A loud alarm echoed through the room, snapping them out of their thoughts.
Ariel shot to her feet, her hand moving quickly to materialize a white robe that shimmered as it appeared around her body.
Her expression darkened. "I don't like this feeling,"
Ra stood up right after, his senses sharp. He could feel the tremor through the floor, a deep rumble that told him everything he needed to know. The city was under attack.
Ariel quickly pressed a button on her desk.
The walls around them vibrated for a moment, and then multiple monitors flickered to life, displaying live footage of the city.
A huge, glowing red gate appeared in the center of the city. It pulsed with a strange light, making the air around it feel like it was bending.
From the gate, creatures began to pour out—devils in overwhelming numbers, surging like a massive wave.
The moment they set foot on the city's ground, the massacre began.