I understand. I'd also be mad if I was the one in the situation." Henry said. "However, it shouldn't have led to this. Something's wrong."

"Don't worry about that. I know Alya the best. She'd come around after at most 3 days." Leo said trying to convince everyone, himself included. "And.... Why are Jennie and Chloe in a deep sleep?" He asked confused.

"Oh. That's right. I just purified them before the situation exploded out of hand." Marinette said trying to force a smile.

"We have magic class now. Let's go. I'm sure Alya will come around. Lets leave Chloe and Jennie to rest. I'll tell the teacher and take a leave of absence for them." Luka said trying to deviate everyone's attention from the serious issue on hand.

***Two weeks later***

After the incident, contradictory to everyone's expectations, Alya didn't come around and instead became worse. Leo, worried about everyone tried to talk her out of it but to no avail. And instead, got seriously injured by Alya. Marinette became very pale, haggard and weak. Adrien was slightly better than her. However, Nino's condition was the worst among everyone's followed by Marinette. Even Juleka and Yan who were usually calm and cheerful were in a state of depression. Luka, extremely worried about his twin sister's and all his friends' conditions tried to persevere to attend to all their needs while in search of a suitable donor for Leo.

Unknown to him or anyone else, Jennie decided to go donate blood for Leo.

**In the infirmary**

"Nurse P!" Jennie shouted in urgency. "I heard Leo's about to be given up on?! That can't happen! I'm here to donate. We can't wait any longer. Every delayed second spells danger for Leo. And please, don't let anyone know I came here to donate or that I even passed by this infirmary today." Jennie pleaded in desperation.

"I'm sorry. I can't do that." Nurse P said.

"Do you know who I am?! I can get the principal to get rid of you with a word!" Jennie said in a panic.

"I know. But, I'm sure Sabine won't do that."

"You're right. Please. Please. PLEASE! Just do this for me. I'm begging you!" Jennie plead crying.

Seeing the high and mighty but cheerful Juleka crying pitifully in front of her for her friend made the nurse change her mind.

"Alright. Stop crying. I'll do it. Make sure no one knows about this."

"Thank you. Thank you so much." Jennie said while gasping for air. "Oh. Please keep it from Leo too." She asked.

"Whatever." Nurse P said while transferring the blood needed to Leo. "It's done. You can go now. Hide for a while before coming back to school."

"Alright. Thanks. See you." Jennie said going out and leaping from top to roof avoiding people's line of sight.

**2 hours later**

To Nurse P's surprise, Leo 'woke up'.

"I'm leaving. Thanks for the care. I've confirmed something too. Keep it a secret for now. See you later when I'm in good health!" Leo said smiling and leaving.

"Crazy people. At least rest for a while. It won't hurt anyone." Nurse P muttered to herself.

(With Leo)

"Foolish girl. I heard everything." Leo said and sighed. "You think I won't know? Dream on. Just wait and let me find you. If you pass out, I won't forgive you." Leo said to himself running into the forest behind the school.

{Howl!} A cub run to him pulling his pants.

"Wolf cub? What are you doing here? It's dangerous. Go back" Leo said sighing.

{Howl!} He howled again. 'Oh stupid human! Another human is bleeding profusely and youre telling me to go back? Do you want her to die?' He thought to himself still dragging Leo by his pants with his teeth.

"What? She's dying?? She just donated blood. Why is she dying??' Leo easily read the Cub's mind and asked in shock.

{You can hear me?} It asked while howling in surprise.

"Of course. Let's go! Where's she?? Quickly lead the way!" Leo urged.

{Let's go. This way} He said running quickly towards his pack.

They got to the wolf pack and there was Jennie covered in blood shocking Leo.

"What happened?!" Leo asked raising his voice.

"We don't know. She had several cuts on her arms and legs when she got here. Then, she started bleeding profusely. Especially from her neck." The Alpha said explaining the situation.

"Aishhhh!" Leo said to restrain himself from swearing. "You guys, please go get some bunnies for me and some foxes. I'll stop the bleeding." Leo said.

[Author: I'm sorry to all bunny lovers, including myself. It was needed.]

"Alright." The Alpha said and the pack went to hunt while the Wolf cub stayed with Leo.

While the pack was busy, Leo also wasn't idle. He healed her small cuts and bruises while sucking out the poison from her blood through the wound on her neck.

"Ugh! It's bitter! You idiot! Why did you run to the dangerous part of all places?" Leo exclaimed pinching her nose in distress.

Later, the pack returned with their spoils of war. Leo extracted their nutrients and fed them to Jennie while leaving some for the pack. After Jennie woke up, they took some kills and prepared to leave the forest.

"Thank you so much. Especially you cub. You're our benefactor. See you later if we meet again." Jennie said gratefully.

"Let's go. Do you want me to die before you decide to leave?" Leo said to Jennie playfully.

"Sorry.. I didn't mean to get this badly injured." Jennie said guilty.

"It's alright. Let's just go. Don't do this again. You might not be this lucky. Don't make everyone worry too much." Leo said and they left.