The oldest of the seven youths was a young man named Mo Bai, twenty-four years old; the youngest was Zhou Zhou, only sixteen. When Zhou Zhou listened to Wang Zhengguo's words, he nodded desperately and raised his hand, saying, "I'll be obedient, I'm very obedient!"
Wang Zhengguo turned his head and glanced at him, grunted affirmatively, "Good, you'll get food if you're obedient!"
Fair and clever girls always easily won the favor of the elderly.
Among the group of sent-down youths, Wang Zhengguo favored this girl named Zhou Zhou the most. When it was time to load luggage, while everyone else would just toss theirs on top without a second thought, she would first ask where to put it, how to place it so it wouldn't slip off, and in the end helped tidy up the scattered bags. When boarding the cart, she made sure everyone else was seated before she got on and ended up squished in the corner of the mule cart, pitifully prone to falling off.