Having gone through his lists of new magic, Mikeal moved on to assessing the new skills he had gained. He jumped over the new slot that had been added, titled UNIQUE MAGIC and moved on to his inherent skills.
Same as his magic, Mikeal has had a lot of additions to his inherent skills.
Four new skills which are; |[Flame Supreme]||[Lord Of Shadows]||[Conqurer Of Earth]||[Martial Supreme Blessing]|
One of his skills titled Blessing of the Druid had evolved into Driud law and is now categorized under UNIQUE MAGIC.
'Is it okay for a single mage to have this many inherent skills?'. Mikeal mused.
He did not think it was normal for a mage to possess this many inherent skills as well as magic. He was also surprised to see that an inherent skill can evolve to become unique magic.