Chapter 32 - Ch 32

System, open 9 mid-tier Gacha tickets.

[ Magu Magu no mi,  Yuki Yuki no mi, Tracing (Magecraft),  Armament Haki,  pyrokinesis (ESP), Fujitsu, Creation (magical ability), EMS ( Ametarasu, Kagutsuchi), Amenotejikara]

Okay, these are some ...rewards, mostly elemental ones, nothing interesting. I ate the devil fruits, I can feel the powers of Rennigan along with EMS.

Okay, now then, hey system, if I eat chakra fruit I got from gacha, will I awaken devil fruits too?

[ Yes, host. It is recommended to transform into a dragon since it will take a toll on the body. After you rest a little, everything will be back to normal]

I transformed into my dragon form, eating the chakra fruit. I can feel the rise in my powers, even the magic circuits are upgrading at a rapid pace.

My soul is upgrading too, I can feel it. 

I felt another pair of dragon wings, as magma spread across my chest although it feels like a soothing feeling.  My body size Increased even more but I got more slender? I don't know but I can feel more light. I looked at myself with 360° view, holy shit!! I like myself even more now. I'm going to keep this form, even if I got an upgrade in the future. I let out a huge roar

"ROAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRR!!!" Akane(dragon form)

I felt drowsy after that. It is really taxing but not in a sense of physical but mental. I need to re-evaluate my powers.

I took a nap on earth only to notice, that I'm huge super huge! Even the ten tails look like a sapling to me and my Titan form will look cute in front of my dragon form.

Laying down, I set a vector field and infinity field around the moon and earth active while also keeping any space and time abilities nullified within the Celestial bodies. I love infinity

Then, I took a nap right before summoning Garaga if anything happens to me. No one can enter this place anyway. 

Timeskip-16 years

"Yawn~" Akane woke up, only to see herself Naked on the ground, while a huge snake surrounding it. 

Akane " Whaaa? Right, I fell into a deep sleep. I really never slept that comfortably. Hmm?  Garaga is that you? Why do you look constipated? "

Garaga " ye...yes "

Garaga is not maintaining eye contact with me, I narrowed my eyes at him seeing him cover in fear.

Akane" what happened Garaga, why are you covering in so much fear that you could die at any moment? "

He was crushed to the ground, huh? Did I do that? I saw through his eyes .. oh, so that's why. This aura must be from my dragon form, it is truly incredible. There is also a feeling of the divine coming from me.

I looked at my system screen, and with a snap of my fingers, a red Cape formed on my back surrounding me and a black dress formed over my naked body.

I healed Garaga and controlled my aura to not crush him anymore, while I looked at my status screen.

[Barrier  reached full potential,  Vector Manipulation cursed Technique combined with Vector Manipulation (ESP) and evolved to Vector (authority), All Ice, frost and snow  related abilities combined and evolved to Ice (Authority),  Pyrokenesis(ESP)  and all Fire, heat and sun related abilities combined and evolved to Fire (authority), All lightning powers combined and evolved into lightning (Authority), All wood and Nature related abilities including C-moon combined and evolved into Nature (Authority), All Earth,  metal, and Solid Celestial body related abilities combined and evolved into Earth(Authority),  excess creation abilities combined into Creation(Authority),  Observation Haki evolved to Clairvoyance, Armament Haki evolved to Absolute Spirit, Magic circuits evolved to Divine core of Life Goddess,  Dragon magic core evolved to Dragon God Magic core, Magic core evolved to Magic crystal, Predator/Gluttony (unique skill) evolved to Devour God Azatoth (Ultimate skill), Toxic blood evolved to Blood of death, Eye of Dharma Awakened, Eye of Dharma,Rennigan , Tenseigan, Sharingan , Renni-sharingan and Byakugan dojutsus combined with Clairvoyance(evolved observation haki), Mystic eyes, six eyes evolved into 'Origin Eye', cleave and dismantle evolved to Annhilation]

Hey system, so all common abilities like Devil fruits, cursed Techniques, stands and chakra natures etc combined to form these authorities, ain't that correct?

[ Yes]

Okay ..... I became godly powerful, I'll give that ...but what does authority do?

