Chereads / All-rounder Artist / Chapter 51 - Chapter 48 Milk Tea_1

Chapter 51 - Chapter 48 Milk Tea_1

Lin Yuan was also aware of the success of "King of the Net", as newly promoted and Xia Fan had recently been discussing this book.

Especially Jian Yi.

While discussing the novel with Xia Fan, he didn't forget to take a jab at Lin Yuan: "Now you know the difficulty of being a supernova, right? Just focus on your work in the future. Don't think about making money by writing novels unless you can write novels as good as Chu Kuang's "King of the Net".

It seemed that Jian Yi and Xia Fan both accepted that Lin Yuan had failed to become a supernova.

After all, Lin Yuan never mentioned that he was "Chu Kuang".

Besides Jian Yi and Xia Fan, editor YangFeng would also regularly report to Lin Yuan about the performance of "King of the Net" and even seriously discussed with Lin Yuan about whether to expand the novel outline.


Lin Yuan refused very simply.

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