The weather did not affect the progress of the wedding; the Wang Family's close relatives could not excuse themselves and all had to attend.
Although everyone was quite averse to Wang Xinlai's household, it was all behind the scenes. On the surface, the proper address and interactions were still maintained; it was just that hearts were no longer exchanged.
Wang Xinlai's home had made decent preparations, with sunflower seeds, peanuts, and candies all displayed on the table.
Wang Lingzhi had specifically put on a new red shirt and pinned a wildflower to her temple, looking festive and joyous.
In contrast, the groom Mo Bai was a tall and thin-faced man, with delicate features and clear eyes, wearing a shirt that was white and pants that were black—only eighty percent new. It accentuated his slim figure, as if a gust of wind could carry him away.
However, Mo Bai's face did not show much joy.