[ Authority as it states are concepts you have Absolute authority over. The concept you have authority over will bend to your will on the scale of existence and concept, you can erase that concept, destroy that concept, create that concept out of nothing, manipulate that concept, the concept will also not harm you in any way or form even if it is from others. You can erase the concept if you wish to or introduce the concept. As long as a concept exists at any given point of time or even the idea of a concept exists in any plane in infinity, host won't cease to exist by anything and everything.

Currently, host have authority over Fire, Earth, Lightning, Ice,  Nature, creation  and Vectors ]

Okay, I really ascended into a Godhood. Now then, I know what Clairvoyance does but what does Absolute Spirit does?

[ Absolute spirit: does not let any and all harm come to Host's spirit or soul, host spirit can't be damaged by anything, even if it is erased, the casualty will bend itself to form the spirit again]

Nice, next explain to me about Magic crystal which I'm sure must have evolved from the Harry Potter universe magic core.

[ Magic crystal: Purest quality of Magic and the magic produced is powerful enough to be called omnipotent, Perfect control over Magic which gives rise to an ability to cast spells without wand, any magical spell can be cast with zero incantations with just a thought ]

Explain the Divine core of Life goddess and Dragon God core

[ Divine core of Life Goddess: Due to the Chakra fruit's Nature, host has gained 'Life' divinity, Host can affect life as you wish, you can end it, give it and maintain it. Host can bless others with life making them healthy or even curse others making their life a living hell. The more followers host has, the more the divinity, which can transform into authority with enough faith energy from the followers, however, the required amount is Immense. Other than that the core will not let any and all kinds of mental and body control from others. Generates Tremendous amounts of Magical energy infinitely, maintains a fit body no matter the number of calories consumed, immortality and eternal youth. Host is now a being purely made out of Divinity]

[ Dragon God core: The Top predatory species, any and all kinds of prey and predators will lose hope of living in your presence even when you are mildly displeased. Generates Tremendous amounts of Magical energy and all of the dragons or related species will be under your control if you wish so .]

Hmm, I like these. The Dragon God core explains the behaviour of this snake. Now, then explain the Devour God, Azatoth.

[ Devour god, Azatoth: A skill that can devour even concepts  and souls negating all the durability or even anti-devouring skills, host can recreate the skills, life, body and concepts devoured, the recreations are loyal to host, ability to copy any skill at a glance with just a look if host is capable of it ]

{A.N: This skill is not on par with Authority}

Explain Annihilation

[Annihilation: An ability that cuts  through casualty, fate, life ]

Alright, it is good, I guess. Explain the Origin eye

[ Origin eye: Eyes that see the Absolute truth and everything of the multiple Realities like physical, metaphysical, conceptual, dimensional etc host can view past, present and future, passively grants Absolutely impeccable sight and 360° view around the host. Origin eyes also grant control and power over Space, Time, and four fundamental forces, life, death and illusions. The Origin eyes can give a connection between host and  akashic records]

This is impressive. Hey, system, I know this is impossible but what if... someone you know stole my eyes?

{A.N: That's why I hate Eye powers in most shows}

[ Host, Origin eyes are not something anyone can have even the Godly beings of Multiverses,  another thing is origin eyes are very part of your essence. They are not physical but part of your soul, host also should remember that you are not a human anymore, God's body and spirit are combined into one and don't function like humans]

I guess that is a good thing. Hmm, hey system if I eat the chakra fruits will my abilities further evolve?

[ No host, the chakra fruit you ate is Special.  Your abilities are grouped and evolved due to your subconscious desires, the evolved abilities transcended reality itself, this is only possible due to this special fruit and these kinds of fruits can be counted in fingers. The one you planted will merely make your already existing abilities powerful but won't evolve, unlike the one you got from the system. The chances of getting this kind of fruit are borderline impossible]

I see, it's fine though. I am immensely powerful due to it. Now, it is time to Practice these new powers and control my aura, I can Practically feel my own divinity due to it being in infinity.

Akane" Garaga"

Garaga" Y..Ye..Yes , y..your h..high..ness"

Akane" Sigh~ I forget the dragon core effect.  I will put you to sleep, while I train  "

I sent him back to my personal dimension. I gained other minor Abilities like size Manipulation, potential force Manipulation, and a timeless pocket dimension. Of course, I can create time there due to my new origin eyes and authority but I need to control my new powers.

Akane " Oh~ , How much I love being such a broken Overpowered character~"