"What do you want me to do?" Gongze Yu downed a glass of alcohol, his face full of agony.
"Either give up, or stop at nothing to get her!" In short, you need to be ruthless!
"I can't give up." Loving Bai Xue is the most important part of his life. Giving up his love for her would be equivalent to stripping his heart from him, could he continue to live like that?
"Then stop at nothing to get her!"
"Stop at nothing?" Gongze Yu took a sip of his drink, pondering over these four words.
"If their marriage is filled with love and affection, then you should simply give up. But if it's not, why should you be a gentleman?" Meng Tuo knew Gongze Yu was not a gentleman, yet he didn't understand why he was so indecisive on this matter.