Upon hearing the old man's words, both the store owner and salesman were stunned, they themselves didn't know that there were words on the Lovesick Jade Pillow.
The owner and salesman exchanged a glance, after a moment's pondering, and then spoke firmly to the old man, "Alright, let's take a look. If there are no words, it'll prove you're making wild claims, and you must leave my shop immediately."
The old man hesitated for a moment before speaking, "If it is authentic, it definitely has words. However, if it is a imitation, words might not be present."
The old man was just speaking the truth, but the owner was enraged, wanting to lash out fiercely at this nosy elderly man.
Because of what the old man said, he had no way out. If there were words, it means the old man was right, this item really is an ominous object; If there weren't, it means his merchandise is a imitation, and he was deceiving customers earlier.