Chereads / black stone / Chapter 1 - inception

black stone

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Chapter 1 - inception


刚在外面散步回到家,西蒙看着正在做饭的女朋友,歉意地摇了摇头.他的女朋友既没有失望,也没有表现出太大的情绪波动,似乎找不到工作是一件完全正常的事情.西蒙尽量避免言语交流,害怕每天晚上睡在他身边的女人会注意到他的异常.女友拿着一个略微变形的煎锅,走到摇摇晃晃的木桌前,在一盘肉末上放了一个煎蛋,然后坐了下来."不要想太多.我还有一些钱.也许你明天就能找到工作.咱们先吃饭吧!西蒙点了点头,开始享受这顿不那么开胃的晚餐.叉子刺穿了略微凝固的鸡蛋外层,浓稠的蛋黄像天然调味料或某种酱汁一样流淌在碎肉上,使肉更具吸引力.他一边吃饭一边机械地吃着食物.他机械地吃着他的食物,而他的脑子里却被其他想法占据了.他穿越了,他不知道科学原理或任何其他原因,但他确实穿越了.在穿越之前,他做过各种工作——快递员,保险推销员,服务员,半厨师...在穿越之前的三十年里,他做过许多不起眼的工作.三十岁以后,发生了重大变化.在穿越之前的三十年里,他做过许多不起眼的工作.三十岁以后,发生了重大变化.在他后来的叙述中,他在前三十年积累了经验,然后成功来得又厚又快.他雄辩的演讲使法官感动...然后,当他第一次睡在那个狭窄的房间里,打算写一本关于他传奇人生的自传时,他飘进了一个梦境,然后穿越了过去.有一次他旅行,他出现在这所房子里.尸体的主人名叫西蒙,但这是一个与他的"前世"完全不同的世界,没有任何联系.除了女朋友,他一无所有.现在,他就像最大的社会失败者,靠女朋友为生.除了晚上帮女友解决一些问题,他就像个寄生虫.这几天,他一直以找工作为借口闲逛.这个世界给了他一种莫名的新鲜感.感觉就像 1940 年代或 1950 年代,或者可能是 1960 年代.这项技术不是很先进,但它正处于技术爆炸之中.无数的产品不断出现在大众面前,让人觉得钱无处不在,只等着他去捡.他的血液微微沸腾,他的心变得坚强而旺盛,在内心深处,有一种渴望.他确信他穿越是有原因的.也许,有什么东西把我带到了这里,把我的传奇留在了这个地方!"去烧点水;我们今天要去洗澡..."他的女朋友一边收拾碗筷一边吩咐道.西蒙点了点头,站起身来,朝旁边的洗手间走去,随口问道:"我们昨天不是刚洗过澡吗?在他旅行的这段时间里,他观察到他和他的女朋友对他们的生活有一个非常明确的计划,而不是完全困惑.现在的天气不太热也不太冷,如果他不进行剧烈的体育锻炼,出汗就不太常见了.所以没有必要每天洗澡.这并不是说人们不想每天清洁自己的身体;只是换衣服和热水是费用.有钱人不在乎这些小开支.他们甚至可能在家中安装锅炉以提供供暖系统,并随时购买洗衣机洗衣服.然而,对于穷人来说,这些都是不必要和负担不起的开支.因此,他们的生活必须变得有规律.他们一丝不苟地计算每一笔开支,坚持纪律严明的僧侣生活,节省每一分钱.这就是他们的生活.不是因为他们想这样做,而是因为贫穷.西蒙的女朋友转向水槽,打开阀门冲洗碗碟."午夜过后,我们的热水将被切断,直到我们下周再次付款.这样,我们可以节省一些.Simon耸了耸肩.他走进淋浴间,打开阀门,让冷水在他面前流出,热气腾腾的水从管道中流出.洗完澡后,两人躺在狭窄的床上,很快就睡着了.西蒙的女朋友在一家超市当收银员,每天工作十个小时,包括一个小时的休息时间.她经常从超市购买过期或即将过期的食品或廉价家居用品,这就是为什么他们只需要一个人工作就可以管理的原因.他们一起上高中,无法进入大学.西蒙当了一段时间的工人,但因为工作太累而放弃了.他的女朋友凯瑟琳(Catherine)在超市找到了这份工作,并一直保持着这份工作.这是一个典型的失败者家庭.西蒙和凯瑟琳都不知道这种生活能持续多久.也许他们可以坚持到进入婚姻殿堂的那一天,然后继续勉强维持余生.但它也可能因为某种突然的情绪爆发而随时结束,结束脆弱的关系.第二天一大早,西蒙梳洗了一会儿后,凯瑟琳已经离开了.桌子上还剩下一盒麦片和一瓶牛奶.他走到橱柜前,把牛奶倒进平底锅里加热.瞥了一眼到期日,不出所料,它已经逾期两天了.牛奶将直接在超市处理.然而,许多超市员工愿意忍受长时间和低工资,只是为了得到这些免费的东西.The rich scent of milk was somewhat intoxicating. Simon was used to soaking things in hot milk, while Catherine and the others preferred to soak them directly and felt uncomfortable.After breakfast, he quickly tidied up his appearance and made his way to a street not far from where they were renting.He hadn't done anything in the last few days, but that didn't mean he was looking for work. He was thinking about where to get his first paycheck.Even though this world was completely different from the other one, there were some things that followed the same trajectory.For example, you know that in a hundred years, every inch of land under your feet will be valuable. For example, you know that the price of art is skyrocketing every year. For example, you know that...Everyone standing in Simon's current position feels ambitious because most people have their finger on the pulse of the future.But the problem is that most people's ambitions only stay ambitions. They won't materialize because the present is not the future and everything requires capital.Where does capital come from?It's not something that falls from the sky or floats with the flood. The truth is that many people, even if they had the opportunity to go back, still lack the ability to change their lives.Maybe some will, but it's limited. Maybe they'll buy a couple more houses and then, when they're old, stare blankly at twice the equity of their former children, which is different from what they had in mind in the first place.Some people are destined to dance with the wind and clouds, while others, even when given the chance, can't do anything about it.Obviously, Simon was the former. He had all the qualities; he succeeded. That was the decisive key.Standing, he stared at the laundry across the street for most of the morning and made some notes and drawings in his notebook. He was making his first pot of gold.As it neared noon, the number of pedestrians on the street began to dwindle, and two men in trench coats blocked their way. One of them reached into his trench coat and seemed to be holding something."Mr. Fox wants to see you, friend!"The two men didn't look like good people, but it was possible that Simon was overthinking it. Instead of showing fear in this moment, he had a smile on his face. "I've been waiting for you for days. What are you waiting for? Lead the way!