Three thousand Destroyers, after the previous battles and this final assault, less than two hundred remained, awaiting them was a force of nearly four hundred Elf Dragons.
With a two-to-one situation, these Destroyers no longer stood a chance.
The immense surge of energy not only demolished the Destroyers' line of defense but also swept through the side flank of the Yin Dragon Army, with the five terrorizing attacks emitted from the Cannon of Annihilation toppling over four hundred Yin Dragons. A large body sometimes is not a boon, at least, they didn't even have the chance to evade.
Without the support of the Destroyers, the aerial battlefield was still suppressed, but with the improvement on the ground, the situation in the air had also become much better than before.
This war was so breathtakingly intense, mirroring the emotions of Salina at the moment.