The lives of the educated youth had gradually fallen into place, and the Wanglou Brigade was calm and peaceful.
The happiest event for the Lu Family was that Zhuangzhuang had begun to toddle. Propped up by his mother's arm, he could take a few steps on the ground, even though his legs were always shaking as if he were about to fall.
This was progress!
"Mama, walk!" Zhuangzhuang pointed at the front door.
Feng Qingxue asked, "You want to go out, don't you, Zhuangzhuang?"
Zhuangzhuang nodded his little head, which had only a sparse layer of soft, yellow fuzz on it.
This was a sign of insufficient qi and blood.
Dundun and Xiongxiong's hair, on the other hand, was dark and thick. Of course, recently they had been brought by Xibao along with Guan Cheng and others to the barber to have their heads shaved into Little Baldies. It was said that Dundun got shaved obediently, whereas Xiongxiong cried his heart out, vying with Xibao when he was younger.