Chereads / reborn in highschool of the dead / Chapter 11 - Chapter 11 Time part 1

Chapter 11 - Chapter 11 Time part 1

As he was successful in the Close combat training he must now complete all of difficulty's Adam will only rely on iron sights

Few minutes later

Adam : hoooo…finally set myself some hard ware

As he goes down the list of firearms he bought

Adam : okay one m4a1 , One beretta m9 , One Pump Action Compact Black

Adam : and one m249 saw …I don't have to about the other two and four bottles of whisky once I'm done with all the bullshit training

Adam : don't know this is over kill aye a man's gotta have his needs!

As he was doing comedic Phrase

Adam : what should I start with hmmmm

He begins to pick which gun but which one ?

Adam : hmmmmmmmmmmmm....m4 is my pick


Suddenly four m4a1 magazines appeared on the table

Adam : neet ..


Notification : please choose difficulty







As he recalls about his confidence that got the best of him last training

Adam : oh yeah i got too cocky at that training

Adam : well whatever time to enjoy the beauty of life

(Slide , click)


As he loaded and cocked his m4a1 the sound of it put smile on his face as for meanwhile Umi however has not seen himesince he'd left the school

Tokanosu academy dormitory

right now Umi is trying to find where itsuki is (A.K.A Adam)

(Ding , dong)

Yosuke opens the door she was surprised to see a pretty girl at his door step

(Door opens)

Yosuke : what do you ..oh hey you your the same girl from class want to hang-

Umi : no but I'm trying to find yamada-senpai I've haven't seen him did you

Yusuke : senpai? isn't he the same age as you

Umi : yes but his personality seem different like he's mature

Yosuke : yeah I did notice it too also what's strange is that he didn't come back at the dorms

She was surprised about it not coming back to the dorms

Umi : eh!? He didn't come here!?

Yosuke : yeah I don't know where he is I think he left and the only place from here might be that town

As he gave her the tip of where he could be somewhere in the city

Yosuke : it might be possible he's in their but where he is living that's the question

Umi stood there gaze down and her hands grip in with motions of frustration

Umi : where are you …stupid

Within the time period that has past now in the training is ridiculously slow at the outside world and within

34 days

CQB Training

Difficulty : realism

As right now he has trained in the timeline of the training domain endlessly improving his skills and proficiency into the art of war

(Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!)

Adam : blind em buddy one !

Buddy one : throwing flash!


(Thud! Thud!)

(Thud! flash!)

Adam : shithead! take point and neutralize em!

Shithead takes point and begins takeing down few dummy's with ak74


Adam gives the next order

Adam : storm the room !

Three of his soldiers storm into the room killing five armed dummy's


Notification alert : twelve special forces soldier on the hunt final enemies



(Tick , tick , tick)


Warning : you must hid or fight decisions will be base one your action

As the timer counts down adam must act now and base on the warning he answer to his answer was obvious

Adam (thinking) : gotta act now

Adam : okay dumbass one and two strap claymores in blind areas

(Nod , nod)

(Step , step , step)

Adam : shithead , buddy one lay down heavy fire on em


Notification warning : special forces have entered the vicinity of the building

Adam : shit looks like they're here already get to position quickly now!

As he squads gets to position they wait quietly for one of the hostile special forces soldiers

Adam on his side check from his hiding spot around corner of the left and ride of the room

(Mutiple steps)

Adam (thinking) : shit how many ?

(Quick Peaks!)

He only took a quick pick only have counted they had six fully equipped with military equipment

The three on the left fight of the small room and the other three into the small corridor

Right now he is completely surrounded

Adam (thinking) : shit

Now he's only got to make a decision for himself and how will it go?

Adam : ….

(Grab , tick)

He grabs one flashbang and slowly put his finger into the pin

Thought the soldiers stopped for moment as they heard a noise coming at the exact same corner adams in

Adam : …

As the moment of silent hit at that moment he'd reacts immediately at that moment of advantage

Adam : !!

(Slip , click!)

Special forces soldier : !!!



The flagbang he threw was at the corridor and next action he did he used his m4 fires three burst at the wall


(Crumble! ,splatters!)

A couple rounds killed one soldier , second one wounded and third blinded from wooden fragments

(Step , step , step , step)

Adam runs towards the room and switch to a MOSSBERG 500 CRUISER 20G with a heat shield barrel


(Splatter! , thud!!)

The first soldier was that was blinded by wood fragments was killed as for the other one that's wounded he fires five rounds from its Glock 17

(Thud! Thud! Thud!)


The last two 9mm bullets landed by his right arm and right upper leg

Adam : motherfu….




Looked back for split second the soldiers that were blinded by the flashbang recovered he immediately jump toward behind the



Adam : gaaaah!


Adam : okay hold on

As bullets flys through the furniture he look at his wounds

Adam : seriously…mother..FUCKER!!


He takes out two M2 fragmentation grenades

(Slide , click , slide , click)

Adam : suck it bitch!



(Boom! , boom!)

Grenades claim three soldiers life and the rooms filled with dust

Adam : (coughing) ….oh Jesus


Adam : team status

(Gun fire background!)

(Explosion background!)

Buddy 1 : three alive and wounded.ugh including me , but suffered two casualties ..shithead one and two

Buddy 1 : they're using heavy surpressing fire!



Warning : you have two minutes and thirty four seconds!

Adam : mmmm!!

He had to think quickly in order to complete his final training he must attack from behind to flank em to were they don't see

End next chapter