The man who was beaten was called Wang Chengjun, the youngest cousin of Wang Chenglong, and a rare rascal in the Wanglou Brigade.
He had no involvement with good people, yet he wasn't rotten to the core either; he was just fond of drinking and lechery, and enjoyed mingling with married women.
It was said that he had been like this since childhood, immune to beatings and scoldings alike.
Wang Chengjun had a wife and child, but he was caught in an affair with a young widow whose husband had just died two years prior. He was nearly beaten to death by his whole family, and spent more than half a year bedridden with broken legs and arms before he could walk again, narrowly escaping being sent to the commune for re-education through labor.
After he recovered, Wang Chengjun behaved himself for two years, not that he had much choice, since everyone was watching him.