"Is this!!...".
"An Oasis, my lord". Elder Burke relayed on his behalf.
"How can this be!". Mikeal exclaimed, perplexed to see a body of glistening water flowing at the very centre of the forest he had created.
Mikeal racked through his brain, scrolling through his memories and not once did he remember having power over water. Or a water-based magic.
|[Mikeal Emedia]|
|Years In Use:
|[Divine Tree]|
|[Druid Magic]||[Flame Magic]||[Shadow Magic]||[Earth Magic]||[Enhancement Configuration]|
|[Second Class Mage]|
|Unique Magic:
|[Magic Bestow]||[Resonance]||[Druid Law]|
|Inherent Skill:
|[ Synthesize]||[Flame Supreme]||[Lord Of Shadows]||[Conqurer Of Earth]||[Martial Supreme Blessing]|
|Extra Skill: