Chereads / All-rounder Artist / Chapter 244 - Chapter 228: 2 Short of a Producer_1

Chapter 244 - Chapter 228: 2 Short of a Producer_1

Web page viewing data is delayed, and only the online film department can see the real-time data in the background.

But looking at the real-time data displayed on Lu Hao's computer, many Penguin Video employees were doubting their eyesight.

A web movie titled "Flirting Scholar" had an astounding view count of one hundred thousand!

Exact view count: 100,467!

As internal employees, everyone was naturally aware of the inside scoop about this online movie just launched.

"Flirting Scholar" had a production budget of less than ten million, no publicity, no famous director, no well-known actors-

Otherwise, it would not be released online.

The only advantage of this film is probably that the scriptwriter Xian Yu is a celebrity?

But Xian Yu is not known for his scriptwriting, but for his composing, which might even deter some viewers.

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